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Everything posted by ThePunisher

  1. Tommy is never afraid. Cj let those 3 officers abuse him and steal money from him. Tommy will never take that from anyone. Just like how he killed sonny.
  2. I hate LANCE VANCE DANCE Even thou im black in real life. Hes the most dum black guy in the whole of the gta history!!!! WHAT a backstabber!!!!!!! He betrayed Tommy............
  3. WTF that was an april fools joke o lol!! My bad I never knew!!! I guess i just got caught up by that joke... sorry everyone about the mis understading...........
  4. I found the cover page man. Im going to play that as soon as it comes out. Im looking forward to play gta 4 Chicago!!!! Im going to play that as soon as it comes out. Im looking forward to play gta 4 Chicago!!!! Im going to play that as soon as it comes out. Im looking forward to play gta 4 Chicago!!!! Im going to play that as soon as it comes out. Im looking forward to play gta 4 Chicago!!!! Im going to play that as soon as it comes out. Im looking forward to play gta 4 Chicago!!!! Im going to play that as soon as it comes out. Im looking forward to play gta 4 Chicago!!!!
  5. I can't wait to play gta 4 chicago. That's going to be gangsta!!!!
  6. Would some of the older charaters from Sa, Vc and Lc be in the new gta 6
  7. I was hoping if tommy Vercitti would be in gta 4. Hes my favourite charater in the whole gta history.
  8. Its about everything. The first advance grand theft auto was just called gta 3. The new one sounds simular to gta 3. Gta 3 ur main charater doesn't talk. Maybe your main charater doesnt talk as well. It could be the same as gta 3??
  9. People are asking if tommys going to be in VC stories. But hes in prison for the past 15 years. How is he in Vc stoires if hes in jail???
  10. Guys tommy wont be in the game at all. NUMBER 1: He was in prison for the past 15 years. Remember sonny took 15 years away from him. How is he sopost to be in 1984 if hes in jail. ??????????
  11. Guys listen 2 me. IM A GTA MASTER MIND. hERES WHAT REALLY HAPPEN!!!!! Lance was in a helicopter with the deal. Lance saw tommy with his two buisness partners. He wanted to see If tommy was responsible with the murder of his brother. Lance used tommy to see if he really planed the ambush. But!!! Why did tommy ran away?? Now Lance totaly forgot that he had a boss. Sonny payed lance to leave tommys side. So he neverd found tommy a real friend. When lance wanted to kill the person that killed his brother, he played along with tommy if he was going to confess. So then Lance realized he wasn't involved. So he just used tommy until the very end.
  12. Ya but Johnny dies remember in San Andreas. He had a heart atack.
  13. I wish they could have a new guns like m 16 or a granade launcher
  14. I mean buying newer types of places like the ones from vice city.
  15. you have to fly right behind it. Try 2 fly staright 2 gain speed.
  16. I wonder if their a mod 4 that
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