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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Didn't you read what I said? I DIDN'T post ANY images since I've been here.

    Trying to get smart,eh? You have uploaded your sig before. Don't deny it. I know what I see.Now, get out of this topic. This isn't argue with the mod about what you did and didn't do.

  2. Hey, maybe not in THAT post, but in EVERY other post of yours I've read, you had misspellings and spam, AND irrelevant stupid UPLOADED images.
    Noooo it's nooot. Why the HELL would I get on to you for doing something at another forum? I wouldn't. I didn't know you uploaded anything irrelevant there. Oh wait, I know why! They have uploading disabled over there! Duh!

    Then what stupid uploaded images are you talking about??? I haven't even posted an image in the 18 posts I've made here!!!

    We've obviously deleted them. :rolleyes: We don't need people like you wasting space.

  3. You lie. NEVER lie to a moderator.. especially me.

    I've never seen you help a newb or a noob. You've uploaded your sig on here for no reason before. Most decently active members can tell you that.

    "I agree" or something similar. It's not necesary, but there's really nothing else to say.

    Oh my god, don't post if its pointless! You just said so yourself. You have just gotten pwned.

    Dude, I know I haven't been here that long, so you don't have to rub that to my face. I was talking about another site (gtawh) in which Spasmodically_Insane and me belong to. That's where most of my posts are and that's where he got the "stupid, irrevelant uploaded images" from.

    I wasn't rubbing it in your face. I was fixing your errors in understanding. But, yes, you have uploaded your signature randomly. End of this bs arguement. Back on topic.

    I guess your staying, Ryder. Wb?

    I'm still calling you Ryder,lol.

  4. You lie. NEVER lie to a moderator.. especially me.

    I've never seen you help a newb or a noob. You've uploaded your sig on here for no reason before. Most decently active members can tell you that.

    "I agree" or something similar. It's not necesary, but there's really nothing else to say.

    Oh my god, don't post if its pointless! You just said so yourself. You have just gotten pwned.

  5. I never said it did, I just said that if someone puts gtainjection.com in there url, they're get to the right site

    Link = This is a link

    So yes, unless you got confused with the term ' web address ' you meant, clicking on the title took you to that site. Thanks.

  6. Hey Og Loc, aren't you ripping off the LFM from GTAForums? If so, you're going to be in alot of trouble man.... :nope:

    I don't think he'd get in trouble.. unless they find out, come over here and flame the hell out of him. But, It wouldn't be much more trouble than that (its not trouble at all)

  7. hum, in my opinions members dont need to laugh because it doesnt involve them, the business of someone getting banned, because they cant affect a decision or action. So yeah..

    for the second quote i only have to say : *Sarcasm*

    Your detector is broken too? Hey, Chris, When are these sarcasm tags coming?

    I guess this is enough arguing over your question.. how did it start as one, anyway? :huh:

  8. Im not flaming him, in just stating the obvious, chris did the same, WHY DONT YOU SAY SOMETHING TO HIM. lol :yup:


    Bryce.. lol, what are you smoking? Chris would kick my ass ( not really)

    But yes, your question was a little.. hard to comprehend ( wow, a big word from me )

  9. Again, you beeing a dickhead.

    Anyways, next time i'll do like this:

    uh? whats going on?multiple accounts?could someone explain me this thing of the multiple account involving those 4 accounts(including ryder) because im unsure of what you guys are talking about and i most certainly want to know, spaz, do you think you could explain me?

    Hey, hey. This is in general off-topic, Bryce. Lets not flame people in here.

    Well, I guess I'll see you on aim, Ryder.

  10. Who took those pics?

    ... Is that a joke? I did. :mellow:

    I think he meant the one with you and your niece and nephew. But, I think he took it himself.. I mean he IS The Great Spaz.

  11. That sounds fun. But be careful sky.

    Don't worry about me, most my friends fight.. alot. I don't think they would do anything anyway..

    I dont live in the inner city.. I'm out in the country. Even though my neighbor does have a 'selective' choice of guns.. ( some fully autos..) But, I dont think he would shoot me for having a purple bandana.

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