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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Yeah, all in all I'm not worried about it. Wash your hands, don't rub your eyes, chew on your fingers or anything crazy like that and really, you should be fine. Its just like any other type of illness to me, this one has just been making headlines and killed a few people. That's part of life, sad as it is :/

  2. It's been said that when there is a black president, pigs will fly. Now that Obama's been in office 100 days, swine flu!

    I'm really not racist, but I found that pretty funny


  3. Heh, I see. Must've been hell running that much in the heat with the fatigue and such. I hated running miles in 90 degree weather when I played football, and I know I wasn't running sub-6 minute minutes. Kind of wish I would've joined up with track back then when I quit, I used to be fast :P

  4. Heh, the show part sounds pretty cool. What kind of times were they running? Like on the 400 and stuff. And that does sound pretty crazy, haha. I wonder if the guard will have to pay for that window he smashed... :P

  5. (I get depressed every once in a while, but usually after a little time I get over it and go back to thinking that depressed people are retards.).

    Was this part of your sarcasm? Because if it was I'm fucking sick of it.

    Why would you think that I'm being sarcastic about being depressed? That's messed up dude, now you're starting to piss me off.

    That quote and this:

    (Uhh, no. I often laugh at people that this happens to.)

    Come off as sarcastic. Even if you seriously say that, I know there are clinically depressed people on the forums, possibly even suicidal members. Agree with me or not, I don't want this topic to go to go offtopic, so PM me if you want to discuss.



  6. The whole time reading through this topic, I was like "I wouldn't" .. so, I'm with TM. I just got back from Florida (terrible trip to be honest, just sucked) and well. I learned a lot of things about myself. I know what I want to do for College (Want to go into Forensic psychology or counseling psychology) and eh. I'm going places, doing much better than I ever was in the past.

  7. and cock buldge appeals more to gay men than it does to women so it wouldn't even work for that reason :P

    While it may appeal to some gay men, where I live, the women that <3 it vastly outweighs that so ;D Pics soon. I bought some new clothes etc

  8. Talk to to corporate (like a boss)

    Approve memos (like a boss)

    Lead a workshop (like a boss)

    Remember birthdays (like a boss)

    Direct workflow (like a boss)

    My own bathroom (like a boss)

    Micromanage (like a boss)

    Promote Synergy (like a boss)

    Hit on Debra (like a boss)

    Get rejected (like a boss)

    Sallow sadness (like a boss)

    Send some faxes (like a boss)

    Call a sex line (like a boss)

    Cry deeply (like a boss)

    Demand a refund (like a boss)

    Eat a bagel (like a boss)

    Harrassment lawsuit (like a boss)

    No promotion (like a boss)

    Fifth of vodka (like a boss)

    Shit on Debra's desk (like a boss)

    Buy a gun (like a boss)

    In my mouth (like a boss)

    [Oh fuck man I can't fucking do it... shit!]

    Pussy out (like a boss)

    Puke on Debra's desk (like a boss)

    Jump out the window (like a boss)

    Suck a dude's dick (like a boss)

    Snort some coke (like a boss)

    Crash my car (like a boss)

    Suck my own dick (like a boss)

    Eat some chicken strips (like a boss)

    Chop my balls off (like a boss)

    Black out in the sewer (like a boss)

    Meet a giant fish (like a boss)

    Fuck its brains out (like a boss)

    Turn into a jet (like a boss)

    Bomb the Russians (like a boss)

    Crash into the sun (like a boss)

    Now I'm dead (like a boss)

  9. Its not our fault you live in Tennessee xD I do agree, North Carolinian's suck too. But, lets get back on topic, shall we men? I didn't really read it, but I'll say I'm glad things are resolved between you two. Though you really didn't have to trip him, looks like he was over it...

    If it happened to me, me getting tripped, you'd just have something comming for ya =P

  10. Don't take a knife. You're.. pretty young, honestly =P I wouldn't worry about it. I could tell you something to do, but. Just tell him she kissed you. If he gets mad and tries to swing, go for his nose or right where your ribcage splits off. If you can get it right, he'll be gasping for air :lol:

    Or bake him a cake.

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