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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Haha.. GG spaz :)

    Another one from me:

    FLYpap3r12149: hey sexy

    enj0ithpS: hey

    FLYpap3r12149: howr you?

    enj0ithpS: I hate ebaums world bots

    enj0ithpS: dont you/>

    enj0ithpS: ?

    FLYpap3r12149: uh huh... sur elol

    enj0ithpS: coughcough

    FLYpap3r12149: i have been so tired lately, i cant wait till i can sleep in for once

    enj0ithpS: k

    FLYpap3r12149: yea...

    enj0ithpS: ur eleet

    FLYpap3r12149: do u have a gf/bf?

    enj0ithpS: u

    FLYpap3r12149: we wree discussing you -- not me

    enj0ithpS: no.

    FLYpap3r12149: why not?

    enj0ithpS: dont feel like it

    FLYpap3r12149: i just went for a run so i'm all sweaty now, gross lol

    enj0ithpS: cool

    FLYpap3r12149: yeahb aby!

    enj0ithpS: WHO

    enj0ithpS: MIKE JONES

    enj0ithpS: WJO

    enj0ithpS: MIKE JONES

    FLYpap3r12149: I dunno about that one

    enj0ithpS: Mike Jones is the leet

    FLYpap3r12149: -:D

    enj0ithpS: cyber?

    enj0ithpS: not hx

    FLYpap3r12149: go for it

    enj0ithpS: no thx*

    FLYpap3r12149: maybe ;-)

    enj0ithpS: no

    FLYpap3r12149: that stoo bad

    FLYpap3r12149: -:P

    enj0ithpS: Id rather have in a real bed.. if you know what I mean.

    FLYpap3r12149: maybe ;-)

    enj0ithpS: WHERE U LIVE

    FLYpap3r12149: I live in washington you?

    enj0ithpS: Columbia

    enj0ithpS: I get all the good drugs

    FLYpap3r12149: :-)

    enj0ithpS: Yeah.

    FLYpap3r12149: cool

    enj0ithpS: ilu

    FLYpap3r12149: did you know there are coffee flavored PEZ? wierd...

    enj0ithpS: What are pez? Pedro?

    FLYpap3r12149: i dont remember anymore lol

    enj0ithpS: god ur eleet

    enj0ithpS: how old did you say you were?

    FLYpap3r12149: i just went for a run so i'm all sweaty now, gross lol

    enj0ithpS: great

    enj0ithpS: you told me that

    enj0ithpS: already.

    FLYpap3r12149: excellent! I like it when things are going great

  2. bb gun = pellet gun.. I think

    I saw a hated teacher at the store while I was in my car.. so I just started digging through the dashboard so she wouldnt see me.

    I still dont like that bitch. Gave me a D :(

  3. Yeah in England it's pretty easy to go into any shop and buy a game you aren't supposed to be allowed. I've done it before.

    Hell, I bought Carmageddon 2, one of the goriest and controversial games of its time when I was about 11, 7 years underage. That was at EB by the way.

    No wonder you act the way you do.. :P j/k

    @ Xenon: Only american soccer moms and baseball dads worry about this kind of shit. That's why I play Football. ( Rugby with pads )

  4. You obviously are a child.. I'm guessing you're eleven, twelve?

    i got more guns then u do and thats a fact

    How would you know? You don't even know him.. idiot.

    Oh, btw, the plastic cowboy guns from walmart arn't real weapons ;)

    i got power

    Of your mother, ofcourse.

    i got drugs

    Father's Viagra? RAWK!

    I don't want to make the kiddy cry.. So Ill quit >:D

  5. yeah, i doubt everybody here is exactly 17 and was able to get the game and cant now

    im fifteen, im still not allowed to get the game, im still gonna get it

    who cares?

    I got it from ( place im not gonna say.. big retail store though )

    They didnt ask for ID or my age..

    btw, Im 13

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