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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Hey Raybob, is this a continuation of your game? Heh.

    I agree to Chris. Imagine if we will keep on changing our names, all of us are fucked. And you're stupid if you can't just choose a name and stay on it.

    You're the one to be speaking? :lol: you had your other name for a month :P

    I'm just picking with you, but issue resolved.. topic closed :D

  2. I parked the truck where no one could get in it (to arrest me) and I was probably there for 7 - 10 minutes (didn't time it) with 5 stars, but I finally got it to catch fire. It stayed like that for a good bit, then doused out. Then all the sudden.. BOOM.

    In my experience: Bullet resistant, but not completely bulletproof

  3. The first time you did this it was funny, but now it is just old and annoying.

    I thought it was funny, first time I saw it :P

    I like your drawings, though Kelly. You go to a culinary school but you draw like really good ;D!

  4. Now when it comes out, someone needs to rip the script & make a conversion for GTA4 or SA.

    Can tell already this won't work for me on a small format. I just couldn't get into the topdown GTAs

    I can always hope for one last GTA on the PS2 (not holding my breath).

    AHAHAHa, i told you.

    Not a real way to be mature and actually earn credit throughout the community. I didn't really watch, want to play the game for myself (:

  5. Uh, no? I'm athiest and my husband is buddhist. Marriage has nothing to do with religion. It's two people who are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together and want to make it official with marriage.

    I'm not sure about the Buddhist religion, but I know in diehard Christian families, it's a very important factor. Unless the kids are rebels or whatever, the parents want them to be that certain religion. Other than that, you're completely right. Although it is obvious people do marry regardless of religion. Like me? I don't care.

    I will contradict my statement with going on topic, I don't really understand why certain members of the gay community fight for marriage. Why do you need to get married? To prove you love someone? Or are you trying to get tax breaks? I do think it'll be like the civil rights movement with the afro-american people in the United States, though. Long, drawn out battle. Maybe not so violent or anything, but still. It was strange for blacks to be blending with the whites, its still found strange that openly gay people are in the communities.

    Just to clarify, I'm not saying I, myself find it strange. Just that a majority of people I know in my area do, for whatever reason.

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