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Everything posted by Ciaran

  1. GameSpy updated their site today, they talk about some of the missions in VCS they've played such as one where you are working for the Mendez Brothers which involved taking out some rival drug dealers then gate chrashing a pool party fully-armed and on the cause to take out another rival drug dealer. For all the praises they gave they did also have a criticism as well: Here is some info from the site: LINK Hope that is some good info for you guys
  2. Ciaran

    GTA Advance

    I never even knew there was a gta advance, i havent seen it around
  3. And also if you guys didn't know their is also www.cheatsync.net it has thousands of codes for the cheat device
  4. Those screens look , plus sorry for you guys in the US but something might/will come out for vcs.
  5. Cool that trailer is good but what is L.A Noire, is it like gta?
  6. Ciaran


    How would people even know that you are black or white?... unless you told them(which there is no point)
  7. I would listen to all types of music expect heavy metal
  8. U2 is a good band but im with you bono is an idiot
  9. The first oone was good so i hope this one is better
  10. Yea it probaly wont beacuse there will be alot of data on vcs
  11. Nice map racso562, I like the idea
  12. GAME have updated their site saying that it is now november 3rd for the real date when VCS comes out in the UK. OTHER: There is even bigger pictures of the free skin which you will get and here they are: Sorry if this news is...well...rubbish
  13. Type of Graphic:Sig Graphic Size:A decent size, it has to fit onto my sig place Color:Put my name in green white and orange please and also a cool background to match it Images ( Images that you would want to be on your graphic ):none really Other:I dont have much money but if you want some i can give you some Thanks
  14. I dont know if there is one in lcs, i only seen the back of it in sa
  15. I cant get behind that place, i have tried before but then i gave up
  16. yea emm after awile the songs just get boring
  17. Mines butcher, dont know how high i got the points up too
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