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Everything posted by Nate10

  1. I'd send you a direct link to a 100% checklist, but I'm currently on a minor login account and a bunch of places are being blocked lol but this should help you out: A link to a bunch of links that should help you out.
  2. Haha, exactly. I'll probably either spend the next couple days to get well by giving in days worth of playing SCAREFACE, or spending my day on YouTube/TGTAP/laying in bed/pr0n/ect. So yeah, I should fix my problem of missing my millions in the next few days..
  3. Now I must admit your post is actually hilarious, in the sense that your use of question marks and exclamation marks was a little overused. But: How in hell can you actually compare a touchscreen music simulator game to a freeroam type of game? I doubt you've played either, and I can pretty much back that up because you hate the DS so you woudn't actually own one to play it. Plus the fact that GTA: Chinatown Wars hasn't even came out yet, you CANNOT compare it. I don't even think there's been any confirmed info about the game so I don't understand why you solely hating the DS makes this game automatically suck. Also, why are you bitching about this game being seventeen or older? Are you that young and mentally unstable enough to where your parents won't buy it for you? I think this game is going to be fun, and it could definitley bring in some new good features and possibiltie's for R*. I know I'm going to get it.
  4. Wow. I'm surprised this topic is still pretty active. Awesome. I actually just got back into the game, started all the way over. Figured that would make it easier for me too adjust to. I miss not having millions of dollars though...
  5. In San Andreas or Liberty City? Uhm..? Liberty City. Don't completely believe me though since this is a GTA 4 topic, so I can't really guarentee anything.
  6. Then the story makes less sense because of how Ken and Tommy went their own seperate ways before 1992. Lol. Fail.. Anyway, do you write these type of theings often Samil? Coz I think I've noticed another one like this somewhere in the forum. edit: Woo, looked at the graphics and writer's pad. Guess you do do them often... got a lot of time on your hands ay?
  7. Banshee. Perennial. Sentinel. Triad Fish Van. Blista. Name the ONLY place you can find the BF Injection.
  8. I'm surprised I couldn't read the 'canon' label backwards on the picture, but yeah I had a feeling it was a Dikon or a Canon. How much did you buy yours for? But yeah, they're great camera's... my cousin actually just got an EOS 30D, it's pretty epic considering I've always used low budget average digital camera's. And haha, nah you're not photoshopping the hell outah yooz photos like the scenesters so don't worry...
  9. Bold. I laughed reading the article..
  10. OMG maybe read his posts? Gee. Good thing the fun and off-topic threads don't increase your post count.
  11. Couldn't you of simply put those in one post considering it's not like you just found that last glitch a second ago ...
  12. Paris Hilton < Ralph Nader People aren't that dumb yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if she got a few votes.
  13. you're a cool member :)

  14. Nate10

    come back =/

  15. Got pot on my head but don't call me a pothead.
  16. OH come on. How do you take this topic seriously. Honestly, have a sense of humor.
  17. Personally, the GSF. Those guys fucking piss me off. For example, it takes forever for them to get in the car, at times they'll shoot at me, they always get my car blown up, and they shoot like crap. They really seem dumb, and worthless. They make me hate everything green. I love green! Ballas are pretty annoying too, since there's always a bunch of them.
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