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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. That was the entire story. Hold on I'll gather some moar!
  2. Bruce Almighty... Who wants to see some of my old stories? (they're crap but if you wanna see them anyway...)
  3. I see Dr Pig probing Zoe Hey look guys! WALL-E and EVE have come to join the fun!
  4. It was poo... I mean chocolate spread I see you dressing
  5. "Who had a period all over the toilet seat!" Dr Pig said, he was interrogating two of his patients because one of them was the perperator. "Zoe? Was it you?" Dr Pig asked. "No it wasn't, it was Farmer Joe next to me!" Zoe said. "Farmer Joe! How dare you vandalise my property, now clean it up!" Dr Pig ordered. "How the fuck can I have periods? I'm a man! Its her fault!" Farmer Joe yelled. "Thats what Tranny the transexual told me! Now clean my toilet seat!" Dr Pig ordered, Zoe smirked to herself for she was the perpertrator (and the only female in the scene)
  6. Slobberwanker Formally known as Slobberwacky by Simpsons Comics - until it was parodied by Angry Gorilla 'Twas Zoe and her slimy rogues... Did cheat to win the three-leg'd race; All tipsy were the friends of Manny, And Raymond stole third base. Now we focus on a young girl By the name of Frida Suarez Her dad was shocked and drank too much. Why was he shocked? Frida was downloading warez. "Beware the Slobberwank, my girl! The cock that drool, the manboobs that sags! Beware the Fuck-Fuck beast, and shun... Fuck-Fuck's owners, the ugly hags!" "Ha Ha! That was weird Dad I do laugh at your tales Last time I heard a tale that weird Was from an angry gorilla from Wales!" Frida took her trusty guitar in hand, Out into the dark forests from the sunny day So rested she by the Porn billboard, and grumbled loudly "This is gay!" And as little Frida Suarez sat, Out came Jay and Silent Bob They chucked at her a hat And inside was a door nob. It wasn't long before she lost her head She threw the nob at Jay and Silent Bob It smacked out their rude thoughts of shagging in bed And after they left Frida kicked away the door nob. And in total boredom Frida sat, the Slobberwank, with eyes ablaze, finally came staggering through the Miracle City woods, and wanking as it came! Riff, Raff! Riff, Raff! Hitting head and haff! The guitar sang! The Wank did choke! Frida knocked it out, then gave a shout... for it was Big Smoke. "And has thou slain the Slobberwank? Come to my arms, my fearless girl! Lets funk! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" (Who knew what Emiliano that meant? That fucking punk!) T'was Zoe and her slimy rogues, Did cheat to win the pie-eating race; All tipsy were the friends of Manny, And Chris from TGTAP tried to say grace.
  7. A few screenies of a texture mod I'm making for Area 69, its supposed to look old and unused, but so far I haven't exactly achieved that yet, but it looks nice. Check out the computer screens
  8. Soulja Boy!? I hate Soulja Boy. (It's crap because I spent 5 minutes on it so no gyp!)
  9. Load your guns folks! We gonna bomb the RIAA!
  10. I'm planning to bomb Jack Thompson's house with my Super-Duper PenisGun! Who's with me?
  11. Somewhere near Area 69, there should be a small building near the train tracks. EDIT: Woops, anyway I think the file you wanna edit is called des_ufoinn.txd, I think.
  12. Hop on pop! Who wants to eat my bananas?
  13. I spotted two toonwankers drooling over Frida. I wanna fucking kill them!
  14. Jay and Silent Bob are causing mischief again.
  15. Xt0ny's penis is raping the poster below. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
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