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Everything posted by evabin2libertycity?

  1. that wud suck. nuff sed ur sig is way 2 big tilly!! 4 times now! 2 more to go that wud suck. nuff sed ur sig is way 2 big tilly!! 4 times now! 2 more to go
  2. we told u! a new guy! "ya but who" R* has to make a new guy! "ya but who" torento wudnt work. he is in the same game at the same time. they wuda mentioned he was his cuzin in the game if he was we told u! a new guy! "ya but who" R* has to make a new guy! "ya but who" ur sig is way too big tilly!!! 3 times now!
  3. ummm.........ok.........ur creepy. if u want paintball that bad, just get that game mission paintball. it comes with a gun (for the game not a paintball gun) ur sig is way too big tilly!!!!
  4. no! claude dates catelina through 1993 to 2002. then she dumps her. (her idea of dumping is killing. just look at the graves next to her house in san andreas. but claude survived) then claude goes through the adventure of gta3, then she kills catelina. theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, he starts dating maria. but i think he shoots maria after the end. if u listen to the ending creds, the very last part u hear maria talking horse shit like she always duz, then u hear a gunshot. then everything is quiet oh and the black guy is rather cj (no shit) or 8 ball tilly ur sig is way too big! can we please stay on topic!! u made me tell the like the whole friggen story!!!
  5. dont duble post malibue. its in the staunton island ammu-nation
  6. that one made me laugh. i stole a jumbo jet, did a barrel roll, jumped right out of it right before i flew into a tree that takes 5 minuts to appear,i was falling, i opened up the parachute witch magically appeared on my back, i flew down for about 5 seconds jumped off the chute, i wached it dissapear as i fell down, then i splattered on a sidewalk. as my camera manfloated up into the air whisle his lense turn white, i saw people gather round me and stare at me and talk about how much that wud hert. but thankfully i reappeared infront of a hospital felling perfect and let me tell ya! its not often u reappear infront of a hospital. normally the ambulence will come and pump ur chest for a minute and then u get up and go to work
  7. ya true. there are plenty of huntin games. R* just gotta go light on the blood and guts with the animals these where birds and fish. that sucks there gotta be land animals. and when u shot birdss, they wud dissapear. u cant see them fall or anything. EDIT:the gta animals suck cock. make better ones without too much gore. i hate all this shit about gta!!! this game is rated M!!! M stands 4 matchure! parents shud be getting blamed! not R*!!! dont let children that arent matchure and/or arent 18 or over 2 play the damn game or all the other M rated games damit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take a look in the vice city game guide that cums with the game. go to the very last page. look at the san andreas poster. check out the fine print underneath the EARBS rating. read it and weep dam lawyers!!!!!!
  8. that cheat IS the yazuca theme cheat. it makes asian dudes with kantanas appear and gives u a kantana. oh yeah! type that in and when u got the kantana, type the cheat again and it will be turned off but u still got the kantana.
  9. this is a very sad pathetic non-convincing pic. wen i first saw the radar i too thot it was a bowl. i thot the buildings where sticks of cheese. i thot the purple thing was jello. and the brown thing was rather a carrot or a chicken leg. and the black thing was a basket ball hoop..........? this is a cartoon pic. the only cartoon pics of gta are the box clip-art. i looked at this pic for like ever and saw that the people are sims. look at the way the girl is walking. there is just absolutely nothing convincing me and probably everyone els that this picture is from gta 4. nothing
  10. no cheat. get it on the pirates in mens pants ship right underneath the sail in las venturas. search SA weapon locations on google or sumthin to find more locations. at least try to find it and come 2 us wen ur hopeless
  11. oh man i thot sum1 told u that or u saw that sumwhere. and if he did it mite have been denise cuz shes a grove girl
  12. well that cud work out like his cousin is a rich radio host but tommys idea is better. if there was another mexican guy that we knew from a different gta, that wud work even better
  13. ya ok u win. but they shouldent make the blood affects too gorey with the animals if there are animals
  14. heh. ya lol like that 8 year old hoo stole his teachers car keys and drove home with her minivan! omg that killed me! his favorite game is gta! hopefully parents will be more caring and not let thier young kids play M rated games! well with this new animal feature it mite be rated AO. in carmogetin, there wasnt too much blood wen u hit animals. in gta there is gonna be puttles of animal blood. that wud suck 4 animals. they shudnt do that. not with animals. its funny with people. but for the animals they shud just make a red smear where the puncture is. no fountain of blood for little doggys :'( and also maybe a hunting system. kill bears and deers and bunnys and fox and birds, bring'em back to the hunting place, get money. lol my talk dudes! you (tommy vercety guy), me, and alex2247 have been chattin alot lately mostly alone in a cupple of topics Alex tommy me srry i had to
  15. oh yeah i remember that happening but i didnt know wut the hell was rong wtf???!! wen did this happen??? ur confused. and confusing
  16. well ya he might have different cousins. catelina was just wut came to mind. wut if he was cousins with some other mexican guy in the past gta games and the story hooks together with that. but who is the cousin....
  17. ya in lcs ppl tell him he is so skinny and needs to gain weight and afterwords in gta3 he's fat srry a little mistake. about phil, thats just an idea. i think it wud be interesting to play as a one armed person
  18. yes there should be animals! in the woods and desert. in the desert there shud be snakes and birds that make that annoying noise , lizards, jackles. and in the country, farm animals (u should be able 2 ride horses.) deers, grizzley bears. and in the sea, rare shark attacks. and of course, dogs and cats being walked and wen u rob a house, the noise meter goes up wen a dog barks in a house
  19. well if it is, its gotta be b4 gta3 cuz claud kills her. man she's phsyco. she killed ALMOST every one of her boyfrends. cj was lucky to get away without that crowbar up his ass and claud was just 2 strong. he shot her down while she wuz in a heli.
  20. hmmmm....... phil the one armed bandit from gta3 wud be cool. although u cudnt shoot double weapons...... wait i just thought about sumthin. phil the one armed bandit was in vice city. i just realized that! phil casidy got his arm blown off with tommy wen he was drunk in vice city. and he always loved the military. so 20 years later he joined the liberty city military! u think thats wut happend? man. looking at Toni Cipriani in gtaIII and comparing to lcs, he lost alot of weight.
  21. ya that wud make lots of less complaints about the gang wars. that wud be cool
  22. wut?!!!??? show pic or sumthin! i forgot wut that was can u tell me?
  23. NFS: most wanted The godfather True crime (new york city of course) Star wars: battle front 2 (my frend hypnotized me and now im hooked) and of course all the gta's
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