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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. This is the least active forum ive ever been to


    you make a thread and it ether has 1 post a month or no one posts in it

    It's always been a tight community, medium-ish small. If you don't like it here, get out. I don't care. And that's a pretty bad way to generalize everything, considering there's hundreds of posts in topics if you look around.

  2. I know but some gangs may be destroyed by the power of the people who do not have the money to buy the weaponry and the store may be out of stock with the mass buying of arms by the bigger gangs. Just a suggestion though.

    Strategy is going to play a huge part of this, in my opinion. DS isn't that greatly active, not any of our members except Artur have posted about this, they're busy I suppose. I don't think it's a huge part (Btw I will not be participating in this) of things to have all that money. Maybe a few less M4's or something, but if you play it right you can kill someone with the knife :lol: Ofcourse we can have money compensation for new and upcoming gangs..

  3. Once you get to know someone and like them you find them beautiful, not because of their outside features or how big of breasts they have, because of who they are and what they mean you. I truely believe this is when you're onto something very good..

    Although looks have a lot to do with my thing, probably why I hardly date. I give great advice but I never follow my own.

    I think being attracted to your partner is still an important part of the relationship, but I agree completely qith what you've said.

    Oh, ofcourse. I'm just saying you shouldn't not go for something just because she isn't AS pretty as other girls, or something. You know a totally fat bitch would squish our skinny asses =P

  4. Yeah, I saw them. I mean we're all still young.. even with 3 - 4 years of age difference, things happen, we have really bad experiences. Its just a part of learning.. and if you learn from mistakes, you're making it golden. You'll find someone worth your while if you truely do it by heart and not by aesthetics.

  5. Once you get to know someone and like them you find them beautiful, not because of their outside features or how big of breasts they have, because of who they are and what they mean you. I truely believe this is when you're onto something very good..

    Although looks have a lot to do with my thing, probably why I hardly date. I give great advice but I never follow my own.

  6. Did saints row even come out for PC? I'm not sure. If it did I'd start with that, just because of the story line, so you can follow it through and get used to the game. They're both excellent.

  7. Never mind, I didn't know what you mean by "That's what I end up doing, if they're that type of girl." =|

    Oh, no. I meant if they're.. i dunno how to describe it. Lets just say a girl that likes to party won't like a nice, chill coffee shop =P

  8. Sherman, it's like..I don't know for sure, but I can feel something..You know? Like, on the internet (msn, Bebo) It'd be like..Hint here..Poke there but it's never brought up in person.

    Why don't you ask her out to a nice coffee shop or something? Ya know, get things started. That's what I end up doing, if they're that type of girl.

  9. Do we have a topic about Relationship Help or something similar?

    There is definately someone I like though, I'm taking it easy though because she might go and double time me like the last one. It's kinda like a phobia.


    Sure is. It's just fear of getting done like that again, but you have to go with it, don't let it control what you do and how you feel. You'll never get that way like that..

  10. Eazy E: "Backhand her like a Pimp!"

    It's kinda wierd for me. Single, but then there's a girl that like..There's something between us, we just never talk about it or acknowledge it..I guess that's how I would explain it >.<

    Sounds like both of you are shy.. bring it up, see what happens.

  11. The slut I went out with a few months ago two timed me so I'm single now.

    I'll two time her with you, DP? I mean.. uhm.. shit.

    And that sir, is why I fucking love you lol...

    Funny part its true xD I dunno. It's just some weird thing girls are like. OMG WILL YOU SLEEP WITH ME? And I'm like. OH YEAH OFCOURSE. HOLD ON. *thinks* NO SORRY =)

  12. Well, the pole was more for SF and Desert or LV and desert, but ofcourse I didn't notice this until a few hours ago when everyone had voted :/ It's just way too much space, we could always expand out later..

    For the starter.. I really like Azn's. Then later on, maybe Tox's.. because I really like that, just the space issue.

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