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Everything posted by chris82

  1. That card fucking sucks, and if he's buying a new pc, he should be able to spring for a decent card. And when you say "SA flies," you probably mean at a lower resolution with no Anti-Aliasing and Visual FX on low. I have an x1800GTO, it owns, and I can't wait until the GDDR4 x2000s are released, will rape even the mightiest 8800. And the majority of video cards are not pre-overclocked, and if they are, that doesn't necessarily make them better. I mean if you have SysTool and decent cooling then fuck the pre-overclocked cards.
  2. Still looks messed up in IE6 for me. But you know what I say about IE users. FUCK THEM
  3. Seriously, stop fighting you two.
  4. Yes. If you're a noob to 4chanery then please visit ED. And also, I leik /i/ b/c planning raids against Hal Turner is ftw. An Hero.
  5. Yes, give us the link. Betas never hurt anybody, in fact they give people a view of things to come and it's easier to find bugs because a wider range of people (more than 1) are accessing it.
  6. It's not boring. /b/ is full of funny things. And I also like 7chan's /b/.
  7. You can watch it, you can't buy it in a store though.
  8. Yes, and grapes=grape juice, but if you let them ferment then you can make wine.
  9. Here, here! BTW, enjoy this ecake because I can't give you one in real life. Also I hope you're viewing this image in Firefox because IE is racist to png transparencies.
  10. chris82

    Half-Life 2

    Yes, you can put HL2 on as many computers as you want, but can only log onto Steam on one PC at a time.
  11. Heh, that video's old but good, in my personal collection.
  12. Ugh... she is nasty. So...orange! Anyway Coke is better and always will be, plus they have delicious variations of the drink like Cherry Coke and Coke Vanilla. The vanilla and cherry varieties of Pepsi are disgusting at best.
  13. Ugh. No. Just, no, this movie is going to suck. I mean, a game where there's a scripted story involved, a movie isn't always bad, but The Sims, much like Animal Crossing, has no goal other than to do whatever you want, like it real life. Oh and The Sims (that is, the original PC game without expansions or add-ons, is the best-selling PC game of all time, with 16 million units. The best selling game of all time is Super Mario Brothers. for the NES.
  14. 300 is overrated. But it is ok. Best on there was The Hitcher, though I've been wanting to see 28 Weeks Later too.
  15. Don't insult the Chans, you obviously don't have experience there or you wouldn't be calling them gay.
  16. Didn't know you were THAT type of image host Chris. *runs to delete porn from ImageLodge account*
  17. Being that /b/ is unlocked...
  18. LOL I found this on 12chan's /b/. How to catch a pedophile:
  19. YEAH!!!! Here's an encyclopedic description of Internet Explorer:
  20. 4chan.org, but it's not for the faint of heart and if you're computer is in your room, lock your doors. kthx.
  21. Yay /b/ But there are so many /b/s. 2Chan 4Chan 7Chan 12Chan 420Chan EvilChan and even JackieChan and many more
  22. You could free roam and I think it's fairly like GTA, but there are minor things that sort of suck such as you can't jump. But there are good things that GTA doesn't have that I wouldn't mind seeing in GTAIV such as being able to put furniture in your mansion and actually buy cars that you could have driven to you when you want to drive it. It's not as good as GTA, but I can say it is better than Driver and Saints Row. I find it easy to kill off or give the gang trucks the slip, which is easy...because they hide in the same bushes. There is an aircraft, but you can't fly it yourself, which does suck, but just because you can't fly in a video game doesn't mean it sucks. If that's all that makes a game good, than games like Warhawk are the best games you could get. Yeah, I know, but it's still annoying! Can you fly in PaCman? No. But it is still a good game, no? I can't get this game my parent's won't allow me.. can someone make videos of each mission and turf battle and stuff and upload it on YouTube so I can watch it? 1. Let's see. Pacman. 1979. Scarface:TWIY. 2006. Now why should I be able to fly? 2. Here's what you do: a. Get money b. Go to the store and buy the game c. If your mom sees you playing it, tell her that just because you fell out of her, doesn't give her the right to fuck with you
  23. That game pisses me off, seriously, every fucking time you go to the fucking islands, gang trucks are always hiding in the SAME bush, waiting to shoot at you. And no aircraft.
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