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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. At the end of the gif it jumps back to the first one instead of fade back like the rest. That's the only thing I noticed that might be messed up. Not sure if you intended it to be that way.

    The images themselves are pretty good. Good job. :thumbsup:

  2. What id like to know is why is this only for 360? That pisses me off! Does anyone remember that GTA was originally a Playstation game?

    It was on PlayStation before XBox, but it was on the computer before it was on PlayStation. So if you look at which company had it first, Sony or Microsoft...it was Microsoft. But believe me, I'm just as pissed off as you are that it's only on the 360...at least for now.

  3. I don't think it looks that bad...just needs a little more character. Try making it into a png and add some transparent portions.

    Such as...


    Obviously not exactly like that because you could make it a lot better than that, but hopefully you know what I'm talking about.

    Although, if you like your sig the way it is, keep it that way.

  4. Wow, who tries backing up in the direction that they want to go. Then they slam into someone's car not once, or twice, but THREE TIMES!

    If that's an old person then that just proves that once you hit a certain age or after every so often, you have to retake your driving test.

  5. I don't think I've added you yet, will do now.

    I just bought Resistance 2! However I can't open it until Christmas...

    As I was going to accept your friend invite, my internet decided to stop working. So as soon as I'm able to sign back in, I'll accept it.

    I'm thinking of going to get the Collector's edition some time this weekend, but I won't be playing it until I beat the first one.

    I was so close, but I can't use my damn save files. Pisses me off.

    EDIT: Does anyone know how to record PS3 gameplay?

    You want to waist about $800 on buying two Tv Tuner Card? Damn you have to buy those at Best Buy. And the only way to throw it on Youtube or on any other site is through Sony Vegas (A movie editing pro).

    I've heard of things a lot cheaper than that...I just forget what exactly it was.

    So I started Resistance 2 and so far I'm disappointed...mainly because the controls are all switched around.

  6. mudvayne_banner2.gif

    Well today I picked up my copy of Mudvayne's new album "The New Game". I haven't really heard much of it...because I got tired while waiting for my computer to convert some videos...so I fell asleep. Anyways, I was just curious if there are any other Mudvayne fans here. If anyone here likes Rock, Hard Rock or any kind of metal music, I suggest you check them out.

  7. Lol just looked at their site. Bad: Somtimes means good. WTF?!?!

    Yeah, that makes them contradict themselves because in the commercial Duff says "You say something's gay when you mean it's bad"...But they say "bad" means good...SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM!?!?!?!? :P

  8. I think the pattern is Liberty - Vice - LA+SF+LV....Liberty- - Vice -...etc

    So Vice comes next ofcourse

    So far it's been, since GTAIII; Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City, Vice City, Liberty City...not really much of a pattern. But Liberty City has been the first city at the beginning of every generation of the game. Vice City might be the next location, but I don't think it'll be the location of GTAV.

  9. lol. What sort of fucked up place uses terms like "beard" as an insult?

    And no one's used 'gay' to mean happy for about 60 years now.

    I like how on that website black people are predominantly featured. It's like they're almost tempting you to think racist comments to yourself while browsing.

    Tranny? No, it JUST means transexual or transvestite, who would use it to describe a wrecked car?

    Cougar? Yeah it's a cat... what else exactly can it be?

    Fag? Getting tired from hard work? Don't think so, the non-gay term would be British slang for a cigarette, surely that's much more modern and well-known usage, yes?

    Is this site basically just teaching kids obsolete terms for things? Half the words on there are only ever used as insults, the other half are never used as insults. Seems kinda pointless.

    And I just realised I typed out this whole reply based on the site Chris linked to, I didn't even watch the video you posted :P

    Anyway, as for the point of the topic, I shouldn't think that many gays get offended by it. I mean the negative association of the word is probably somewhat annoying, but it's been in common usage for such a long time now, probably got used to it.

    It's like how "queer" used to be an insult, but gays refer to themselves as that now.

    Similarly, "nigger" used to be an insult, but people with a dark skin tone descended from African countries and non necessarily living in America commonly refer to each other as "niggers".

