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Everything posted by BlackListedB

  1. Besides creating a new thread for any members to report on what they see in their local neck of the woods, I put forth that anyone who gets the magazine entitled PLAY, report on what cover story they have at the moment for GTA V, and let me know about Uncharted 4, I must know all details on that forthcoming game!! Don't bet on any release date, it's likely that they're pretty dead set on ironing things out before the release, unless you love being bothered by necessary patches later? The thing is putting the game to disc and in stores means everyone needing a patch has to go to the same trouble of being online with their system or downloading to a flash thumb drive, and update using that method I imagine
  2. We don't really have a thread for 'all things considered', in the Gaming press (ie.) Publication department..... In other words, all articles or notable magazine features on GTA5 could be noted here in one thread so no one misses a beat. So far, the notable headlines on magazine covers elude to more then meets the eye.... In capturing the here and now... GAMES TM magazine features a GTA 5 article out on news-stands at this time that claims of some breaking news, yet, inside it's only real new to online game fans section is offering up the theory or rumor that the RAGE engine is being extensively re-written and that there's some technical foibles in the way with making GTA 5 run as expected. I noted earlier that the evolution with RAGE and Euphoria has already proven itself with Max Payne and Red Dead Redemption, However, the delays that included GTA IV were because of the engine, one could argue. It's also subject to debate over the RAGE engine being a contributing factor to no PC version of RDR ...just yet. Games TM's major article contribution is putting forth the first two screen shots for discussion, they must have gone to press before the additional shots we've seen already, however, they kinda hit the nail on the head about the ongoing LACK of info and fans like us feeling shut out. Trying to start a new GTA forum as we did (GTAC, in regard to me and PCguytech) After GTA IV, proves much harder with an actual drought on further GTA info. The PS magazine PLAY I was unable to report on due to it being sold in a sealed bag, but they claim breaking news about Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4 as well as Grand Theft Auto Five!! I'd love to see what that is, but I couldn't afford a 10 dollar magazine, but would probably splurge when two great games are featured, it's just unknown to what extent
  3. I don't know a lot about this, I confess, but I feel it worth posting a link to and some discussion, in other words, make it open for forum conversation.... Their links to TwitchTV http://www.twitch.tv/rockstargames
  4. I'm going to try an MXM capable HP / Compaq, those would fall under the "Workstation" category most often, MXM is the widest available PCIExpress card for laptops, but certainly not the only one. I mentioned before, XPS Dells might offer an Alienware substitute at a bargain, or similar motherboards among known manufacturers might give you the elements you need, Chipset, CPU, GPU are the most important, second would be ports for attaching devices, then on top of that, battery life. In a year or more, Ultrabooks might just be able to provide gaming with amazing attributes!
  5. English please, if you must, include both, but English is the rule for most of these forums, UK or USA based
  6. Part of the reason it's taking so long is the maps, interiors as well, I'm sure trying to populate a vast GTA open World to make THIS GTA stand out from the past games, it must be different in this regard, since as they've said, it's not the intent of Rockstar North to make the same old games HD Hi-Rez versions, as Aaron Garbut commented on record, it's soul-destroying. What inspires them as the architects is making each GTA encompass special elements that are entirely it's own... so each GTA has special attributes apart from the expected similarities. What I would agree with is that some elements of the old San An mirror this one, but it won't replicate the old map, as we've seen from the stills, there's certainly area similarities! City locales and mountainous regions are rather obvious
  7. I'm going to add this review of a laptop I'm considering, My Acer 4710 has four Hard Disks formatted for use on it, and it's a bit much, but I kept two other SATA drives from an HP Compaq 6710B, sadly, not the same chipset as the HP reviewed here, but it's in line with my Acer Aspire at a slightly bumped up bus speed. Note the review of the tuner they tested... a USB version ATI.... http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3217
  8. One has to cynically wonder if Rock* is just giving the nod to the Tweet, that they won't have a major article with insiders from Rockstar North/Studios? No Sam Houser interview for several pages? No one on one with Aaron Garbut? Etc? haha Well, I hope they will, anyway I got a small collection from my sister's husband, and my own as well for the Vice City, San An era, I stopped buying magazines due to storage concerns and the fact they NEVER get any cheaper, but I did buy some for GTA IV, depends on the value for the content versus cost. EDGE magazine, I felt they put together the best Nuts and Bolts of GTA IV article I can ever recall reading
  9. That news bulletin came up after I went to their news wire and reported about Game Informer, pretty exciting, given that everyone's expecting and has been expecting some V news before the year's out! Even hoped the game might slip out before Christmas, but I firmly believe they can't plot a release date while working on the massive project, it's always something that's changing. Like films, they can mandate a release date from the studio, but the project itself is never fully finished / realized. As for this package, in the used gaming market, each title is now about $20 USD, so you save $20 USD off the complete package which could have sold for $80 I'd wager. But being dated as they are, even now, it's best at reduced cost for all of them. Do you guys feel the DLC for RDR could match up to GTA IV's DLC Episodes in value, or is this package the better way to go? If they'd opted to use just the DLC, which was a good deal from the beginning as a disc release
