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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Pyro you need more mods, I'd be interested in being one only if I can still have my gang. Spaz is doing it.

    Hmm.. Some people have lives (not me) and need sleep sometimes. I do more work then you guys think I do. So really, unless you know what your talking about, keep you mouth shut. We don't want any argueing/flaming in here.

    Back on topic: I think you guys should change the font in your sigs. I don't know if its just me, but I cant read them.. at all.

  2. Maby you should leave the decisions to me. Besides Why should I take advice from a guy who couldn't even run a gang

    Do I see flaming..? :whistle:

    Anyway, the gang looks alright. Just get more active here so you can get money for the upcoming gangwar.

    Good luck.

  3. I tried MTA out a while ago, but meh, it was just too laggy for my tastes. I'm hoping GTA:SA comes built in with online multiplayer. I mean, how else are you supposed to have multiplayer mode?!

    One controller, one kb? I really dont know.

    They should have a trouble shooting FAQ around the MTA site.

  4. I just emailed Jackpeace, this is what i put

    Ok Jackpeace

    1. Microsoft didn't make Halo

    2. I agree with Silkdude 19592

    3. We will protest

    4. Please don't email me or that silkdude guy

    Why did you tell him that? Chris WANTS him to reply back ( I beleive)

    I believe a protest against protestor (o,0) would be great.

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