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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. Y'know, for a slight moment during that dance, it looked like they just might break into 'big butts'... Oh wel...
  2. The first and fifth looked new to me... The first, fourth and sixth definitely aren't new. EDIT: NRG - 900... just what i was waiting for.
  3. Just saw this at another site, before here... (bookmarked directly to forums) Looks good, though the boxart style remains the same... Hope the new trailer gives something away. I'd just like to add there may be a few new screens floating around, some seem to be HQ's clipped from the trailers, but i'll upload the ones i didn't think i'd seen before here... Yeah, we've definitely seen some of those before....
  4. I Dissagree. Anyway If I HAd Any I'd Put All The Money In The World For It And Charge You All £15 For Using Site! Good For You... I Don't. Well If Non Of Ya'll Like It You Don't Have To Join. Why Should I Have To Pay To Give All Ya'll Something Fun To Do? It's Your Loss If Ya Don't Join. Because the creators of pretty much every website you visit did.... And, just quit arguing guys. Connor, if you think his site's sucky, then just voice your opinion once and leave it, if at all. Deji, being argumentative and not taking to C&C won't make people want to join GTAG's... Regardless of whether it's a profile or not, it's still a website... no matter how you label it. No matter whether it's hosted with piczo ( ) or you created it / coded it yourself.... it's still a website... My very own website is free, however i have searched around and found the best free host that would accomodate my needs. You don't just have to stick with hosts that give you templates / software to create a site. My advice is to be willing to learn, and experiment a little.
  5. Source or don't say it. If it DOES come out in the 2ndQ of 08, i think it'll be later rather than sooner.
  6. to be honest mate you have not made many friends on this forum so far have you??? if you start on one of us how many do you think will stand up for swifty???? answer: a lot more than will stand up for you, so i suggest you stop, and go back to whatever you were doing before you joined the forum... For fuck's sake. Do you people not read?
  7. Yeah, if we were 2 months into '08 already. It really wasn't a year.
  8. Love finding all those songs that you haven't heard in ages, only to play them over and over and over. One of my favourite songs of all time: Blink 182 - Stay together for the kids. 'If a stupid poem could fix this home, I'd read it everyday'
  9. Chill. He got a week's suspension already. Just leave it.
  10. No, I'm mad because you're pissing off forum members, and as moderators, we're supposed to keep the forum running smoothly for their enjoyment. Plus you come out with some really, really stupid shit.
  11. Proof or GTFO. Plus, you can quit the (pathetic) threats and insults.
  12. Hot Coffee, anyone? Y'know, judging by the things you come out with, I'd say you really didn't know shit about GTA.
  13. ^too true. Playing alot of ToCA recently. That and AoE. Been busy with other stuff though...
  14. Click me! That's pinned at the top of the SA section, you shoulda checked there first. That, or use the search function. For the record, i'm no longer working on skinning cars. Learning new things pushes old stuff outta my head.
  15. 500 x 150 is the standard i use, sometimes bigger, depending on what I'm putting in (such as transparencies / renders that exceed image bounds) A larger size i find nice (too large to use on the forums) is 600x250.
  16. The GTAIV section of this forum has more replies than the San Andreas section. Considering that SA has been relesed, and has topics about gameplay, modding, and general help, things we can't deduce about IV right now... I'd say this game is far from dead. Infact, if it's so dead.... then don't bother posting here.
  17. The old one would've looked better if you'd just have added something else in. Either way.
  18. Some nice, bassy music would be nice... Something we can blast out whilst bombing it down some huge road somewhere, only to hit some poor guy in the shins
  19. To be honest, that topic is kinda more 'official' I'll close this one, and link to the other... Music you would like to see in GTAIV
  20. My brother is into hooliganism. Not to say he is a hooligan, he just enjoys learning about it. Never any in my town, but i seen some pretty bad shit in books and stuff my brother reads. Like people being attacked with wrenches (the tool) and stuff. Pretty messed up stuff.
  21. The amount you go on about Chris fucking Crocker, you'd think you had some kind of infatuation over him or someshit. Seriously man.
  22. The Boggs - Arm in Arm (ShyChild Remix) Need i say more?
  23. Ok guys, here's the plan. We find the queue to the next big High School Musical performance, we drive past it i a car, with a katana out the window, thusly eradicating a good proportion of High School Musical fans. Quite surprised at the response, maybe I'll have a bad day more often.
  24. ^XD^ Frankie Boyle, still. 'They say that the London 2012 Olympics will re - kindle the British sense of national pride... But for 9.2 Billion, we could've just written 'Fuck off Germany' in big letters on the moon.' 'The only time i ever want to see Geri Haliwell Draped in a union jack again is if she's been killed in battle.' My 2 favourite thing he ever said.
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