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Everything posted by chris82

  1. If you're spending that amount of money, a new graphics card would suit you as it would be better to spend more if you wanted to upgrade the processor. You could probably find an ATi 4850 for that price with rebates which would be fine. But also keep in mind that you need at least a PCI-express x16 slot for that. The 7900 is the minimum graphics card the game will need according to the system requirements, but iirc your processor doesn't meet the minimum specifications. It's up to you, either upgrade would help, but a graphics card upgrade would be easier and cheaper.
  2. Hm, it changed the rating to yellow because of this file, Spooky's San Andreas Speedometer. Don't worry about it, the mod has to hook into DirectX to work and other files do as Gerard said, nothing to worry about.
  3. Will it have any chance of working? Thanks Sorry no. Also GTA IV's engine is RAGE but the physics and animations are done by Euphoria, and this is true on all three versions.
  4. Wow, delete some things, seriously, having only a few megabytes free could cause many problems. Also as far as I know, San Andreas doesn't have Spanish audio at all, only Spanish text, which takes up an inconsequential amount of space.
  5. Processor is ok-ish, not the best, but that video should definitely be replaced, by something such as a 4850 or 9600GT. If you buy the computer, assuming it has a pci-express x16 slot on the motherboard (call HP and ask) and you upgrade the video card, you should do okay on those games, although if it were me I would just get a better barebones from Newegg and go from there.
  6. lolno Also he stole the beat of the song from Bruce Hornsby's "That's Just the Way it is"
  7. Oh, so we'll negotiate and then there will be peace for a while, then they'll demand more or start killing again. It would be a neverending cycle of extortion. We can't negotiate with terrorists.
  8. "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter" So you're saying we should negotiate with Al-Qaeda? No. Blowing yourself up and killing innocent people in the name of religion is unacceptable and un-negotiable behavior.
  9. What? Now you agree he should buy the second one? Either way there are some differences, namely that: 1. Second one has a better processor 2. Second one has more RAM 3. Second one has two video cards 4. Second one has double the hard drive space The second one is better in every conceivable way.
  10. Al-Queda can't come to a peace agreement with us...a terrorist organization doesn't deal with peace. Also Iraqi and Afghan civilians don't target soldiers, terrorists do. So you're saying if gas prices didn't skyrocket the recession would have come earlier? The recession started because people defaulted on their loans and mortgages, it had nothing to do with gas. Also Iraq has been exporting oil for a LONG time. l2/OPEC
  11. What? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever, how would a Q9400 perform the same as a Q6600? Even when not gaming the second computer would perform better. Also just because the second one has 3GB doesn't mean he can't upgrade it. And the second one has two video cards, each being 512MB, which equates to 1GB. Also the second one has double the hard drive space. Second option.
  12. Yes a fair bit of code is changed in SP3 and SP3 is generally a lot better than SP2, so if you don't have it but still want to use XP, you should get it. I'd imagine that it means it's required but just like single-core processors, I can't guarantee it won't work.
  13. I'm certainly glad you didn't vote((still underage, right?)).... Because if you voted based solely on net neutrality.... Fuckin' hell. Oh, sorry, I guess I'm not allowed to vote based on the issues that are important to me? Net neutrality is the most important for me, yes, but there wre others including healthcare plans and education spending. But yes, I am not old enough to vote so it doesn't matter.
  14. What? If that were true then we wouldn't have been paying over $4 a gallon before the recession. Yes we still shouldn't be there but we did not go there (at least not exclusively) for oil.
  15. Yes I was watching BBC's coverage, very nicely done, rotating people in and out for discussion and that touch screen was cool...you'd never see a touch screen like that in American media. Also I'm fairly certain that if the world could have voted in this election, Obama would have won by at least a 9:1 margin. Anyway the one big thing I care about, net neutrality, Obama supports and McCain doesn't. So there.
  16. What? The graphics look absolutely amazing. Look at this screenshot as well as this one. It's beautiful!
  17. That's just the way Rockstar has traditionally released their games. If it was released in Europe two weeks earlier (which isn't going to happen) it would surprise me. It doesn't matter, Rockstar North which developed GTA IV is in the UK yes, but most of the work related to the PC version is happening in North America. The port to the PC is being handled by Rockstar Toronto in Canada and the publishing and prep-work is done by Rockstar NYC. Testing is likely being done by both Toronto and Lincoln.
  18. Get a 4850 instead and you might want to upgrade the processor a bit.
  19. Guess you've never seen the Japanese play, huh?
  20. They're both bad video cards, there is little difference. Try to get a 9600 if you're looking for a pretty cheap nVidia card.
  21. I'm saying they haven't updated it yet; Rockstar simply hasn't mentioned the delay will affect Europe too. Since there is no official word, it's against Wikipedia policy to change it. However, it's the way Rockstar traditionally does it and there is no reason why the European release date would stay the same as it was before and the U.S. date get pushed back nearly two weeks.
  22. No, they probably just haven't updated that section. If it's coming out in the U.S. on the 2nd, that implies it will come out on the 5th in Europe, since that's how Rockstar traditionally releases GTA.
  23. It will probably include effects options, traffic density is already confirmed to be customizable. I would assume texture quality and other things of that nature would be as well. But that's irrelevant for you. The minimum the game requires is a dual-core processor. This leads me to believe that that the game, if it will run at all on your processor, will run horribly.
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