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Everything posted by Ping

  1. How can you say that about Need for Speed? Most Wanted and Carbon rocks!
  2. I like the Wii the best, but I haven't played a PS3 yet, outside of a game demo.
  3. I think I'll go with V Rock. Whenever I check the radio stations, I seem to use V Rock the most.
  4. Favorite Gang: I'll go with Cubans considering they are the only real gang that doesn't attack you (unless you attack them, of course). Vance Crime Family is only made up of two people and I don't know who the Trailer Park Mafia is. Favorite Gang car: Cholo Sabre. Enough said.
  5. Speaking a female character, I wouldn't mind seeing Catalina as a main character.
  6. Thanks. I'm glad they made a gang improvement like this.
  7. Hey, how about an order of you favorite to least favorite GTA? Here's mine: Vice City Stories Vice City San Andreas Liberty City Stories GTA3 I haven't played any of the 2D games, so I can't include them.
  8. So I hear that gangs in VCS will eventually stop shooting? Is that true?
  9. What are you talking about? This isn't even meant to be the same as Vice City for PS2. This game is great.
  10. My favorite was Vice City. Now it's Vice City Stories.
  11. Just be glad that the aren't in VCS. In Vice City, they always shot at you.
  12. I would like to see a playable female character for once.
  13. I always only use cheats for fun and not to help towards 100%. It will be no different in this game.
  14. I like having fun with the cops and get a high wanted level and have them chase me.
  15. Basically most of the second island in general.
  16. I don't know if GTA really needs one. I don't care either way though.
  17. Okay, I've beaten it now. Thanks for the help anyway.
  18. I'm having trouble with this mission. For those who don't recognise it by the name, it's the first mission you do with Lance Vance. I can pass the first part where you kill the Cholos while you're in a car fine, but when I have to kill the rest of the Cholos on foot, one of them always end up kill me and/or Lance with his AK-47 or whatever strong gun they had. For those who have beaten this mission, I need some advice.
  19. When do the Bikers start shooting at you? They only shoot at me when I shoot at them. Well, I'm not very far in VCS yet, but the Cholos already hate me and shoot me.
  20. I don't celebrate Christmas.
  21. Over 9000 posts at Neoseeker.com. I joined there on January 7th 2004 and I still post there to this day.
  22. What's so bad with "necro-posts"? Who cares? And yes, their's too many gangs in this game and GTA 3 that want to kill you, however in Vice City and San Andreas, only like 2 gangs shoot at you for no reason. I don't know how many gangs in VCS shoot at you yet, but their's already 1 gang that started shooting me.
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