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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I like to see this topic back, but I hope we won't get the same sexist comments as we got when I made this topic for GTA4. Come on people keep an open mind, also remember women aren't just there to cook, clean and do needle work. :hurrhurr:

    I would love to see a woman as the protagnist in the new GTA, it would be a fresh change. I just think its a great idea.

    LOL, do you remember the sexist comments that were in the topic I made about there being a female protagonist in VCS?


    I think there should be some day. The missions would be a lot different.

  2. my mate cammeron is FINALLY getting a 360, and we want 2 make machinimas on GTA IV, has anyone got any good ideas, it must be possible for two people 2 achieve

    It'll be a little difficult to do it on the 360 version. I'd suggest getting the PC version. That's what I'm gonna eventually get to make my Machinimas.

  3. You could always sign out of the PSN, unplug your ethernet connection or switch of your wireless connection (which ever one you have). If it doesn't have a connection to the internet, it won't try to update.

    It takes way too much time to actually get an internet connection, I'm not gonna get rid of it just to play 30 minutes of a game.

  4. ...Uhhh..."bootlegging"???..."Rape"?!?!?!

    Well I for one think that there should be more crimes surrounding the original idea of the game..."GRAND THEFT AUTO". It seems like the series has been steering further and further away from the title of the game...it's starting to lose it's meaning.

  5. I could easily say that I love all the games from the GTAIII era.

    1. Vice City (Amazing theme, setting, main character and storyline.)

    2. Vice City Stories(Amazing theme, setting, action-packed storyline and Vic's story.)

    3. Liberty City Stories (Love the mob vibe in the game. A true mafia storyline.)

    4. San Andreas (Although I don't like the "gangsta" theme, I still think this is an awesome game with the variety of missions and settings. Also, the huge map is cool.)

    5. GTAIII (Loved it when I first played it, and still do, but after the missions...there's not much else to do)

    GTAIV is a great game, but ever since my PS3 blew up, my interest in GTAIV blew up as well...for some reason.

  6. Do you dare saying to your father: 'Can you be my boyfriend ?'

    I think he'd think something was up if I had a camera... So I mainly wouldn't do it because of the dull reaction. To me it's not worth it unless I get a good reaction.

    There are just so many different elements that would screw it up. It just won't work.

  7. Every time I go to play a game for the 30 minutes of free time I have, there's a fucking update that I have to get. This shit is starting to really piss me off. You should be able to play single player without having to get these damn updates.

    Husky is right, if you just want to play the single player then press Circle when it asks you if you want to update.

    When I do that it takes me back to the XMB and then when I go back into the game it ask me again.

    PlayStation HOME is still being a bitch. It takes forever to load and then when it does it tells me there is some retarded error.

    On a side note, has anyone heard about the new Tony Hawk game? "Tony Hawk's Adrenaline"

  8. Holy shit, don't do that. Chris82 will have a hissy fit and start going ban happy. :lolbounce:

    If you keep making dares like that, I think this topic will get locked pretty quickly.

    PS: I was being sarcastic when I said you'd go ban happy Chris82...just so there's no arguments.

  9. Every time I go to play a game for the 30 minutes of free time I have, there's a fucking update that I have to get. This shit is starting to really piss me off. You should be able to play single player without having to get these damn updates.

  10. Mine crapped out at 89%. Had to get it at work in the end.

    Well that sucks. Mine finally finished after 6-7 hours.

    On a side note, in some relation to video games, I had the weirdest ass dream the other day. The setting was the one forest in Resistance 2. There, Johnny Knoxville, from the show “Jackass”, and me got attacked by tons of those bug type things, sack-boys and a giant hybrid land whale that, after we killed, rode down this hill on.

    Probably one of the most random ass dreams I’ve ever had.

  11. I choose dare

    I dare you to use this Sig and Avy combo for 2 weeks (December 5th - December 19th)




  12. A few hours after i wrote that it got released.

    HOLY-SHIT! I just got home today(technically yesterday[12/04/08])and I'm doing this damn update and it has taken FIVE HOURS so far to download...AND IT'S ONLY HALF-WAY DONE!!!!1!1!!11!!!

    If this damn thing gets to 99% and craps out, I'm throwing it out the winder.

  13. how the fuck did i miss the control changes???

    i havent played online yet coz no one else on ym freinds list has the damn game! and i aint playing with strangers, not co-op anyways

    yeah if they dont make at least one sequel then insomniac are getting a really nasty letter from me

    Uhhh, this is the sequel...

    Once I beat the campaign, I'll play with ya. :thumbsup:

    ...AS SOON AS THIS DAMN UPDATE FINISHES!!! Fucking thing takes forever.

  14. Iv got a real prob here, I have updated my PS3 to v2.52 but now it wants 2.53. I live in Australia but the aussi website doesnt have the update and i can only get it from the site to my PC at work because my net at home is too slow. When can i get it from the site?

    What do you mean "when"? If it's not on the official site now, then we would have no idea when it would come out. Sony will just release it when ever they can.

  15. I just managed to twap myself with my skateboard while trying to attempt a railstand to rail-flip...IT WAS PAINFUL!!!

    The pain has now traveled up to my stomach...it sucks.

    ...I wish I got it on video... :bashhead:

    On another note, I made up two new tricks. :clapping:

    I'll have to make gif images of them or something.


    I just landed my very first varial kickflip!!! I managed to get it on video. I was just practicing my kickflips, which I haven't quite mastered yet, and I had this ankle movement on the one try that caused it to have a shuv-it type feel. So I tried to mix the two and landed the trick the first day I attempted it. I'm pretty excited.

    I looked up a video on youtube to find out if it was actually a varial kickflip that I was doing and apparently I do my varial kickflips mainly with my front foot. I only use my back foot to do the ollie.

  16. My exams are over in 2 days :D

    Oh and an open beta will be releasing before the end of the year so that means everybody can try it out. Confirmed by Sony too lazy to find a link.

    I could see an open beat being released by the end of the year, but I don't think the PlayStation Network could handle that many people yet. A lot of the people you see in Home are transparent.

    Hey guys,

    Just played CoD: WaW on the PS3, soo fucking awesome. :D My bro's friend let us use his PS3 for a day, and we played all day. Literally the enemies leg blows off right away when you use the shotgun, which is cool, but a little gory too. Played NFS: Undercover as well, good game, but I got bored of it after a few hours. I forgot to place anti-aliasing on, but it still looked good. Graphics look still amazing, and of course, the driving was awesome.

    My cousin sold his Wii and is soon to get a PS3, so I hope to be playing on a PS3 more often. ^_^

    I want to buy Call of Duty: World at War, but I want to beat Resistance 2 before I go onto another game.

    I was just wondering...is Call of Duty: World at War considered CoD5?

    I think the NFS series needs to go back to Hot Pursuit 2 and have all the same maps with better graphics with a lot more open roads and the same soundtrack. That was probably the best NFS game.

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