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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Does anyone know where the program recordings from Media Center saves to? Thanks alot.
  2. Man I know exactly what ya talking about . Holdens Greatest Car Ever(Except a F250)We used to have one of those cars but my dad's a pisshead so you can imagine what happened to it but yeah they are awesome cars now i have a 86 nissan pintara for hooning around my estate coz i kinder live in a rural area with like 500 people so yeah they don't care and remeber DRINKING KILLS DRIVING SKILLS You are so right, Holdens are the Greatest Car.
  3. I think ill stick to XP for a while.
  4. Is that the only way to make a 2 Player Game?
  5. Can someone please find a Link? Dont bother with SA-MP or anything because thats not what im after. Just to be clear, 2 Players only, Over LAN or what ever. Thanks. EDIT: Jared i found your Mod but its not what im looking for. Jar Jar's 2 Player Mod.
  6. Talk about in what ways the Game could improve. I think it could improve the Swimming, Couldent swim for very long.
  7. Does anyone know if these is a 2 Player Mod for San Andreas on PC? If there is is it possible to play it over LAN?
  8. I had Version 5.5 i dont know about 6.
  9. I also want the Rockstar humour. Maybe they could have the Ads playing on a TV in a Electrical shop or something.
  10. I was wrong, I installed Vista pack my friends installed Longhorn. I tried Un Installing, Stuck with Vista icons, Boot screen everything. I tried re building icon cache, Fixing boot.ini nothing. Format fixed it. STAY AWAY FROM TRANSFORMATION PACK.
  11. Nice ride. I know exactly what a VL is, See them down Chapel Street lol. Hahahaha. This one doesn't make that stupid noise like alot do, because it isn't turboed. Real cars dont sneeze lol.
  12. Nice ride. I know exactly what a VL is, See them down Chapel Street lol.
  13. Formatted a few Weeks ago, Installing MCE in a few weeks. Looks like i got to back my stuff up again.
  14. Dmac


    Dinosaurs with Feathers would look funny.
  15. Ye the Cops here are ok. On the show COPS the USA Cops don't act so bad.
  16. I believe my vote has made it even.... SOAD!
  17. Its opposite here in Australia, In Melbourne there has been a drought, As well as in most parts of Australia. We need rain bad.
  18. Dmac


    Dinosaurs had feathers? Weird. Do you mean like T-Rex and stuff?
  19. Nice. How much bigger will he get?
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