    Bold: Yeah, but only they could say it to each other so they could feel special. If a white person says it, all hell breaks loose. That's another thing that sort of pisses me off, we have to refer to them as "African Americans" where as they still refer to us as "white people" or even "honky" without there being any repercussion.

    I'm wondering who actually decided to make this commercial. Were they homosexuals themselves or are they just someone who got picked on a lot when they were little and decided "Hey, I'm gonna make myself look retarded by making a commercial about how you shouldn't make fun of other people, even though no one will listen."

  10. I lol'd at their website


    I have nothing against gays, but there is no law, at least where I live, that says you have the right to not be offended.

    Also nobody likes AD Council, especially me.

    Did you notice that the thing on that website says "Beard". Is there something I'm missing?

    Gay = happy

    Gay = homosexual

    Beard = facial hair

    Beard = ???

    Me = confused

    EDIT: Ok, well I decided to look it up and found this.

    Beard is a slang term describing a person who poses as a false date or romantic partner to mislead others about the nature of a relationship.

    I never heard of that before...

  11. Well I was watching TV the other day and came across this extremely random commercial. I'm just curious, to those of you on this forum that are homosexual or know someone that is homosexual, do you find this commercial necessary? Do you actually find it insulting when people say, "That's gay"?

    I personally think that saying "That's gay" could be offending to some people, but I think it's a little over the top to make a commercial about it. Depending on the way you look at it, this commercial is actually offensive since it's basically singling out homosexuals.

  12. Your whole rant seems to be about money that you probably don't even have, which is why you're mad. You might have planned on illegally downloading the game, but found out that you couldn't even get it because of a shitty computer.

    I don't know about anyone else, but that's what I got from reading that.

  13. haha cool. good to see people writing decent stuff (unlike that other guy lol, the one that wrote stories every 30min)

    do you reckon they will make a gta V, like, set in vice city? that'd be cool i guess.

    Well GTAIII was Liberty City and GTAIV was Liberty City...so if the pattern continues...GTAV will be Liberty City.

  14. lolol. my uncle is doing that i think, dunno if he is getting any money for it :P

    if i remembered i woulda got some sponsors last year (when i finished HSC), i looked like a bloody terrorist lol no offence.

    Bold: Yeah, you don't want to offend those terrorist. They might sue you. :lolbounce:

    I would like to get a goatee, but it'd probably take me 4 months to get a half decent looking one.

  15. Well people are actually getting sent a key in the mail from Rockstar Games if they got 100% by a certain date.

    My PS3 was conveniently broken when this was going on. Aren't I lucky.

    I didn't complete it in time either. I wanted to play it slow and enjoy it as well. I think it is better that way. Though the key would be freakin sweet to have, just to say you have it.

    P.S. Bianca Beauchamp is fucking hot!

    I was done with the main storyline before this contest was announced and I wasn't intending to get 100% until I heard about this contest and not long after, my PS3 broke.

    P.S. I know. :P

  16. I would but mine always looks shit like some 16 yr old who's just started growing one :(

    LOL, I tried going this month without shaving and I ended up having that same problem...so I shaved it off last night. Sort of ironic.

  17. This is just a guess, but did you use the "Poster edges" filter in Photoshop? That's what I usually use when I try to make a photo look like artwork. It works best with relatively large photos. Smaller photos usually don't work as well.

    If that's what you actually did, just try to adjust the filter a little and see what looks best. You might want to use the smudge tool afterwards to change anything you might not like.

    If you're going for a GTAIV artwork style, I'd say that's just about as close as you could get. If you want an older GTA artwork look, you just need to get rid of some detail and possibly polygon some stuff.

    Hmm, nope. And yeah, I'm going for the IV artwork style.

    Are you using Photoshop? If so, then try out that filter.

  18. This is just a guess, but did you use the "Poster edges" filter in Photoshop? That's what I usually use when I try to make a photo look like artwork. It works best with relatively large photos. Smaller photos usually don't work as well.

    If that's what you actually did, just try to adjust the filter a little and see what looks best. You might want to use the smudge tool afterwards to change anything you might not like.

    If you're going for a GTAIV artwork style, I'd say that's just about as close as you could get. If you want an older GTA artwork look, you just need to get rid of some detail and possibly polygon some stuff.

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