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Everything posted by chris82

  1. There's no game title and I'm a cheater, eh? Well, anyway, I'll take my chances and guess Serious Sam 2?
  2. Mafia. They could extend the story arc of Tommy Vercetti wonderfully in a Vice City based game. Also, the Mafia doesn't suck. The Mafia actually does a better job of what "gangbangers" do and they do it looking better. The Mafia makes more money, has more guns, more members, and looks better than all of the little local gangs combined.
  3. Ugh...I think the PS2 port of LCS was a bad idea all around. I know that it will let people who didn't buy a PSP play it, but honestly, I don't think it'll sell well. If Rockstar actually added features such as aircraft and better graphics, and keeping multiplayer support, the game might do better. But instead, Rockstar added nothing and have wasted time porting this game, when they could have been working more on GTA4 and GTA Vice City Stories.
  4. Word. There are already many western games, including Gun and Red Dead Revolver. Any GTA game before the 60s would suck.
  5. Discussion about this is fine. Nothing illegal about downgrading firmware. I don't think. It doesn't matter, you bought the PSP, it's okay. Anyway, there is now downgrade for the 2.7 yet, as Chrisman said, so you'll have to wait until one is released.
  6. Burger King and Dairy Queen's son shown here.
  7. Yeah you could do it. But for GTA3 is a mod in our database that allows you to drive to ghost town. I imagine you could also use it to get to the observatory.
  8. Jeez dude. The only times I've been to the hospital for injuries is when I broke my left arm when I was five and getting stitches for the aforementioned scar.
  9. chris82

    Halo 3

    Well the didn't say it was the last Halo. They said "Finish the Fight" and that this would be the last in the Halo trilogy story arc. They'll probably start a whole new story in the Halo universe with Halo 4, like Rockstar is doing with GTA4.
  10. Damn dude. Then again, I can't talk, I have a big scar on my forehead from falling when I was younger.
  11. I can't download anything over 20mb when I'm at school. Account daily limits. But it does look awesome, I'll give it a try on my laptop. I already use Office 2003, so I hope this lives up to the hype.
  12. Yeah, try lowering your rates some more, maybe 7500. If you still get problems, try a Steam support ticket. I've never seen this problem persist after fixing rates. Pretty weird.
  13. You're allowed to do whatever you want with your console. It's yours and you can mess with it all you want. If you try to change something in the server, like say, or the console would request the admin RCON password, but that wouldn't get you banned. Think of the console as a way for you to access your best advanced options. There are some cheats you can enter, but they only work when is set to 1, which can only be done by an admin.Choke and loss are very different. Loss is worse because you are actually losing packets of information sent to you, causing you to lag and giving you a disadvantage. Choke is..well...literally the camera/view choking. That is not bad because you don't lose information, but it occurs when too much is going on at once. You'll know when it occurs because your FPS drops a little. But it doesn't really affect gameplay. Ignore it.
  14. No. It's not a performance issue. It's something to do with the internet. Start CSS, click Options, click Keyboard, and click Advanced. Check the box next to "Enable Developer Console (~)" and click ok. Get out of the options and connect to a server. Open up the conole by pressing the `~ key (Below Escape) and type in net_graph 3 Press Enter and keep watching that while playing. It's ok if you get Choke, but you need to see how much loss you're getting. Net_graph shows your true ping; the scoreboard's is not accurate. If you get a lot of loss, open up console and type rate 20000 cl_cmdrate 50 cl_updaterate 50 Don't forget to press enter after each of those lines If that doesn't work, it's something with your connection outside of CSS, possibly a setting.
  15. No it isn't hard to control a helicopter on the PSP. ...
  16. Nah. Here's how you fix it: Right-click on the Steam taskbar icon and click Settings. Go to internet and click DSL 256K. Click ok and restart Steam. It should be fixed.
  17. Ugh. I hate laptops. They are expensive, slow, (especially for gaming) and they lack features. I agree with Chris. That laptop from Dell you're considering sucks, 888Ball. The RAM and HD are ok, but the processor speed kills it. You also need a good video card or it will really slow down. Yeah, and you don't really need VirtualPC to put Windows on a Mac now... http://www.apple.com/macosx/bootcamp/
  18. You're going to need to edit the model for it to look anything like her. You have to remodel the player to that of her shape. You need the curves, boobs, everything. Then you need to create custom textures from scratch. You need to buy 3DS Max.
  19. Yeah, the girlfriend feature sucked. I think that you should have obtained the clothing rewards after finishing the corresponding R3 missions. (i.e. Pimp suit after Pimp missions, Police outfit after Vigilante, etc...) Clothing shops were good, but I think clothes changes should be THPS style. The character is displayed, choose individual clothing items from a list, and the clothes are changed instantaneously.
  20. Alright. Since the topic was brought back, I'm going to share three of mine. The first is topdown view. To do it, get on a bike and raise the water level to anywhere from 25-40m. The next is what happens when you try to take a picture during a loading screen. Actually, it's a video but it's only a couple frames and doesn't deserve to be in the video topic.
  21. chris82

    So I bought a PSP

    Eh...I'd stay at 2.01...or not. It really depends. 2.01 is basically 2.00 with the tiff image exploit fixed, so you have to run homebrew through the GTA game save. Some games require 2.5 and 2.6, but until you really need to update, stay at 2.01.
  22. chris82

    So I bought a PSP

    Nah, it's ok. Maybe I'll downgrade someday, but not right now. Yeah, no the only place where you saw that pic is here. (It's Photoshop) Anyway, yeah, I wish that Fanita's 2.0 Loader supported firmware/umd loaders. If it did, I wouldn't have upgraded.
  23. chris82

    So I bought a PSP

    Yeah, I'd agree there. I really recommend Ridge Racer and Twisted Metal. With Spaz, Chris, and me, it would be a blast. I can't play Pursuit Force, because I flat out refuse to upgrade from 2.0. Alright, I upgraded. This means that now I can play Persuit Force and I have to run my homebrew through the GTA exploit. Anyway, yeah, GTA, Ridge Racers, and Twisted Metal are my favorites and you will like 'em too.
  24. Yes, to mod SA for PS2, you need a dual-layer DVD burner, a blank DVD, a burning app that's able to create ISO disks, a PS2 with a modchip, and about 5-7GB of free HD space. Copy the entire SA disc to a folder on your PC, mod it, and burn it onto a dual-layer DVD as an ISO. Then turn your PS2 modchip on and play the game. Trust me, it's a lot easier to just shell out $20 for the PC version and mod that.
  25. I know. That's what I said. You can use the Liberty Studios tool. If you have Vice City, go and get The GTA Liberty City mod. It is a mod that takes everything from GTA3 to the Vice engine. Because of this, you can have all of the characters, peds, and the city from GTA3, with the engine features, motorcycles, and aircraft of Vice City. So install GTA: LC, and use the Liberty Studios film tool. There is no version for GTA3 at the moment. Download GTA:LC... http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/grandthe...tml?sid=6099243
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