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Everything posted by chris82

  1. No. Any graphics chipsets made by Intel are horrible. Also the 4850 is a lot better than the 9600. Please don't make a mistake and put envidya parts in your system.
  2. And I'm the pope. If this happens I will eat my words. Literally.
  3. chris82

    Saints Row 2

    They look better than San Andreas and the original Saints Row but not nearly as good as GTA IV. But regardless the game looks fucking amazing and I can't wait to play it.
  4. chris82

    Saints Row 2

    Yes if your PC is nice I'd say PC. My PC has a lot more RAM and a better graphics card than the 360 and PS3 combined. My processor is also multi-core. I think it will perform better than consoles with issues such as fade-in. But I prefer playing on the PC anyway, better graphics and more customizable. Also the fact that the PC version is only $40, while the console versions are $60.
  5. How is 1.5mbps slow? When I first got Internet it was 36.6.kbps. Which was incredibly fast!
  6. chris82

    Saints Row 2

    I think this game is going to be awesome, the first one was amazing for a first-gen, rushed Xbox 360 game. I just hope they give the PC release some consistency, some sites say the same day as console release (10/14/08) and some give dates in November for the PC version (11/10/08, 11/11/08, 11/14/08, etc...)
  7. You should have no problem getting the game to run on a single-core processor.
  8. Cuando tenía amor el año pasado, puse mi pene en la boca de tu madre. When I had feelings of love last year, I put my penis in your mother's mouth. I learned Spanish solely to say things like this.
  9. What? That wouldn't work at all, the reason I suggested what I did is because it uses your own Internet connection..if you put everything on a portable drive and took it to school it would try to access the sites using the school's internet connection and fail. And my method is tested to work, it works because most schools don't block the https protocol because that wouldn't be kosher. Seriously if I try to access any website with PHProxy on it from school using http://, it blocks it automatically because it detects the PHProxy code. But if I use https://, I have no problem.
  10. 1. Download XAMPP and install it. 2. Download the latest release of PHProxy. 3. Setup a no-ip.com DNS redirect 4. Start Apache and configure the directory PHProxy is in to require a login using .htaccess. 5. Point your web browser at school to the domain name you created but make sure you use the https protocol, and login using the password you made. 6. Browse.
  11. No. GTA IV looks A LOT better than Crysis in a lot of areas, but because Crysis is one of the most poorly optimized games ever made, kind of like Halo for the PC, it doesn't matter.
  12. Ok enjoy your wasted money. That's a HUGE ripoff. It will perform like SHIT in any game. They are not made for gaming.
  13. Yeah that happened when Sierra got all butthurt because Steam is awesome. I'd say buy it on Steam due to the low price but then you'd have to buy it twice. Sorry I can't help more.
  14. Don't let the name through you off, Girl Talk is basically someone who had the genius idea of making music using nothing but samples of other songs. Many songs are mixed together...in fact the 14 tracks the album consists of is just a long set of many historically popular songs mixed together... Their website Check out some of the music if you can find it on YouTube or their MySpace. For some reason it makes songs I would normally consider horrible sound good. If you're into electronic music then you can buy the entire album for a donation as little as $1 on their site. If you pay more than $5 you can get all tracks into a single long .mp3 file or .flac (lossless audio) file. It's really a good deal and I think this is one of the best things to happen to music in a while. Here's one of my favorites from the album:
  15. Try re-applying the latest patch?
  16. My native language is English and I'd say I'm pretty fluent in Spanish. I'd like to possibly learn German and Japanese at some point.
  17. I don't know, I have always used the Steam version. Try registering the CD KEY on Steam.
  18. I'm not saying Linux is hard, I'm saying it's unnecessarily harder than Windows. What I mean is you shouldn't have to jump through hoops to, say, make wireless network cards work. And I'm sick and tired of people talking shit about Vista. If your hardware isn't shitsux, Vista is amazing. Give me one good reason why Windows Vista is worse than XP and don't say "hardware requirements" because EVERY version of Windows that is released (excluding server versions) has increased hardware requirements.
  19. When it says Unknown it's because whoever did the ban didn't provide a reason. A reason isn't always necessary, if the ban is for obvious reasons. PROTIP: All the ones that have the reason "b0t" are the ones I banned.
  20. No. The civilized world has poured billions into Africa and it's still a shit hole. The trillions of dollars already spent trying to feed Africans never reach them, if the world is going to try to save Africa, the corrupt dictators need to be removed first.
  21. Crysis' graphics were not better than GTA IV's, and even if they were, GTA will still take up a lot more space...Crysis doesn't have nearly the amount of models, audio, and as many textures as IV.
  22. What do you mean? My XAMPP method includes the full version of PHP5 as an Apache module.
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