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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Do you install any mods? If so, delete them and try to play again. If that doesn't work, uninstall GTA:SA and reinstall it.
  2. Actually, unless you're a complete fucking retard and get IDE hard drives, you really don't have to worry about jumpers. Basically the motherboard manual has a diagram of the motherboard and where you plug all the wires coming out of the power supply. And I built my computer without static protection or anything. DON'T GET VISTA. IT SUCKS, IT'S FAILING, DON'T GET IT. Also, get 2GB of RAM. It's the perfect amount for today's applications and is the max Windows XP supports in dual-channel mode. What? That's stupid, sellers sometimes leave out important information and if the PC breaks, you'll be shit out of luck. Just build a PC, that way all your parts have guaranteed warranties and you'll know how to fix problems, replace parts, etc... Excuse me? The Conroe is one of the best gaming processors available right now. It saved Intel, and until the AMD K-10s are released, it's one of the best you can get.
  3. I agree. Moved But to Silberio:
  4. Don't forget video editing software. Some things to Google for that: Adobe Ulead Avid
  5. Ohio to Maryland. I like! Ohio to Toronto, Canada. Apparently, going across a lake penalizes my connection by about 200kbps or so.
  6. It's a nice tasting soda, but I'm the friggin chubby kid when it comes to drinking pop. I like Coke, Dr.Pepper, Sunkist, Cherry Coke, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Bawls, Vault, etc...
  7. Pretty nucking futs man, although I'd rather have developments in virtual reality first.
  8. Yes, that was the one. Ugh it's horrible. Oh and BTW, Avast AV blows, the only AV software ever worth buying is Kaspersky.
  9. That's how Rockstar works. Even though the story may be unrelated to previous games, those brands fucking win. I really hope to hear radio ads for America's Next Top Hooker. It looks funny.
  10. Dude...sofa king we todd ed...seriously.
  11. Eh, it's always cool to have a lot of money and hopefully in GTA4 if it's online, you'll be able to show it off and be like "Hey, fuck you, pal! I got $90000000 and you can't do shit!"
  12. Well Counter-Strike: Source uses Steam to connect to the internet. So you should be trying to launch it from a greenish application called Steam. Also, you may have CS 1.6 instead. CS:Source looks like this: CS 1.6 looks like this: Also having mods is allowed on most of the servers. The good ones, anyway. It depends on what sv_consistency is set to.
  13. Oh my god dude. Minimize all apps, press print screen, open ms-paint, hold down control and press V, save file, upload, post! Not hard. And WINDOWS XP FIELD OF DOOM FTW!
  14. Good good. The ball is now in Rockstar's court. But now he's going after Counter-Strike because he says it caused the Virginia Tech shootings.
  15. Yeah, ok. I totally believe you. Attention whore.
  16. wtfbbq? How old are you? He's 9, according to his profile. Ugh...I think I started a "too young to be playing GTA according to many people" trend by joining when I was only 11. Although it was probably actually Chrisman. And that's something else. Several people named Chris.
  17. As always, be sure to have a 6-pack of high-quality alcohol at the ready today!
  18. Sad story. Fucking people doing shit like this. Background checks should be enforced more for people obtaining guns and security guard presence should be raised.
  19. True. Blu-Ray is unnecessary garbage. Same with HD-DVD. Until game developers start making textures at the 8+ megapixel level, we don't need that shit.
  20. Blow my Whistle has been in my collection for a while. Techno and trance are both good genres, in addition to hard rock, of course, to listen to while playing CS. Anyone ever heard of "Bitches and Hos" by "Da Bootleggers"? Google the lyrics and you'll know why I like it.
  21. YOU CAN ENTER CHEAT CODES ACCORDING TO THE WEATHER CONDITION.IF IT IS DAY ENTER APLEASANTDAY IF IT IS FOGGY WEATHER LIKE THIS U CAN ENTER CHEATS AND PLAY THE GAME That's not helpful at all, he has an error with cheats and you're just spamming what the cheats do. And turn off caps lock. Not that hard dude. Anyway Ram try starting a new game and seeing if it crashes when you enter the cheat.
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