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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Nice, mine for free, Windows Upgrade because I only just got my new laptop in November with XP. SO I get a free upgrade, wahoo! So 30th of this month?
  2. ^ Wrong, it is me, I think anyway . < Is sad because TEC 9 seems to be pissed off that I am a moderator. v Thinks TEC 9 should do some research before hassling Jared. TEC 9 - Not everything is done on the forums, I do a lot of behind the scenes work, lets put it that way. My reply to your PM should sort it out. Thanks.
  3. Well ASUS lied to me then, they said it's not out here until March. Grr. So are you saying the 30th of January?
  4. I find cheats boring to be honest. I find it harder to pass a game with cheats rather then without. So thats a no from me I afraid.
  5. Jared


    Update: Just finished all GTA2 content, only GTA London 1969 to go and the classics are complete. Update2: VC Artwork Page done now too.
  6. Just curious, but how? Hard to say, it just doesn't feel right.
  7. Okay, I added a poll and pinned this for now, lets see what we discover from this.
  8. Seeing as how we get some many requests for help with SA-MP I decided a dedicated topic would be best for it for now. If you need help with SA-MP please post here outlining the problem and what you have already done to try and fix it. The best place if not here is the SA-MP Forums on the mods official website, so check them out to. Thanks.
  9. Yeah, I wouldn't bother patching under any circumstances anymore mate, theres really no point to it.
  10. You can host your own IF you own a server yes.
  11. Jared


    Glad I am able to be helpful. Love the POTD fix, I was thinking more like this however (using your code and my originally design with some added code): http://www.thegtaplace.com/potd/viewpotdte...1137921436.jpeg Ah yeah. I made it like your layout now, cheers. Awesome, glad you liked it mate.
  12. How so is it not working? The download, the install, what?
  13. Ava: Nice, CSM ftw aye . Sig: Nice, but the text ruins the look and feel of them overall. Text needs to be smoother. Maybe a pixel font Member: Seems like an awesome person.
  14. ATTENTION Please, do not post any Paranormal topics. This includes topic such as "OMG BIGFOOT!!!" and "IS BIgfooT ReAL?" It has been proven such things do not exists, there are no files nor code in the game that is set to preform any of these apparent 'features' many people think are real. They are not, they are a bunch of lies, and your your own fool if you believe the allegations. Rockstar as well as modders and game explorers have said and proved such things do not exist in the game. Unless added through a modification of some kind. Any topics made on the subject from this period on will be locked straight away. Continued posting of the same thing after you have been told not to before will result in a warning. Glitches do happen, but you can't have a 50ft animal walking across auric tundra if it doesn't exist in the game files, same goes for UFO's and any other weird/odd and just plain stupid happening that just aren't possible. -Jared
  15. Err, no, Max Payne is owned and was developed by Rockstar Games .
  16. Try with the disk using the original CD and tell us how it goes. I would rather if we didn't know if you used a CD crack or not, not our business, and it just gives me a reason to lock the topic. So don't mention it again, thanks.
  17. You could just use cheats then check out Liberty City but not save...? Either way, use this topic, it seems to be more active. See if you can get your answer there.
  18. Ah, I see, sorry for that mistake then. No need to go silly about it though chris82 .
  19. Just re-install, thats the best bet.
  20. Nice to see some new Aussies showing up eddieeviva. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay. And watch out for Chris!
  21. Extreamly out-of-date topic. If you still require help (which I doubt) make a new topic. Thanks.
  22. Obviously never gonna get answered, read the readme. If problems persist, make a new topic. Locked.
  23. Might be better if you post them rather then have them as a download if possible.
  24. Pinned for an alternative to the downgrader.
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