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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I wake up at 6 am, text Mallory (during this time I fall asleep and get woken by my many alarms I set, not thinking what I'm saying) Usually lasts til 7 15, then I get up and mess around on here a bit. Usually eat a PBJ / milk for breakfast, which is pretty awesome. Then I start getting ready about 7 45, leave the house 8:00 to 8:15, am usually running in late for school.

    First / Second period is Print graphics 2, we're working on our annual (yearbook) which is due next month. I usually mess around for the whole 3 hours (with a 10 minute break inbetween) but I've only got like 5 pages, out of a whole 80. No stress Senior year ftw :awesome:

    After that's over, I get an hour lunch. I'll go out at 11:40, spend outrageous amounts of money on lunch and go to the park with some chickas. Go back and hit third period, running in late.. as usual. That would be English 4, horrible I'm taking it my last semester of school, but its fun. We do journal writings followed by these little grammar editing sheets. After I burn through those we read a book, which are always interesting. We read aloud.. which, is fun with some people reading. I can't stand people who read like its the end of the world.

    School lets out at 2:15, I socialize with people of course then take off, drop Bert off at the shop. On work days I'll go straight to the gym and work out. After that I go home, shower quickly and go in late to work (do you see a pattern? :lol: ) Otherwise, I go do random things and workout later in the day when not many people are around. After work I come home and call Mallory (the best friend), come on here and talk to ya'll niggaz and get some SLEEEEP and then wake up at 6 again for my over-extravagant day ;D

    Wow I typed a lot for this.. most I've done in years.

  2. Jeans: Mostly skinnies, occasionally some loose fitting jeans. Whatever I'm in the mood for, really.

    Shirts: Fitting. I can't stand baggy shirts, I went from an XL to Medium over change of style, haha. Usually band tees or random shirts from AnchorBlue. Want to get down to small though.. have a few awesome shirts that size for whatever reason :P

    Hoody: Moar like a windbreaker, but I've got a white quicksilver one. And a green/grey striped one.. much like my old dark grey/grey striped for anyone who wants to remember when I didn't know what a straight iron was, haha.

    Shoes: Osiris (yes I occasionally wear him on my feet), DVS and some slip on Vans to go with my skinnies sometimes.

    I agree not a lot of people can pull off skinnies. This one dude was trying to copy me yesterday and tried to show off (refer to Chris's post - gagging for attention) pretty funny. Failed, horribly ;D.

  3. ^ like you lol.

    Anyways,we need to get more admins to be on.

    That means give an admin to someone who you trust,and to someone who's always on(at least for an hour or more, like TMâ„¢)(im not typing this just to give me or some other guy,this is an opinion).

    I don't have 4 hours a day to devote to the server :P but I can go on when I'm on the PC when someone needs banning..

  4. Well, if they are keeping it in fictional America then I see British, Finnish, Sweedish and African as unlikely.

    yea, im thinking they wont make the next game in any other country, but the should make the next city real, like L.A. or somthing

    You do realize that Liberty City is a really good replica of the REAL New York City don't you? :lol: I don't really care what race my player is. Also, "white" is not a race..

  5. If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't do it. 4 years isn't a lot of difference, but maturity is, imo. I mean YES I did date a mature 15 year old (I was 17).. but that was just 2 years. It'll affect your whole life, man. It's entirely up to you.

  6. oh, I just discovered yesterday that the girl I'm planning to date already had a boyfriend, it is kinda sad because she's the only one I liked because she's very beautiful and a simple girl. I felt for the past two years that she liked me because I can see her sometimes that she is staring at me. But just because I'm a shy and taciturn person, I never did anything even though I'm persuaded my friends these recent days after they knew that I like her (I kept it a secret for two years). But now its too late, she had a boyfriend and there's only one month remaining for me in high school (which is going to end in March).

    Now I'm regretting that I did nothing.... yet I learned a lesson.

    I would be happy, I really don't like highschool girls a lot. There's SOME that're different, but dude. When you get out.. there's a LOT more out there, trust me. There's someone better. (:

  7. I didn't respond to start anything (or continue, depending on how you look at it, lol) and I don't care what she thinks of me but to start trouble over something like posting pictures and then thinking that everything I say has something to do with her is ridiculous. I barely see her post so I wont remember her much at a time like this. I've been friends for a long time with Bear and we always cheer each other on with awards.

    If GBA's smart enough, she'll read what I said and move on instead of retaliating. This is a fun contest that everyone should be able to enjoy and have a good time with. If you have an issue with a member, keep it to yourself. No one cares.

    Everyone should be congratulated on their winnings, not be brought down by someone who's snobby and takes things way too seriously.

    Honestly I took it seriously, I read it before you edited it. I was kind of like :/ When I go back and read it, yeah, I DID see it, but a minute ago was the first time I noticed the ;P face. Chances she saw it like that? Slim. Possible? Very.

    YJ you're putting things out into the open to fuel that, I honestly suggest you take it to PM. Or that GBA takes it to PM and work it out, or not. I don't care if you do or not, really. This isn't going to be a retaliation topic, or even appology topic if it comes to that.



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