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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. But this way saves old lazy so & so's like me the trouble. :thumbsup:

    I hadn't caught the part about improved physics. Do you know if that's to all of GTA4 or just the LAD expansion

    (will the bikes in regular GTA4 be affected)?

    According to the guy from R* that was on gametrailers, the improved physics will only be for Johnny since "he's had tons of experience, being in a bike gang and all"

    I'm about 90% sure that is correct.. that's what he made it sound like, anyhow.

  2. Country: United States

    Territory/State: North Carolina

    City: Wilkesboro

    Husky's city is within 3 hours drive of here, and Tec9's a little further. I'm expecting to meet Spaz / Kelly / osiris this summer, possibly. Provided I have a reliable car..

  3. - How many times have you had the RRoD? NEVARRRRRR

    - How long do you play on your Xbox 360? probably 5 hours a week, if that.

    - How long do you wait for to get your 360 back? About 10 minutes from the store to my house.

    - What do you have as a back up for bordem? my whores PC / life

    - Does the RRoD make you wanna buy a PS3 or a Wii? Nope.

    - What games do you usually play on your 360? GTA4 / Saints Row / Midnight club LA

    - What do you do to cool down your 360? Golden shower I don't play it that much to need to let it cool.

    - Is your Xbox 360 placed Vertically or Horizontally? Whorozontally

    - What is the longest period you have had your 360 without RRoD? 9 months, the same amount of time I've had my 360

  4. We've always had this stupid thing on our Mac's at school. If you delete all your stuff from the pen drive, it doesn't actually let the space until you empty the recycling bin / trash can. Have you done that? It's worth a shot.





    Me and Rockstarrem went through today and created one bank area and one open-area ATM machine. It took some time and some tweaking with the system, it's still a WORK IN PROGRESS. As you can see the interior bank's marker is floating, we're still figuring that one out =P

    So far, the one bank is in the middle of Los Santos, in the Commerce district. The one ATM is located in blueberry. We're aiming to have one ATM and/or bank in every town within the countryside. Then one bank on each side of town, with random ATM machines scattered around for easy access.

    We're mostly finished with the banking system, it's all setup and functional (we're using a modified version of 50p's resource). Just have to get the locations down and everything looking good. Here's to a good day of work, and many more to come. Video soon!

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