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Everything posted by chris82

  1. AND you'd need a mod chip for your PS2 to be able to even read custom DVDs. Just make it easy-get the PC version. It's sooo much better.
  2. Too bad games for Macs aren't sold anywhere. You actually think serious game developers port their shit to OS X? EA Doesn't Valve Doesn't Rockstar Doesn't [insert big developer here] Doesn't And most other people don't. OS X takes the cake for being the worst OS ever, and I sincerely mean that. The ONLY reason, and I do mean the ONLY reason that Apple created Boot Camp was so people could actually run games on the machine they payed $2000+ for. But I wouldn't worry about getting Vista either, MS is already working on it's successor, Windows 7. Hell, if Vista wasn't so bloated and it didn't enforce quality reduction on HighDef content because my monitor isn't approved for some HDCP/ICT bullshit, and, oh yeah, and if it didn't cost $400 for the good version, I might get it.
  3. Did they say if it's prerendered or not? Because if it isn't...damn.
  4. Delete gta_vc.set in your My Document>GTA Vice City User Files folder. Of course, you'll have to set your button/video configuration again.
  5. Not really, GTA made PS2 what it was, Xbox games sucked at it's initial release, the only one worth buying was Halo and even that wasn't the best FPS of its time, PS2 had an incredible library of games including GTA3. Xbox had everything it needed to be a good machine including the best hardware, built-in ethernet, and all the money in the world behind it for marketing and exclusivity purposes. But MS screwed it up and the Xbox just didn't have any games worth playing. 2004 was a good year for the Xbox and Microsoft did the 360 right. 1st generation games usually aren't top-quality on any system and the 360 isn't an exception but MS is setting it up for a golden future. Xbox trying to buy the spotlight? Of course, any good company would want GTA on its system. It's just a smart business move. Stealing the spotlight = capitalism and money makes the world go round. Soz...don't fucking diss a console because you like another one.
  6. You know what? You're a fucking fanboy. And you're wrong in just about everything you said. GTA games were originally on PC first and then ported to Playstation. Also Xbox didn't "make" Saint's Row, it was released for the 360 but it was developed by Volition, and published by THQ. (i.e. NOT MICROSOFT) Seriously, fanboy, what is wrong with the Xbox? Tell me that. Also, tell me is your mind-grudge against Xbox because you don't like the Xbox or because you don't like Microsoft. If the former, then get the fuck off of these forums because we don't have room for people who hate one system and are devoted to another. Face it, Ken Kutaragi could take a dump, put it in a box, and paste fancy buttons on it, and you'd easily pay $2000 for it. Why? Because you're a fan boy and even though you see nothing wrong with a particular system, you are completely devoted to one system (I'm guessing you have a PS3 fetish) so you're blind to the others. Go fuck yourself and have a nice day. And I agree, you should be able to make outgoing calls in GTA4.
  7. Bullshit, conspiracies are all bullshit, especially the retards who think 9/11 is a conspiracy. Don't you think people have better things to do than making everyone afraid all the time?
  8. It was Vic, looked exactly like him
  9. I already preordered it a month ago.
  10. I agree with Skyline, they do the exact same thing at GTAForums.
  11. Bye! And btw what's your Steam friends name soz I can own you? Skyline edit: NOODZ OF SAID GF OR SHENS!
  12. Gross symbols of excess ftw: And in case you're wondering, yes, my CJ/car are available for download in Photoshop format: Download
  13. Here's what I think of Anna Nicole Smith: oh, the world is in shock. Some fat fucking bitch who stuck a finger down her throat and got money for it from a diet pill company took one too many pills after brown-bagging it in the VIP room at a shanty Miami club. Not to mention she married some old dude for his money and killed him.
  14. Don't get 2.1, you can't mod it. Get the GTASA Admin console, it allows you to reset the cheat counter and do other things like lock your car doors, spawn any vehicle, etc...
  15. 'Nuff said about 2142 right there. You wanna charge $50 for a game and put spyware on my computer in the process? Suck a fat one. BTW it definitely is spyware, if they deliver ads based on what you do, they're tracking your information. Spyware. And EA is stupid. All they did was make some new maps, weapons, and a new game mode and charged $50 for it. And deep inside the code, 2142's vehicles are still the same. They just have different models. I love BF2 but 2142 is sofa king we todd ed man.
  16. Eh...the Wii is good for parties but the Wii sucks for regular gaming. Mouse/keyboard or gamepad is good, waving a remote around is not. At least not for GTA, Half-Life, BF2, GoW, Halo, etc... How the fuck are you gonna drive with a remote?
  17. Woah...Chris82 is not TOTALLY against Microsoft. And if he is, he has good reasons. Why Vista sucks: Extreme RAM hog Enforces DRM on high definition and high Kbps audio content if it can't find a license $400+ for the best version Different processor types on different disks, so if you have a 32-bit processor and buy Vista Home 32-bit, then upgrade to a 64-bit processor, you have to buy Vista again to see the speed Nags the fuck out of you with security warnings Useless shit like gadgets, seriously I don't fucking need an analog clock taking up the left side of my screen when I have a digital one in the bottom right corner Has to emulate DirectX 9 if you have a DirectX 10 card, so your DX9 games (any game made between 2003-2007) perform even worse Wants to integrate Xbox-Live-like functionality for PC like Friends, gamer cards, etc...Hmmm...if only there were already something that did this... Vista is shitty at the moment, until teh 1337 haxz0rz have their way with it, fuck it. But yeah, I'm not against MS, I still use Windows XP, MS Word/Powerpoint, and Xbox 360.
  18. Post your specs and I'll tell you. Mine are: AMD Athlon 4000+ 2.4GHz ATi Radeon x1800GTO 1GB PC3200 RAM And I run GTASA at these settings: Very High Visual FX Full Draw Distance 3x Anti-Aliasing Mip-mapping 1280x1024x32 And it looks like this:
  19. The 2nd generation Nano is thinner and has a brighter screen, plus more battery life.
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