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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. ... In fact, every person who starts up a gang should have at least 200 posts and they need to have been here at least 4 months.

    Just because they have 200 posts and have been here for a while doesnt make them smart and/or liked :mellow:

  2. Maybe its because you dont write legibly and misspell everything.

    He can't type legibly! Now how about I close this before you newbs bitch more about getting some questions wrong. God damn, it's just a forum.

  3. Its not really new.. just where you get stuck inside a building.

    Rockstar didnt think anyone would be looking outside from the inside of the buidling, so they didn't code it into the game. ( My leet guess)

  4. Haha Spaz, hate to have your parents(overprotective ones that is; nothing against your parents personally). 

    Please learn to read, he said he hates overprotective parents.

    I hope all of the virus and malicious code writers/makers out there burn in allegorical hell.

    Too bad hell doesn't exist. <_<

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