I ran GTA IV on a Pentium 4 and 768 MB RAM. It doesn't matter. The GPU will tell you if you can or can't run a game, the rest only influence how well you'll run it...
And FYI a Core Duo and 2GB RAM will run GTA IV at 5 - 20 FPS with the graphics to minimum AT BEST.
It's just CSS with CoD4 design why would it attract them back?
I liked the old CS mainly because it was simple, new CS looks... well like I said above.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Except for when... mmm no I don't play it, bummer Good poll tho.
Yeah you should thank the guy for stealing your s*it -.- I keed, your new PC is crap. Hope they catch the guy or insurance pays off...
Welcome back anyway.
PC. I occasionally play on friend's consoles (360, PS3, Wii, and an EyeFone if that counts) just to have a reason to bash the crappy exclusives they have...
Forza 4 sucks balls.