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Everything posted by ThePunisher

  1. It looks alright. It reminds me of True crime streets of L.A.
  2. I'll do mine in two months. Thanks for the Update news!!
  3. Ya that's true. Samething happened to me on my psp.
  4. Thanks Jared. So anyways It wouldn't matter to me at all. Male or Female.
  5. Vice city was based on based on 80's. I want something new. It's going to be based on 2007. When Gta 3 came out, it was based on 2001. It had no name of which city it's based on. Gta 4 is going to be the samething. 2007 is the real year.
  6. I would use the fastest cars , Infurnes and cheeta. Nice and fast. Or maybe a tank.
  7. If the is main charater is a female, I think they should add new styles of combat. New styles like Martial Arts. Some effects like true crime streets of L.A. Maybe they could add a training center for you to practice martial arts. You could level up your training level, so you can knock out your enemy quicker.
  8. I think Toronto. Bad parts of the town like Jane and Finch. Maybe places in downtotn. It might work out.
  9. I don't like 80's. I Think its going to be set in 2007.
  10. The sky is always brown. My game is weird. People are always walking upside down. I don't know how to fix it. Can anyone help! Thanks!
  11. I passed the misson on my second try. It got me so mad because lance sucks at shooting.
  12. wat do u mean! On a different site??
  13. I have the save game. The attachment doesn't work.
  14. Ya Tommy is more in control than any other charater in GTA.
  15. It's not really fair when the cops go after U, but not Hilary.
  16. Sorry if I don't play GTA often like certain freaks. OK chris i belive u now.
  17. It's between 500-900. It's around there.
  18. I was reading the topic title. i must of forgoting to quote.
  19. It's not $900. Stop posting useless crap. The topic starter gets the idea. Ok then, just take it easy. People make mistakes.
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