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Everything posted by chris82

  1. You Are Superman Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. And pretty cute too. No wonder you're the most popular superhero ever! What Superhero Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsuperheroareyouquiz/
  2. Like you can talk? Your DOA piece of shit can't even run Counter-Strike: Source. I bet his could run it better than you ever dreamed of. He gets, say, an nVidia 7600 or ATi x1800 and another 512mb of RAM and he'll be running CS:S, BF2, GTASA, etc...at all high with no problems. 9/10, pretty good deal man. EDIT: And TVG, you're probably one of those ignorant retards who think Intel makes the best processors. Right now are Conroes the best? Yes, but who wants to spend $1000 on a quad core that very few games are programmed to take advantage of? So besides those, any Athlon owns any Pentium 4. Why? Architecture. For example, the processor I'm going to buy is the AMD Athlon 4000+ which runs at 2.4GHz. My current processor, a Pentium 4, runs at 2.6GHz. Funny how the Athlon gives a performance boost worthy of heart attack.
  3. Congrats, guys. This really is a milestone, it's been such an amazing experience since I've joined and I hope to continue to be a part of this.
  4. Green 4GB iPod nano: Samsung 5MP digital camera: Money and gift cards which I shall turn into new computer parts, Gears of War, BF2142, an Xbox Live subscription, clothes, and movies: Family Guy Vol. 4: Oh yeah and I forgot to post what I got for my birthday on December 5th: Except for clothes, every single item I received requires or is electronic in some way.
  5. You Are 25 Years Old Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act? http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/
  6. Locked. BTW, stop harassing people because you don't like what they want to do in GTA. You won't win the argument with the whole "You're a virgin" thing because, really, does it matter in the end? Sure, the whole having kids thing, but when you're 70+ in a retirement home, do you think anyone's really going to give a rat's ass? There's nothing wrong with having sex before age 20, but don't you dare use it in an argument about hookers in a video game.
  7. I really don't know what to make of this anomaly. You claim that someone who purchased GTA twice and obviously likes the game wants to explore every feature of it, yet you blither him with arguments of "getting a life" and "not knowing how to spell words crucial to your argument like polygon." How about this: Get Firefox 2 and you don't have to worry about looking stupid in online forums. Anyway the V2 patch doesn't stop the prozzies from moaning or anything but make sure any mods or anything you have isn't preventing their sounds, and try to reinstall the game and make sure you do the hard drive install so it reads all audio from the hard drive. EDIT: And oh yes, by all means go and have relations with a hooker in real life rather than in GTA. I mean, it'll smell and be disgusting and the medley of diseases you'll get will probably make your life hell, but at least you can be referred to as "having a life" by a stranger.
  8. Your Famous Last Words Will Be: "I can pass this guy." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be? http://www.blogthings.com/whatwillyourfamouslastwordsbequiz/
  9. You Are 40% Weird Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howweirdareyouquiz/
  10. Go to GTA San Andreas/data/vehicles.dat (Open with Notepad) Find the line of the car or bike you want to edit and fuck with the last two sets of numbers in the row I believe.
  11. Merry Christmas, bitches!!!!11111
  12. Err...what's with the red houses. That to me looks exactly like an overheating graphics card. Do you know your temps? Since you have an ATi card, go here and enable temp. monitoring. Then start playing GTASA and when you have this problem, see what your temperature is. If it's over 60 Celsius, you need to get it cooled better. That's Celsius, not Fahrenheit mind you.
  13. Well congratufuckinglations Zoom. Because after a random member uses a php-scripted form to add one of their mods to our database, we like to randomly go in there, pull out a submission, and sign his email address up for spam. Think of it as being our one millonth customer. Look dude, you might get junkmail anywhere you put your email address on the web, especially in forums. That's because spambots can come onto any site and search it for email addresses, then take them and send them spam. But since the mod wasn't submitted and the bot couldn't possibly see it, you were probably just signing up for animal porn and they required an email address.
  14. GTA Awards Most Knowledgeable: Up in the air right now... Most Helpful Member: Skyline Best Stunter: Slayer General Awards: Most Respected Member: Chris Most Improved Member: Tommy Montana Best New Member: Ciaran Funniest Member: Spaz Most Intelligent Member: Gerard Best Signature: Spaz Weirdest Looks: mvi Most Annoying Member: samiam2 Best Graphics: mvi Best Writing: crazychicken17 Most Original Username: I Just Shot a Bear Most Active Member: Spaz Biggest Userbar Whore: Artur Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age: mvi
  15. *psst* Build a new PC. It's much cheaper than buying one and easier than you think. But yeah, not on legit disks. Downloading games from places like Kazaa and Limewire, etc... is pretty stupid. Not in the "illegal" sense, but in the "unsecure, unmonitored files" sense. Besides, get Kaspersky anti-virus and you don't have to worry about viruses.
  16. Ghandi wanted equality between Indians and whites, yet he still believed in India's caste system and referred to "untochables" as "Harijans."
  17. Pfft... Vice City font SanAn font GTA/GTA3 font But yeah, change the font in the logo and maybe to something with the logo's background like a filter or gradient and you'll be good. Nice design.
  18. The Wii's a piece of shit. If Rockstar released it on the Wii, I still would get the 360/PC versions because I don't want to drive cars by waving a remote around the room, having it fly out of my hands when I drive too fast, and having to buy a new TV.
  19. The chances of you dying on the way to get your lottery tickets is greater than your chances of winning.
  20. Hmm... 1. Try to do a system restore. 2. Reformat And in the future: -Use Firefox -Get virus protection (I recommend Kaspersky, way better than anything else out there)
  21. Make sure "Show Icons" is checked in your Dekstop options.
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