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Everything posted by SonOfLiberty

  1. Hehehehhehe Yeah I still think they'll be small connections though. It's still going to take place, on the same fictional earth as the others. Can't exactly make out, as if the others never existed.
  2. Exactly. Although I don't see it in stores as much though. Still a great game, by today's gaming standards. Puts alot of GTA ripoffs to shame.
  3. It's nice too see old faces again, as it brings back memories. I think an entirly new cast would be weird. I mean there's gotta be some sort of connection, to past characters. Maybe not as much as VC or SA had, but maybe just little things. Whoops just saw my original post in this thread. I don't want past characters to play a big role.
  4. Shit sorry dude. I haven't played VCS yet, so I just ignored that part.
  5. Some of my ideas have probably already been said, but anyway... -Lock picking, so you can break into parked cars (I don't like going upto a random parked car and just opening the door, at a click of a finger) -The ability to stuff dead bodies in body bags and dump them, like into the sea or the middle of no where. -More businesses, like in Vice City. (To buy) -Drink alcohol and do drugs. (The GTA series is already controversial, so why not?) -Accesable car trunks to stuff weapons or bodies. -Better prostitute f***ing physics. (I mean all they do is sit in the front seat, while the car sways and they moan and groan. They don't even move) -Sitting down or lying down. -Headbutting should be an attack. -More blood and gore. (Blowing people up with a rocket launcher and body pieces go everywhere)
  6. Got to remember dude, Vice is 4 years old. I think for how old it is, it still holds it's own against games that are similar. In comparison to SA, I like robbing stores in Vice, compared to robbing houses in SA and I also liked the Hardware stores. Yeah Vice is really easy to get around, which is a good thing though. I hate how in SA or even LC when I drive somewhere and don't know where I am. Getting lost in the SA wilderness is very easy. Thank god for maps. Anyway yeah Vice is the easiest out of the 3, to find your way around. Hell I started a new game a few months ago, after not playing for a year or so and knew where everything was.
  7. What introduction type for GTA4 would you like to see? Example: Vice City had a Airport scene and a drug deal that went wrong. For GTA4 I would love to see an interactive introduction (Similar to MOH: Rising Sun) where you have to escape an ambush or even a Prisonbreak. What about you guys?
  8. I fear if it's set in London, it'll be too much like The Getaway. Now a couple of places I would like to see, just for something different are Amsterdam and Moscow. Either way I hope they use the same size map in SA or even bigger, because it would be a letdown, if only one city was used, after the extreme amount of free roaming in SA.
  9. Hey guys, I found this timeline of events, that have happened in GTA. Credit goes to Wikipedia. Sorry if this has been posted before, but I found it interesting, as there's a few stuff I didn't know about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_G..._Auto_III_canon
  10. "Life's a beach" was annoying as hell. I started a new game in August, but got up to that misson and never bothered with it. I passed it today and that really got things moving. Upto Badlands now. I think "Doberman" was really cool, because that's how gang wars started.
  11. We don't really have anything like that, over here in Australia. The Aboriginals are pretty cool, but I have had the race card pulled out on me before though. I hate everyone equally. If there's someone I don't like, I don't really care what race they are. They can shove the racist crap, up their ass, because if they act like a dickhead, then they deserve to be treated like one.
  12. Ok I put this thread in here, as it's not specific to a particular GTA forum. Basicallly which character would you rather see in a different city? E.G Tommy in Liberty or Claude in Vice.
  13. Yeah I know this topic is old, but anyway...... I think Tommy would own Claude to be honest. He's more of a "take no shit from anybody " type person, whereas Claude just done what he was told.
  14. Yeah it seems weird, because the cops do something when they do something to other people, but they let it go with CJ???? I think the justice system in GTA4 should be fairer.
  15. Tommy. He was just cool and had style. Also he lives in a sunny and beautiful place.
  16. I usually go on a massive roadtrip and try to stick to the road rules. lol
  17. Meh Most Wanted and Carbon are ok, but not as good as Underground 1 and 2. IMO I wish they would bring back the car interiors, from the early Need For Speeds though.
  18. Thanks dude. I don't partake in the "Console wars" because there's no point. Seriously arguing over game consoles? As I said before I've only played the 360, because we don't get the PS3 until March, but the few times I've played the 360 I've been like WOW!!!!. The graphic effects on PGR3 are superb. I can't wait to have a crack at the PS3.
  19. PS2 XBOX PSP Never had a Nintendo (With the exception of a Gameboy Advance). They just don't appeal to me.
  20. I will get it, but when prices drop. I'd say I wont get one until the end of next year or early 2008.
  21. Only played the 360, because us Aussise don't get the PS3 until next year. I think the PS3 will be better though. I have a PS2 and XBOX and I must say they're both pretty good, but I've always liked the Playstation.
  22. Tourist Trophy. Scarface will be the next though. I cancelled my Lay Buy on Canis Canem Edit (Bully) to get it.
  23. Meh DRIV3R was alright, but it has nothing on GTA. Parrarel Lines was better, but never really got into it. Now a GTA clone I'm looking forward to getting is Scarface: The World is yours. Heard great things about that.
  24. GTA1. Was over at a friend's house in 1998 and his brother rented it, been a GTA fan since. GTAs I have owned/currently own. GTA 1 (Bought it in 1998 and sold it, with PS1 in early 2005) GTA 2 (Bought it in 1999 and sold it, with PS1 in early 2005) GTA 3 (Bought it in early 2002) GTA VC (Bought it in late 2002) GTA SA (Bought it in late 2004) GTA LCS PSP version (Bought it in late 2005)
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