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Everything posted by chris82

  1. And today it went up nearly 500. It's just a rough period. Shit happens.
  2. nVidia cards are built with considerably worse quality. Get a 4870, you won't regret it. yeah, how can that be right thats double the disc capacity of a DVD Dual Layer Higher resolution textures and better audio? More content?
  3. Or, you could just get XAMPP which has Apache/PHP/MySQL among other things, all of which is launched from a single executable and can be run from a USB drive. Pretty easy steps: 1. Download XAMPP and extract if needed 2. Run xampp_start.exe 3. http://localhost/ 4. ???? 5. Profit!
  4. You mis-read my post, what I meant was that a country is an inanimate object incapable of "making fun" of something. Just because some people from a country adhere to a stereotype doesn't mean everyone does. Seriously, shut the fuck up.
  5. Because The Gimp is just like Photoshop...you know, just with a horrible hard to use interface and minimal feature set. That's kind of how Linux is compared to Windows. But it makes the neckbeards happy.
  6. I'll be acquiring it when it actually ships on the 15th, content aware image resizing is the tits. I'm also picking up another 2GB of RAM and Vista 64-bit just to make CS4 my bitch. Also if anyone here uses a Mac and was looking to use Photoshop in 64-bit this time around... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  7. Sorry, I have never heard anyone in America say any of those things. And America doesn't make fun of anything. Neither does Australia. People make fun of people. There is some anti-French sentiment, it mainly has to do with WWII. However, a lot of people in America are undeniably fat...it's disgusting.
  8. its that i don't wanna be harassing or something like that but I can play GTA 3 smooth on my PC, it runs well.. I actually have Geforce fx 5200 Ultra with 256 MB.....! And damn, I have to upgrade my graphics and that gonna cost the skin of my ass... GTA3 and San Andreas aren't the same game are they? San Andreas is much more graphically advanced than GTA3. San Andreas on max settings has real-time realistic shadowing for CJ, all pedestrians/characters, all vehicles, and some buildings, not to mention some very high resolution textures in some areas. Believe me, I had no problem running GTA3 on max settings with my 5200, but I didn't achieve the same feat with San Andreas until I got my x1800. Also really, stop shit-talking Windows Vista, it's amazing. You have the hardware to handle it, you will have no problem. Trust me, if you have the hardware there is NO decrease in gaming performance.
  9. Britons are NOT stupid xD lol even tho they cnt use the words "your" and "you're" in the proper context xD That video is old and clearly edited. Get over yourself.
  11. Humans don't see in frames per second at all, the reason why things sometimes seem to happen in slow motion has to do with adrenaline. TV, depending on the format is presented between 30-60fps, while movies are displayed at 24fps but don't seem choppy because motion blur is in effect.
  12. No, you can't say it will run at 45fps or even 20 because no graphics card is good enough to run GTA IV at a constant framerate, I don't care what card it is.
  13. That is still illegal, as per the EULA.
  14. Over a year ago, Florida Judge Dava Tunis recommended permanent disbarment for Jack Thompson. Today, the case reached a pivotal point: Jack Thompson is officially disbarred, effective 30 days from now. Jack Thompson has also been ordered to reimburse the Florida Bar with fees amounting to nearly $44,000! Read the full story at Kotaku!
  15. I do doubt that, considering that it's meant to be a gaming card. Nevertheless, could you recommend me one around the 150 dollars, about 120 euros max.? Thanks. Tom. It's actually quite shit for gaming, ATi cards with four numbers where the second number is below 8 are horrible no matter what.
  16. Pentium 4s were never good. While a quad core may be rated at 10GHz+ in applications which take advantage of it, many don't. Sorry, it will not withstand the test of time no matter how good the components are. Technology is always advancing and even six months from now, those components will be outdated by something better and newer. That's the downside to being an enthusiast; cost of upgrades. Also if you built that in 2005 why did you get a Pentium 4 when there were much better processors?
  17. I hope by that you mean the effective speed you get when you have a multi-core processor. Also yes, if you don't have a multi-core processor, good luck.
  18. Google.com worth about $1.3 billion. If only the "worth" of websites equated into that actual money. It doesn't, at least not yet.
  19. Intel graphics are seriously horrible, I've never heard of "only lagging when it rains" but it's not good, I don't think you'll be able to play. ATi 4850.
  20. Uninstall, then delete gta3.img, which is sometimes not deleted when you uninstall. Then reinstall.
  21. Already a topic for this, don't hesitate to bump worthwhile topics such as that one.
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