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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Yeah, the card basically allows for insane physics because the load is taken off of the graphics card/cpu. I personally don't like them. Just another card to buy and fill a slot with. I doubt GTA4 will support it. Half-Life 2, which is known for its physics, is not going to.
  2. Go here and click Liberty Studios at the bottom right. You must get the LC mod for Vice City. The Liberty Studios tool is great. It allows you to easily get any character in the game to do what ever you want, from falling down, to driving a car. This tool is not available for GTA3 but Vice City and LC allow you to remove the HUD and radar in the options. Also, you don't play as Tommy in GTA3, You play as a guy named Claude.
  3. GTA3 was released in 2001. Vice City in 2002. One year interval there. GTA4 is being released for both the Xbox 360 and PS3. People will get it for both platforms. GTA is not going to be the only game worth playing on PS3. Try Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy PS3, The Getaway PS3, Killzone, Metal Gear Solid 4, Tekken, Alan Wake, and Unreal 2007. While GTA may be the best, it is not the only good title. Oh, and PS2 memory cards were 8mb. No, you'd have to edit the path files. I'd get the PC version and find a pathfile editor.
  4. Try running the game at a resolution of 640x480x32. In VC, go to options>display>resolution
  5. Sweet. I can't wait, although I wish they wouldn't have announced it now, because now it's the only game I want. I'm gonna preorder ASAP. I wonder what the PC version will require... EDIT: Um, OrbX, it says Playstation 3 at the bottom of the GTA4 website.
  6. chris82

    Would you?

    No. And Margaret Thatcher? Who would?
  7. I'm not European but perhaps Paris, France. Great food and (I've heard) a great culture. Italy is a good choice, I'd see about Rome, Venice, and Florence. How about Greece? I plan on someday visiting England, France, and Germany. Don't take my word on what I've said, I've never been to Europe and I am only going by what I've heard.
  8. Well, I'd wait until you reach 5000 posts again. Then if your account was lost you'd at least have a big accomplishment. As for my life right now, not too much going on. A paper/report is due tomorrow for English class. I received a new cell phone though.
  9. 6/6/06 is what people are calling the "Day of the Devil." They say that a prophesy will be fulfilled, and that all things evil and bad in the world will engulf humanity on that day. Well, that and the fact that a crappy movie that revolves around Satan will be released on that day.
  10. Main Menu>Options>Language>English?
  11. Looks pretty good. I think it is nice, but I'd like a bigger screenshot.
  12. QED, indeed. True that GTA does include many different genres, the main one is Action/Adventure Shooter. GTA is a truly fun experience, and I still play every game in the series quite often. But, you can't compare GTA and a Sims game. It wouldn't be fair. It's like comparing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Half-Life 2. Both great games, but it’s not fair to compare them because of the genre difference. Everyone has their opinion of what games are good and what games aren't. I like the Sims games and GTA games.
  13. I detest the idea of turning San Andreas into "The Sims." They are both great games...but they don't mix. Anyway, yeah, San Andreas was a great satire of US culture. Especially with you only being able to eat at fast food restaurants and those "Celebrate with Cake" commercials. London could probably be funny. I didn't see any humor on English culture when I played The Getaway, but they probably were not going for it. In reality, there aren't a lot of a fat people where I live, but Mississippi is ranked as #1 in obesity rate, 22%.
  14. I think it is a great idea, a nice place to put pictures. I would love to have my pictures/screens in one gallery instead of all over the place. Sounds great.
  15. You've got that right. Wish I had GTA posters... Anyways, yes, I know, I am young... The PSP is awesome:
  16. chris82

    Nintendo Wii

    Yeah, it is stupid. I was not planning on getting it anyway. The least power. The least games. The least features. To top it all off...a horrible name.
  17. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...to+liberty+city Posts #2 and 6. Please use the search button provided for you at the top of the forums before you post a new thread.
  18. chris82


    Alright, I fixed the two pages. Please re-download. fixedpages.zip
  19. chris82


    Word. The staff run the site and make the decisions. The rules are being amended to make them easier to understand for new members and changing the ways that bumps are dealt with. We don't want a topic from over a year ago in which a member asks why the characters in Vice City don't have sex. There is no need to reply to this ancient topic, especially not with something such as "j00 are t3h n00b cause tere 1s n0 s3x in vice cIty!"
  20. chris82


    Alright, guys. I have most of the content ready. I have updated information for the "Game Features" and "Characters" pages for LCS. I also have a complete listing of each article of clothing complete with a description, how to obtain it, and screenshots, all compressed to JPG format. Also, the CheatDevice page is not done yet, but will be soon. NOTE: That I didn't format these for PHP, they are in the simple .txt format. Also, on the clothes page, all of the mission names used have HTML "<i>" tags. Hope that won't be a problem. I also know that my Features and Characters pages aren't the most in-depth, but I make 'em for a much-needed update to what is on there right now. LCScontent.zip Also, a little note, I love Photoshop's jpg compression. When they were .bmps, the images combined took up about 5mb. Compressed to a maxium quality jpg, all 16 images top out at a whopping 0.98mb. The whole .zip file is about 842k.
  21. Gratis F. Griddle with a free supply of "V1AGRA, C1AL1S, etc..." You've seen my emails, right?
  22. ^Extremely bored <Not a new member vNot a staff member
  23. Since Chris probably doesn't want porn on this site, I edited the image I found and here it is: (What I got when I searched for Supercalifragilisticespialidocious) Edit: Zino posted before I posted and I didn't know... So, here's Zino's word: (Rifle) New word: test drive
  24. Hey, enough. Alright. If a helicopter has a gun mounted on it, than yes, you can shoot it. As for using a SMG to do a drive-by in a helicopter, no you can't. If you have a problem with a member, take it up with them through PMs or The Dungeon.
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