  10. Chris basically summed up my thoughts and the way Rockstar will approach dissemination of news about any of their games. They had an instance where someone signed on to GTAF to help with PC tech issues, but not really anything more then that....or so the rumor went
  11. Don't know if you guys using PC have dabbled into Tuner cards, they support TV, video inputs, outputs, FM radio broadcasts and DVR features, in other words, they do a host of multimedia processing that makes the computer's job a heckuva lot easier! I have dabbled myself, with ATI All in Wonder and some vintage PC to TV adapters from the earliest stages, as well as USB capture devices, in aid for photos and video as well as audio sources into digital PC files for easy manipulation online and off, even re-printing to a local printer is benefited by such hardware add ons What I'm finding out about my ATI Wonder Pro/Elite is worth addressing, since like many hardware cards, people often don't get them as new bundled items and use the Internet to find the needed software and support. This thread can be a future guide for anyone wishing to use their PC or laptop as a TIVO like DVR, Digital Video Recorder which have themselves included DVD burners and IDE/SATA drives for storage. So, not unlike a PC, TIVO has used much the same hardware but a streamlined approach that apparently is harder to replicate on a PC with various software and hardware, but still, as it seems in my search, lacking in old and new solutions that are good enough in any one area http://www.pcstats.c...eid=1827&page=3 For instance, ATI's AIW being a quintessential product for years now, they opted to fuse Cyberhome software with their card's drivers, or offer a unified approach with Catalyst versus their earlier all-in-one software. The reviews of which show that there's issues with that approach they adopted, and using Windows OS or Media Center Edition's own Media Center app with any add-on card presents the same challenges. This is just one search I did to see where the program for ATI's card might reside, with the above link being highlighted ^ ->http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=ytff1-w3i&p=cyberhome%20powercinema%203%20ATI%20where%20to%20find&type=W3i_YT,192,2_1,Search,20110103,6823,0,16,0
  12. For me, I did download a handful of demos, I wanted to be able to do it faster by way of PC and doing it with USB thumb drives, which I use as storage devices as it is, but there's some Copyright thingie I believe that prevents one from doing so
  13. Well, I could see that happening for any controller failure, but you're talking mouse or keyboard on PC only? If so, check your ports and your mouse, swap that out to check and verify operational status
  14. Just seeing this, Ima post it here so we non GTAF members can say what we think, one such thought is lets beat 'em to the punch?! haha http://www.gtaforums...howtopic=526825 While thinking lightly about how to get membership active here in the previous thread, I popped into GTAF to see them propose a Q and A submission to Rockstar as if they're the only fan forum going, well, I'd show 'em up, just to prove they're not... However, it's most likely that Rockstar Games in their infinite wisdom will continue to use their own channels and resources, they have faith in them, simply said, using their own Internet system for filtering content, they wouldn't just open up about some questions because they happened to be coming from GTAForums, sorry GTAnet, I just don't see that happening no matter HOW MANY members are on the forum... They don't cater to promote one forum over another, they do give credence to fan based sites as we've already noted in News-wire based on creativity points, and multiplayer exploits, but there's no reason they'd spill the beans to anyone in particular. As for the Q and A, I doubt they'll offer too much more on GTA or RDR in that regard, from what they've already done
  15. I don't mind getting b-day emails from the forums I joined, once a year, and perhaps any significant GTA news update, deserves a heads-up, me thinks
  16. Red Dead original still the top game, it just embodies how Open World games should go, most all elements as far as the genre are in place, and to me, like playing Uncharted, I was engrossed, I think if Uncharted had been open World it would give GTA a run for the money, with better player control in combat, taking strategic cover and using cover to combat elements in the game, you could then also be climbing and throw grenades, which is where GTA lacks nearly completely, so yeah, can't say it's evolved enough yet, but combine as much as possible in one franchise or game and then you're talking!!!
  17. After the debates among Romney and Obama, the polls have showed Mitt Romney pulling ahead, so despite people's on going confidence in Obama to continue making some headway if re-elected, Romney just presented himself better with the debates, but he's done so by changing his stance it seems, even to some experts, he's clearly trying to appeal to those on the fence by basically saying what they want to hear, but can he actually make proposed changes that aren't in line with the Republican party leading up to the election? It's been pretty much opposing sides with not much likelihood of bi-partisanship I'm not a political junkie, but obviously the way forward effects us all! Ron Paul I suspect could still serve as a write-in candidate, so though you may not like the two main choices to lead the USA, write in who you think should be elected.... ALICE COOPER!!
