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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I got the collector's edition around two weeks ago. I'm impressed with the series, but I'm extremely pissed that they switched the controls all around. I really liked the controls in "Fall of Man".

    Is there a way to switch them around?

    I haven't played online yet because I want to beat the campaign first. When I got “Resistance: Fall of Man” I went directly online and it took me forever to get around to beating the campaign. I didn't beat it until after the second one came out...and I had to beat it on easy just so I could get through it faster.

    I probably would have beaten it on hard if my system didn’t crap out when it did.

  2. I didn't get invited to the Home beta :(

    Oh well I don't have my PS3 anyway, I put it away because I need to focus on my GCSE Mock exams.

    When are your exams over?

    Me neither. Not that I really wanted to play it anyway.

    Oh you're just jealous. :P

    To be honest, you're not really missing much. Sure, it helps the wait a little, but it still needs some work. From what I've been seeing, it might take another year for it to come out.

  3. Haven't been here nearly as long as some of the others but I've had a fun ass time over here. First discovered this site looking for GTA cheats and now I visit almost daily. An awesome accomplishment Chris, here's to another 6 six years? :D

    Well you've been here longer than me. :)

    As long as there are new GTA games coming out...I'll be here. Although, that might depend on a few other factors.

    Congrats Chris! :clapping:

  4. THIS is also soo, sooooo true.


    no offense though

    I like how they looped Harrison's voice to make him sound like a retard. :lolbounce:

    Every system has its pros and cons, yet neither prevails over one another, whether you want to believe it or not. Certain people just enjoy certain things that certain systems offer.

    I like that list.

    You know you live in 2008 when...

    1. You go to a party, sit down and take MySpace pics. (LOLZ)

    2. You havent played solitaire with real cards in years. (Technology is great, isn't it?)

    3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have AIM/MSN/Face Book or YouTubeb (I'm not that retarded)

    4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV. (That's because we look ahead and don't "live in the now")

    6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer. (With a bottle of lotion and the blinds closed) :lolbounce:

    7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling. (Here and there, but not the whole thing)

    8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this. (Not really "stupid"...but bored)

    9. You were too busy to notice there is no number five. (Why look at the number? It's not really relevant. [Waste O' Time])

    10. You actually looked back up to check if there was a number five. (Alright, ok, ya got me!)

    11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity. (Not really, I'd feel stupid if I checked and there really was a #5)

    12. Put this in your profile if you fell for it. You know you did... (If I'm too lazy to play an actual game of solitaire, I'm too lazy to put this in my profile.)

  5. If you know how to build a PC then buy all the hardware yourself, you'll save hundreds of dollars.

    Though I love GTA III so I wouldn't see a problem with you using that to create your machinima. But I guess GTA IV would have a bigger appeal.

    I don't know enough about computers to make my own, but I could either ask my dad or my friend to build one for me.

    I was initially gonna go back to the GTAIII era of the series for my Machinimas, but I figured that if I start up again, why not start at the peek.

    Another reason why I'm thinking about making it with GTAIV, obviously, is because of Rockstar's video editing feature in the PC version. It seems like it'll be so much easier using that than 20 different mods for older games.

    If I were to just buy a computer in a store...what would you suggest? I want Windows XP, so I'll most likely have to buy it online, but what brand would be best for gaming? Again, I just need one that could run GTAIV smoothly...not some crazy ass computer.

  6. Well lately I've been wanting to create some Machinimas again, but I'm not sure whether or not I should make them with the GTAIII series or if I should wait until I get a new PC that could run GTAIV.

    I'm not exactly sure when I'll be getting a new PC, but I have enough for one right now. Along with that, would anyone know what a good gaming PC would be and how much it would cost? I don't need some crazy gaming PC, just one that could handle GTAIV pretty smoothly.

  7. How do people figure this information out? How do they know that this guy was responsible for these inventions?

    I'm not sure if this is similar to the whole Einstein thing, but people have said Einstein actually stole everything he supposedly thought of...which sort of confuses me because I don't know how people could figure this stuff out around 100 years later.

    Might just be me though…

  8. That's probably the best you could make it, but if you wanted to try to make it a little better for some reason, you could always use the smudge tool to smooth out the spots that still look scanned. Using the smudge tool for things like that gets very tedious and works 5% of the time. So make backups if you plan on doing that.

  9. So what is everyone planning on doing for the holidays this year? Anything in particular that you're asking for?

    Today for Thanksgiving, my family is gonna start the "secret Santa" thing and then stuff our faces...or vise-versa.

    On Christmas Eve, as usual, I'll be going over my uncle's for his Christmas Eve party.

    Christmas is gonna be a little different this year from the rest. Usually on my mom's side we go over my grandma's in the morning, but instead we're having the family thing at my place. Then on my dad's side, instead of having the family thing at my aunt's house, it's gonna be at my grandparent's place.

    I'm just asking for a few different things. I need a better rechargeable battery for my camcorder and then I want some games and DVDs...That’s pretty much it.

  10. Yeah, I have actually. My cousin goes to the same high school as me, but he doesn't live close to the high school, where as I DO. So, we just walk to my house after school and skate basically all day. It's pretty cool. And the funny thing is, it's been surprisingly sunny a lot lately. Not everyday, but a lot more than it should be so I'm enjoying it.

    Well skate as much as you can while that nice weather last.

    Does it usually snow where ever you are?

  11. I accidentally sent you a PM. I'm able to play my PS3 now. So I can jump in about this weekend. ^_^

    EDIT: My parents piss me off on certain moments to " Wash Dishes , Clean the bathroom , Or take out the garbage or some other crap. " So I'll on certain times if Im not moving you know what I'm doing.

    lol, I ended up replying to your PM before I saw your post in here.

    If you have to run to do that stuff during a match, let us know so we could protect your ass. :lolbounce:

  12. I'm skating basically every day now, cuz I actually am enjoying it these days. Enjoying it a lot actually. Pretty happy about that. And I'm pretty comfortable doing smith grides now, so I'm stoked on that.

    Well that's cool. You find anyone else that likes to skateboard too? It's always so much more fun to skate with other people.

    I'm just bumbed that winter is here...can't skate as much now.

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