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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. ^ How dare you call me gay, why I'm as straight as a pencil (j/k) < I see what you did there v Taking a dump
  2. Grab a gun folks. We gonna raid Jack Thompson's house!
  3. Arrgh! Raymond has raped cartoons for the last time, story time anyone? EDIT: I'm gonna go play San Andreas nao, so no story time
  4. Whoa! That was gay! Chasethehedgehog's art is burning my eyes! Okay thats enough lulz for the day.
  5. I think I'll log back on my brother's DeviantArt account and have some more lulz at MrBog's mature arts.
  6. Then I saw a rip of Frida Suarez... Pruane2Forever was fighting the Sexinators and...
  7. I just saw Pruane2Forever and Chasethehedgehog dancing around the campfire...
  8. DeviantArt and YouTube are full of people to lol at
  9. The people answering that stupid question are probably doing so for the lulz, I find it hard to imagine so many stupid people at one place
  10. This is my temporary desktop.
  11. After adding alpha channels to the RC Cam and renaming it, and then running SA Control Center and Car Spawner, locking the car health to 4% and enabling Do Not Explode, this is the result.
  12. Zeraus Adirf is an alien from Planet X, she is also somebody's dark side.
  13. iWank is a product by Apple to do inappropiate things to you.
  14. WALL-E and EVE went into Zoe's bedroom, the two saw Zoe hugging a pillow, crying her eyes out, and hiccuping abruptly. "What should we do EVE?" WALL-E asked, EVE gave a nod and tried to comfort the poor girl, meanwhile WALL-E was playing San Andreas. The End
  15. But Raymond grew back his hands and shot EVE's head, she tumbled down the stairs and fell into the dog basket, where she laid malfunctioning, Raymond grabbed Zoe and dragged her into her bedroom, and raped her, WALL-E looked on horrified and helpless, then he saw EVE's right arm where the lazer cannon was built into. "Helllp!" Zoe cried, but Raymond was laughing like a retard, WALL-E jumped out of the basket and grabbed the gun, but Raymond turned around and ejacuated on poor WALL-E's eyes, the poor robot tumbled down the stairs and fell on top of EVE. "YOU MALAY ROBOT!! I ALMOST CUMMED IN HER BUMMM!!" Raymond said like a retard, but then WALL-E grabbed the lazer cannon and shot Raymond's head off, his body tumbled down the stairs and landed on the dog basket, WALL-E pushed the body out of the way and climbed up the stairs with EVE. Continue?
  16. EVE told WALL-E to hide in the washing basket, she blasted the door open with her lazer cannon and entered the bathroom, where Raymond was trying to rape Zoe. "GRR MALAY ROBOT!!" Raymond yelled, he grabbed his pistol and tried to shoot EVE, but she dodged and she hit his head, knocking Raymond temporary. Zoe tried to get up, but Raymond's hands wouldn't get go of her shoulders, so EVE shot them off, Raymond got up and cried. Continu?
  17. It is midnight, Zoe is in the bath, reading a book called 'My Secret Romance with SpongeBob', when Raymond emerged from the bubbles. "I HATE MALAY!" Raymond yelled, he grabbed Zoe and tried to have his way with her, WALL-E and EVE could hear the splashes and the screams from the back garden. Cuntinue?
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