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Everything posted by chris82

  1. What? The blue line is an artifact caused by Youtube-it doesn't appear in the high-res version. Basically there's no paranormal activity in SA so stop trying to tell people there is. And stop double posting FFS.
  2. ^lol But seriously, we're gonna debunk the hunted house and see if he shopped them. PC version, FRAPS. Download high-res here THAT IS PROOF!! I think you'll find that my video clearly supports the topic starter's viewpoint. JK. Also, notice to topic starter: GTFO. You fail. Even if it did only happen "every 30 days," or so, do you know how many people have played San Andreas simultaneously since its release? Don't you think that someone, somewhere would eventually get actual, non-grainy, non-shopped footage of paranormal stuff? Also, the game's code has been checked for paranormal instructions numerous times. No paranormal activity other than what me and Tilly mentioned, and those can even just be described as easter eggs.
  3. Basshunter (Swedish) Sub Dub Micromachine (German) I can't find any of their non-live good stuff on Youtube so here's a sample.
  4. Well I'd say anywhere from $50 to $80 for the system itself, depending on where you sell it. As for the games, you have some pretty recent and/or good ones, so I'd expect between $5 and $30 for each game, depending on the game, as well as the controller. So, IMO, if you sell it at the right place and do some research, you could probably get at least $100, probably more. Just call many different places (EB Games, GameStop, Walmart, Best Buy, etc...) and see what they'll offer...
  5. Ugh, nVidia sucks, get a 1900xt 512mb and you wont regret it.
  6. Merged, posts edited accordingly. Also, pretty good boxart, but what is the background in the far right section from?
  7. Ok, dude, I was gonna PM this to you, but fuck it. Stop insulting me. You see posts like this: are really tempting me to suspend you. You were warned for a reason. Stop insulting me. I mean, sure, the collage is about the person posting it, but that guy in the middle..it could have been a logo for a metal band or something...I don't automatically know that it's you. And Spaz is absolutely right, why does 800x700 matter? It's the graphics+writer's pad. Creativity. I'd like my collage to be 1:1. Ok, userbars are a set size because there are a lot of them. Affiliates are a set size because the 88x31 format is widely used and has been for many years, and it fits into a lot of website templates. Are YOU going to put these collages on a templated website where it must be that size to look correctly? It's constraints that matter in those types of things, just like why TV graphics have to be a set size etc.... I mean, I'm not out to get you, but Jesus, lighten up, will it really KILL you to have an 800x800 collage in your topic? If you think I'm out to get you, it's because you act like a fanboy, and start fights. Get over yourself.
  8. 1. I don't want Photoshop to "squeeze" my logos, and I don't want to crop it either. 2. How was I supposed to know that the person in all black (whose face you can't even see) is you?
  9. Eh, I'll post a pic of myself later and you can judge for yourself if you think 130lbs is too much. (Keep in mind I'm about 5'9'') Also, I'm eating Goldfish. Love Goldfish. Original flavor owns you.
  10. Screw that Sony should suddenly make a payment of $100 mill in September to get it released immediately, to make the market explode. Are you joking me, two years ago in their financial report they released it said the majority of their profits came from their blockbuster Spiderman 2, and with Spiderman 3 earning even more than that I think Sony couldn't possibly have more money right now, as long as they keep pumping out blockbusters Like Casino Royale and The Da Vinci code. Besides that even if Sony's gaming division went down, like Square Pictures, the parent company would come back and make FF7: Advent Children, having said that many forget when they draw comparisons, between the Dreamcast or the Saturn and the PS3 that Sega was only a Gaming company just as Nintendo is only a Gaming company, they don't make consumer electronics or own large record companies, or Movie Studios. So in REALITY Sony or the Playstation will never go the way the Dreamcast or Sega went, also it took Sega two failures to stop making consoles (not including the Sega 32X), so anyone drawing comparisons and saying Sony is gonna go down is a fool. Hmm...okay, yeah... Sony had a net income of about $1 billion in 2006. Microsoft had a net income of $12 billion in 2006. So, Sony is probably NOT going to pay Rockstar 1/10th of it's income to have the content. 1. Sony is a fucking shady company, friggin putting DRM on people's computers, having racist PSP ads, shitty batteries, fake movie reviewers, etc...they keep that kind of thing up and they'll be gone in no time 2. Well, gee, George, $12 billion vs. $1 billion, I think I'll take the company with a ton of more money. 3. Sony lost $500 million on the PS3 launch. The PS3 is killing Sony. 4. The Dreamcast died because it didn't play DVDs. If it did, I bet you that Sega would still be making consoles today.
  11. Snickers. I'm eating a cheeseburger and some chicken. Seriously, whenever we have fast food I'm like the fattest person in the world. I really only weigh about 130lbs.
  12. Hmmm, well, I suppose I'll let this topic go unlocked, but don't claim that Bigfoot/Yeti exists, it's false, there are also no ghosts of any kind. The only weird things in SA are: The aforementioned graveyard graffiti The disappearing telephone booth in the desert The bodybags in the desert The rolling damaged cars in Back O' Beyond
  13. chris82


    Nice attitude. Repost in introduction plzkthx.
  14. Because when he tried to go after The Sims for being too 'sexual,' they actually responded and basically threatened him, EA Games doesn't mess around.
  15. Impossible, we have the First Amendment here in the US, and the only real way to stop it were if it were rated AO. Jack Thompson doesn't care about the rest of the world. Besides, Jack Thompson is just a little attention whore. He's going after Halo 3 because he can't legally go after GTA anymore. Whatever, all I know is, he better not fuck with EA games, because he WILL go to jail then.
  16. Dude, no, don't say 'African-American' either, that's just as stupid. I mean, go to England. They're not American. Do you think they call black people ''African-American''? African-American is a presumptuous, stupid term. I don't support this guy's racism, but I don't support the word "African-American" either. "Black" is just fine. <3 the double-standard created by politically correct people. Um, that's not racist, nobody complained about racism when people made black person skins for Claude. What's racist is wanting to remove all black (and presumably Hispanic characters) from the game, repeatedly using a racial epithet, and creating a username after a WWII murderer. Oh and, no, I'm afraid there isn't a mod that turns every character white, although there is a mod that turns CJ white. Anywho I guess you're just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, as we don't condone racism here, so, we can't help you. And stop being racist for the banhammer, she's a commin'
  17. No, that's the Andromeda (sp?) He's referring to the AT-400, which can be found in the huge hanger in Las Venturas airport after you complete End of the Line.
  18. Things that piss me off: Old people Really little kids in vent/game people who are "gangsta" white people who try to imitate "gangstas" Jack Thompson Fanboys
  19. You have the 2.0 patch installed? When did you get the game, and does the case say "second edition" on it? If so, you need to downgrade your game to 1.0 and try again.
  20. PM is after dusk. I always thought of it like PM = post morning, AM = after midnight.
  21. Oh come on, you know I was being sarcastic.
  22. Yeah, but see, there are also citations in the Wikipedia article. You see, I also created this news article and this news article just to prove you wrong.
  23. Uh Wikipedia, do you use it? Basically when I make a claim, I try to back it up with information proving it to be true.
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