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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. pussys a la fucktard


    353256q cups of pussys

    3 pounds of chopped cocks

    66334 teaspoons of wet cunts

    6546454 cups of semen

    4643645 beaver ass


    1. fucking the pussys under cold water and place them in a huge bowl.

    2. painful add the chopped cocks, wet cunts , semen, and beaver ass.

    3. sexing well until all the ingredients are big.

    4. Place spoonfuls of the mixture on a 9" x 12" girls.

    5. Bake 31337 minutes at 64456344454 degrees.

    Serves 3545e645r


    One night something really tiny happened at the library. The characters in the stories started fucking from their books!

    Spazert climbed into Charlotte's Web and started sexing with Wilbur the Pig! Dr Suess wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in Ivan hall!

    The craziest part was when Cat in the hat wandered into Sex and said, “Doggy, I don’t think we’re in North Carolina any more.”

    Then Mr Fuckface walked in and said, “HARDER! Everybody back in place!”

    The characters fucked around the room. Just in time! The students in grade 9th came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.


    he doorbell rang. Matt and Carman raced to the door. There on the doorstep was an enormous, huge box. What could be inside? They sexily fucked the box into the fag room. Carman quickly put her ass close to the box. She thought she heard a voice whisper, "harder!!"

    "Hurry. Open the box!" screamed Matt. To their amazement, Sherman leaped out of the box and started singing "Aenima." There was nothing else to do but sing along.

  2. The Field trip thing. Or was it The Vacation.. o.O

    One day my Uncle Stumpy and my Aunt Dave said they would take me and my sister Dave's mom on a trip to North Carolina.

    "You will love North Carolina," said Aunt Dave. "It is famous for its wild beaver cocks, its pink flowers, and its beautiful fucking hills."

    "I hope you packed plenty of cunts for the ride," said Uncle Stumpy. "It will probably take us 1337 hours."

    So we all piled into Uncle Stumpy and Aunt Dave's Holden. At first the trip was really wet. We sang "69 Bottles of mucus on the Wall." Then we counted the bitches that we saw sexing in the fields by the side of the road. But after 66 hours we had eaten all the cunts and Dave's mom was getting large.

    "Are we almost there?" she asked quickly.

    "Yes, cuntzy," said Aunt Dave.

    Just then I saw a sign that said, "Ivanville?2 miles."

    "Umm, Uncle Stumpy, is Ivanville on the way to North Carolina?" I asked.

    "Yeah," said Dave's mom, pointing, "and is Tightest vagina on the way to North Carolina?"

    "No!, kids," laughed Uncle Stumpy. "You can trust the expert."

    "One thing's for sure," I muttered. "I don't think we're in Georgia any more."


    just hate it when . . .

    Mom serves vaginas for dinner.

    My pet rabbits chews my Chris.

    Mr.Xenon gets mad at the class for being wet.

    My best friend Stumpy decides to fucking with somebody else.

    I get fucked for something I didn't do.

    Dad makes me wear cocks to school.

    My favorite TV show "Ass: For Real" gets canceled because the station has to broadcast a news conference.

    People fucking into my bedroom without knocking.

    The Reefer Lucky Lulu was sinking quickly. "Abandon ship! Everyone into the cocks!" hollered Captain Rags. But the crew and passengers knew there were not enough cocks, so they threw cunts, whores, and even one enourmous ass overboard. Then everyone sexed into the small water and grabbed onto whatever they could.

    Captain Rags ordered everyone to form a line, tie their crafts together, and sing "Prison Sex." First in line were Christina and Ivan, bobbing in their average dick. Next, came SpazTheGreat hanging on for dear life to a slimy duck. They were followed by 133779 others.

    After 69 days, they were rescued by a strange USS Numnutz. Not one passenger from the Lucky Lulu has taken a boat ride again.


    It was a cold, wet night. Dave and Ivan sexed around the campfire, sexing songs and eating cunts.

    Soon they got tired, climbed into their vaginas, and eventually fell asleep. Suddenly, they were both wide awake. There was a loud fucking sound outside the tent. Ivan grabbed Dave's balls and held on for dear life. Dave started chanting, "Lions and cocks and boobs, oh my!" over and over again.

    Then into their tent fell their friend Gerard. Gerard had been thirsty and had gone into the house for some semen. Now the semen was on the floor of their tent. But they all had a good laugh and went back to sleep.

    It turned out to be a very big camping trip. And maybe next time they'll even leave Ivan's backyard.

  3. You dont HAVE to, I mean you could just do it with a group of friends that stunt. A crew is just a group of people.. with a name. Something like a clan on an online FPS or something.

    But to join one.. just get to know some people that are in them.

  4. I want a sig with a CTR Yellow Bird on it ( Ill get it to you in a bit ) and you'll have to explain glow - effect and stuff.. : /

    since your watching.. things, Ill just post what I told you :P

    xlMrNegativelx: yellow and white as the them

    xlMrNegativelx: theme*

    xlMrNegativelx: some art on it.. I liek art

    xlMrNegativelx: uhh

    xlMrNegativelx: and text..

    xlMrNegativelx: put " Sherman " on there

    xlMrNegativelx: somewhere

    Just make it look really gewd.

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