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Everything posted by Ping

  1. But what do you expect from a straight port minus the multiplayer? Their's nothing wrong with the PS2 version of LCS. The reason it was brought to PS2 in the first is because that's what the GTA fans (particularly the owns who didn't own a PSP) wanted. I really don't care in VCS comes to PS2 or not since I own a PSP. Chances are that it will. Read the date on the post before yours. November 19. That's a hell of a necro-post. There are a lot of things wrong with the PS2 version of LCS. The graphics were actually worse than the PSP version in my opinion, no multiplayer, and just muffed up. If you want to play LCS or VCS, then go get a PSP. (Again, I'm gonna say that I myself am not a PSP owner. But I have easy access to one.) The graphics are only worse because the PS2 version on a bigger screen. GTA doesn't really need multiplayer IMO. It's good to have, but I don't even have Wi-Fi for my PSP Overall, I don't think the PS2 version is not better or worse than the PSP version. I'm sick of the bashing for the PS2 version when GTA fans begged for it to be on PS2! I really agree with that part. Some people say LCS for the PS2 sucked and now they're begging for a PS2 port of VCS. I see topics all over GTAForums about "When is GTA VCS being released for PS2?" we're all getting sick of it and if it happens, they're gonna be complaining about VCS sucked on the PS2. I guarantee someone will say that. Yeah, that's a sad thing because people aren't being thankful for that when they wanted a PS2 version in the first place.
  2. Wow, am I the only one here who has VCS?
  3. I've been gone from this site and I recently came back. Hello everyone.
  4. Too many. I'll only name a few: Gamestop-TAMKFan Midway Boards-TAMKFan Neoseeker-RikkuLover MySpace-Jon (Which is also my real name)
  5. I don't celebrate Christmas.
  6. But what do you expect from a straight port minus the multiplayer? Their's nothing wrong with the PS2 version of LCS. The reason it was brought to PS2 in the first is because that's what the GTA fans (particularly the owns who didn't own a PSP) wanted. I really don't care in VCS comes to PS2 or not since I own a PSP. Chances are that it will. Read the date on the post before yours. November 19. That's a hell of a necro-post. There are a lot of things wrong with the PS2 version of LCS. The graphics were actually worse than the PSP version in my opinion, no multiplayer, and just muffed up. If you want to play LCS or VCS, then go get a PSP. (Again, I'm gonna say that I myself am not a PSP owner. But I have easy access to one.) The graphics are only worse because the PS2 version on a bigger screen. GTA doesn't really need multiplayer IMO. It's good to have, but I don't even have Wi-Fi for my PSP Overall, I don't think the PS2 version is not better or worse than the PSP version. I'm sick of the bashing for the PS2 version when GTA fans begged for it to be on PS2!
  7. These are both my favorite GTA games. I love them both. I think I'm leaning towards VCS for fixing the blurryness that was in VC and for some nice tweaks, like new punching animation and stuff like that. Overall, they are both great games, but VCS is even better than VC.
  8. How about more than one playable character? Like 3 characters? Each character could have it's own strengths and weaknesses.
  9. I would like to see the next GTA take place in London. It could be like GTA London from PS1, only in 3D and like current GTAs. That would be cool.
  10. The only NFS games I've really played are Hot Pursuit 2, Most Wanted and Carbon. I love all 3 of them. I might even buy Carbon for Wii when I can finally find a Wii to buy.
  11. I rented this and I love it. Maybe I'll buy it in a few months or something.
  12. I like his Antonio outfit the most. I just think that it fits him more.
  13. This reminds me. What gangs in VCS start shooting at you?
  14. But what do you expect from a straight port minus the multiplayer? Their's nothing wrong with the PS2 version of LCS. The reason it was brought to PS2 in the first is because that's what the GTA fans (particularly the owns who didn't own a PSP) wanted. I really don't care in VCS comes to PS2 or not since I own a PSP. Chances are that it will.
  15. I like VCS better. Mostly because I prefer Vice City over Liberty City and because you can swim. And their's other cool tweaks in there, like the new Empire thing.
  16. Hamburgers Bread sticks Barbeque chips
  17. I had trouble finding Sunshine Autos at first too. What a coincidence.
  18. I agree. And also the missions seem to have slightly more variety and slightly better graphics.
  19. I can understand it's supposed to be challengin but the gangs should only shoot at you during certain missions and when you shoot at them. I mean who wants the stupid gangs distracting you while you're looking for hidden packages and stuff?
  20. I like the Cop outfit because you can walk in the Police Station without getting wanted and you can walk around in Fort Baxter without the Army shooting at you.
  21. I like that one where you and Lance Vance dress as cops and blow up some place in the mall. It's causes a 5 star want level but there's a pay and spray not far from there.
  22. The Yazuka don't shoot at you in GTA 3 but in LCS they do once you pass a certain amount of missions. But anyway it's stupid how the gangs shoot at you like that.
  23. GTA3 was my first GTA game but I didn't into GTA until San Andreas.
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