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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. So just give everyone a tenth of what they already have? One-off, then just change the values of what you can buy/earn to match?

    Or do you mean keep the systems using separate quantities of money, but make them calculate differently when you cross between the two?

    If you're going to do that, why not just change the value of the money, so you can buy less or more with it?

    I mean the quote in bold. So, nobody loses that much money in the server, it puts the earned money to use.

    There should be a selections of "banks" that you can join to put your money in, each having similar but different interest rates. These would be selected when you join the game for the first time, but you need to be logged in and registered before you can. Here are some banks we could use:

    Bank of Los Santos

    Bank of San Fierro

    Bank of Las Venturas

    Bank of Caligulas

    Bank of America


    The only thing about that is everything is going to be base in Los Santos.. I don't want to risk driving all the way to the Bay above San Fierro just to deposit some money =P

  2. Youtube's so afraid of lawsuits, they won't investigate any claims of copyright infringement. Goddammit, those songs aren't being used by regular Youtube members to make a profit. They're just giving songs more exposure. Hell, I'd think record companies would jump at the chance for free publicity.

    Yeah, I usually listen to songs on there and like a band, and.. well. If I wasn't so lazy I'd probably go a few Alien Ant Farm CD's...

  3. Unfair.I don't spam as much as you guys so i don't have cash.

    azn,you have brass knuckles,uzi,stinger hs rocket launcher,pcj 600 and a manana.Fair?!

    Would be good if we had weapon pickups(only in the gang's territory,so as a member walks in the weapon stays for another person.)After the whole team has past through that pickup one time,that will be all of the pickup.

    Once this is done with I will start on the gameplay, and the forum items following. It's a progressive system, not going to come all at once.

    I really wish people would read what I have to say. I'm the one leading this project. Yes, its not the greatest organized but we are working through things as we speak (post)

  4. Well, honestly I meant that one to be up for debating, but I put it down because of the machine gun thingy. If you're really good at piloting them you can take a car out pretty quickly... I figured if you wanted to take off / land in water the Skimmer would suit you just as well. Grenade was a pretty big one too, it does suck when someone knocks you down with one and then kills you while you're down :/

    Once this is done with I will start on the gameplay, and the forum items following. It's a progressive system, not going to come all at once.

  5. If anything gets abused unfairly, it WILL be removed. This is what I have thus far, I do believe it's complete. Obviously if it's not listed, then you can use it. Are there any questions or suggestions to add on to this list? Like anything that's on the 'No' list that you want to know why it's on there. Or something you don't want to see? Speak up, THIS WILL BE FINAL.

    Definite No's





    Heat-seeking rocket launcher


    Regular rocket launcher


    Sea Sparrow

    Fire Truck

    SWAT truck / tank


    Disputed but in

    Police Vehicles (All but the SWAT truck)



  6. I mean:

    Campers- Somene who stays in one place and never moves, using it as an nfair advantage point (eg. Staying n one place and shooting any cars that come past)

    Noob Clickers - Someone who gets a Rocket Launcher (Or one like it) and firs continuesly at one point to try and top the van passing

    It's been decided there will be NO rocket launchers in the game. I'm currently working on the server rules, gameplay of the server and what will happen to the store items on here. I'm mainly working on this, so give me a little time. I work and go to school nearly everyday of the week now.

  7. Scene, I like high fashion on days that I don't have school and after school. I don't like skinny jeans though, I prefer normal jeans , I don't like baggy either. I would wear skinny more often than baggy though. Store I shop at quite a few times is Primark, Topman etc. Does that roughly explain?

    If it's not scene then it's normal.

    I would really say just.. indie, or normal. No offence dude, but if you're scene, I'm straight up gangster :lol:

  8. I get called all of that and get asked if I'm gay.... But I don't talk all.. high pitch like?

    Neither do I....

    Usually its just guys that look after themselves, care about their appearance a lot, are interested in clothes, keeping fit etc that get called gay. Those aren't traditionally masculine values, so people (wrongly) assume that if you like clothes, you like cock.

    Just to make it clear, I wasn't implying that all gays talk high pitched. I believe you hit the nail on the head with that post. And apparently working out is extremely manly while running is wimpy. I won't get off topic, but stereotypes can really go way too far.

  9. Some people call me emo, some goth, some indie, some call me weird, and some think I look like a girl.

    I get called all of that and get asked if I'm gay just because I wear skinnies. The way I dress.. scene, fer sure. But I don't talk all.. high pitch like? So I guess that's just what my dress is called... as for me? Naked? Damn hot. I mean. Just myself..

  10. Two months was my average. Is it me or is it creepy for someone to say they love you after a month. When I was told that my reaction was "Don't be so stupid, your not in love so don't say it".

    I am only 14 almost 15 but I think my brother's friend has the creepiest love life. He is dating a girl in Mississippi over the internet and cellphone. If it wasn't for the cellphone part I'd think it was some 35 year old man pretending to be a teenage girl. It is like they have a contest to see who can say "I love you." back and forth on the same call. Yuck!! :sick:

    I know that clinical psychologists will tell you that the real term for love should you replace it is, "I have a physical and emotional need for you to be with me and you complete the emptiness in my life." But it is a lot easier to just say "I love you.". Don't be too quick to push them away just because they say "I love you." ask them if they really understand what they are saying? But yes I find a lot of overt mush is uncalled for in any relationship. Kind of like listening to Barney the Dinosaur sing "I Love You" 50 times in a row.

    I Evol You!


    I dated a girl from Florida (I'm in NC) for around 5 months, plane tickets start getting expensive after awhile. Her parents payed for half so it was pretty cool, haha. It can work.. under the right conditions.

    edit: Oh god. Post 6,666 xD

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