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Everything posted by Ciaran

  1. We all have to admit that E3 wasn't that good this year, nothing special. But Sony did make the biggest announcements and getting some timed or fully exclusive games.
  2. lol. No it's Europeans who don't get anything. You guys got LOADS of E3 stuff to download from the store, we got nothing. Atleast I have an American account
  3. The first 500,000 Europeans to get a PS3 and sign up to the PSN would get a free Blu-Ray disc (a.k.a. Casino Royale)
  4. I got it for free aswell I was just saying yours came rather late. Also Sony was brilliant at E3, loads of E3 stuff for me to download on the store too
  5. The PS3 was never going to be getting exclusive content, I knew that, Just never admitted it I blame Krazy Ken. Not much new info but great post MishoM, your getting really good at this.
  6. Damn man. You got yours really really late I got my free Casino Royale Blu-ray disc ages ago. But it is a brilliant film.
  7. Happy B-day, 1 more year until you can buy GTA games on your own.
  8. The 80gb came to Korea a while ago with alot of extra features but I don't think Sony needed to release it. Anyone can simply upgrade their hard drive. But this 80GB is also coming to Europe as well, they have already said that pricing and stuff will be announced at E3.
  9. Any crime? Does this mean in view of a cop or just if you do a crime you'll get a wanted star? This could be a little disappointing as I would always just steal a car. But I love the way you can "surf the net".
  10. @Righty lol, true. Good concert, I was watching the UK one on T.V. I wonder if they reached that ambitious 2billion target.
  11. Nope, never. GTAIV has a good storyline and it's not just about killing people. I will just get it's usual rating (18 )
  12. Ciaran

    Manhunt 2 Petition

    Just signed it. Lets hope the government actually reads things on their websites.
  13. I remember the days when Ireland use to win Eurovision all the time, now it's just a political thing. Oh I forgot, this is a GTA forum I've just listened to some of her songs and she's good (In my opinion), I guess Rockstar are really focused on getting this Eastern European theme right.
  14. I just picked up Rainbow Six Vegas today, great game. I was playing the online play for a few hours then I realized I was playing it for a few hours so I stopped . Could you add that to my Games list please Also take Motorstorm of my list, it was good but I'm more interested in shooters that racing.
  15. I'm not going to bother with the extra stuff at first, I'm just going to put it in my PS3 and play for a while then come on here and see all of the people who have found interesting little things.
  16. Playstation Points Cards aren't out here yet, they are being trialled in Japan. They let you buy things, you walk into a store and "top-up" your cards, easy. @Jared, Yeah go with what OGTAM said. A Blu-Ray player over here is £1,000, a PS3 is £400, so tell your parents this is a worth while investment. Blu-Ray is easily the winner out of the HD Format war and nearly all studious are behind it. Also the Playstation Network is 100% free, download free trailers, demo's, extra game content ect... And then you could buy exclusive PSN (PlaystationNetwork) games for only around $8.99. And finally, Playstation Home. One of the greatest things coming to the PS3, just look at the first post in this topic to know what I'm saying.
  17. Ok we will go by your suggestions then, Whenever I see you online [On the PS3] we can start a match.
  18. We might as well set it up here What game and settings will we play? Here's my suggestion: Deathmatch 1 Hit Kill Infinite Ammo First to 200? And... Manchester But honestly I don't mind what or where we play, now you guys can make your suggestions. Also the best time for me to play would be in the evening.
  19. Cocky eh... I need a new headset, so I should be getting one tomorrow. I'm having bad luck finding a good quality headset for a good price. Oh well. I so want those new maps But the credit card thing won't work for me, I wish those Point Cards would come out over here.
  20. I was talking about the Resistance update... But that 1.82 only fixes a few bugs.
  21. Ok, well the update is... Brilliant! A load of new features, OGTAM and Charger I will add you to my buddy list now
  22. Your going down Americans. The Irish built America and now we want it back No seriously, we should have alot of fun when it comes on.
  23. Looks like the servers will be down for most of Friday but as long as I can beat play OGTAM I'll be happy
  24. The Resistance update is finally (And I mean finally!!!) coming tomorrow. The servers will be coming down at 2:30am GMT time(You can work out what time that is for you) and also the news maps will be coming after that Yey!
  25. Does anyone else feel that these could be types of mission pictures? The first one could be that Niko is stealing a car, the second seems that someone is breaking out from a prison (Although it could be something else). Anyway, nice pictures.
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