  18. I include Rockstar Developers in the STAR category, of course, for the purpose of this post I've been asking and wondering for ages, when you contact a Rockstar Developer for a scheduled online event, do those players who get the nod, play in a private session where it's only a select few? I'd been online in MP sessions, FreeRoam and the like, but not been able to ever see any specific gaming among Developers, I probably did put a request in, but I can't recall even now. Would have been RDR at the time. They are offering some video glimpses of recent sessions, where MP3 is involved https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/multiplayer-events/index-signin
  19. Well, prices have fell, on all but the latest, the upcoming Black Ops II, so I'd be eventually interested in PERHAPS owning all, they've certainly had their share of popularity, and basically a successful offshoot of COD. If you have PSN or XBL, you could download demos but they DO take ages if over a Gigabyte! I've seen people playing BC2 on my XBL for ages, could mostly be one or two people who become obsessive about the game play, but they say good things. I was also told to try out Left4Dead, which usurped the fanbase for Dead Rising it seems. I remember when that game broke GangBusters! It was the king of Xbox360 games for a time I'm not into war sim, but been intrigued by the online MP or premise behind World of Tanks, or World of Aircraft? I can't recall the precise name off hand, but I was reading a review of those not long ago. I'm still on the fence about whether LA Noire might be to my liking, even at it's current $20 cost
  20. As far as hardware, the PS2 is something of a workhorse game machine, despite games coming to an end, the lifespan of the hardware itself will extend beyond PS3's use on the market to when PS4 finally bows. PSP is stacking up in the used market, the thing hurting PSP and VITA is probably the extent of software titles, UMD's downside as far as films was Dolby Digital and DTS were not supported, for a video out port or even a SPDIF output via headphone jack could work to give it just the right attributes for a portable video machine that can be an on the go software player you can attach to any various monitors that are compatible, even older units. For laptops, the SPDIF output works much the same way, you connect to an available surround system with one optical cable and you're in like Flynn!
  21. Well, yeah, no big idea that lacks being concise. GTA IV videos are now common place, I don't know if you recall when the game leaked out to consumers early, outside the USA as I recall, and those videos were uploaded to YouTube and yanked down nearly immediately...can that happen again?.. or is Rockstar taking measures to ensure gamers don't get the game outside of day and date, or whatever scheme they use for a modern WW market
  22. Well to avoid any further issues, I'm not going to help cross promote GTAF or C by mentioning them here, I just hope to inspire peeps, and bring them up to date on what I / we know... If I'm wrong, or off base with facts, cordially correct me by all means, but I do ask people respectfully do so. Appreciate you taking an active forumer approach, no matter which site!!
  23. Despite my earlier post, since then Mike, who is my partner in GTAC crime, he tells me someone usurped the Twitter account for our site to announce some big GTA V news that will come next month, I think it frankly behooves Rockstar Games to get more info out, whether they do it directly online, who knows, I think to reach gamers in mass, they will have to get to print media as well, for news about the game, as we know from the major trailer teaser, magazines did report the trailer with screen stills and some visual points as far as figuring out the plot for the game, but it's as sketchy as ever, and everything we've discussed for those various points in the past year! haha
  24. Well, how about print ads in game magazines? hahaha For me, Gangs and online MP aren't a moving force for forum participation. Many people I wanted to contact offered up no PSN or XBL tags on said forum for their online exploits. I really have no idea why people are active there versus here, but from my friend Trip, he feels GTAF quality IS slipping and that echoes people I talked to who felt not just the lack of GTA conversation but clashes with staff and picking on members of the forum tends to do, alienate everyone from participation, if not leading to temp bans or perm bans What I feel is being as good natured and welcoming is you possibly can, being a part of it, but also trying to relate on what people can agree on, rather then pick apart what makes everyone different. And we all are in some regard, so what's the point of making issues from that? I had the most problem with disagreeable people in that regard, they always find something to complain about and not look for agreeing points I actually don't reply to topics of little interest to me, some were saying I posted just for ego or for some post count record, complete bull. The fact most of us post is to have our voice and opinion matter, we're the consumers paying for the end product, Our views do play a part in the whole. For the idea of T shirts or bumper stickers, it would have been a small test batch, and not a major investment, but I actually didn't suggest a TV ad for our site, but our Webmaster Mike did, I thought it an novel idea, but very costly I'm sure Nothing beats word of mouth and being dedicated and fervent on doing it that way, keep that end up for sure! Rockstar and we, our own site, have a YouTube channel, that works great for passersby
  25. Playing Vice original over, if you recall the intro plotting, it was hard to associate it with the story in VCS for myself, it seemed even before Ballad of Gay Tony, that Gay Tony in GTAIV is a different character then the one dedicated to the Episodes, he just seems much more serious and less likely to be talking in a humorous aspect, as he does almost all the time in Episodes as comic relief. I think that's testament to how Rockstar work in evolving the game, from one release to the next. It doesn't all come about in one falle swoop
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