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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. It was really good. Hung out with a few friends (3 in total, I don't care for large groups..) at some malls, arcades and such. First time riding a plane.. (well, twice. Layover in Atlanta which was a HUGE airport) and yeah. It feels weird being back home.

  2. I got back from Florida last night, couldn't be arsed to post anything though (okay one post) but yeah. I'll be posting pics of the trip a little later, it was pretty damn amazing. No I didn't go to the beach but everything else made it worth it. **waits**

  3. Alright, some of you already know I'm going to Florida, but I figured I'd tell the whole forum.


    Somethin like that. I won't be coming on here, I'll be with atleast one girl at all times so you know what that means :awesome: Leave your sempathy etc.

    Moar like, have party while I'm gone so I don't bring up rules on you.. *cough*


  4. I've done a clean install, no problems. Added down grade patch and no problem. Added car mods and no problem until i save a game. the game saves as "save file corrupted". Could one of the installed car mods be the cause?

    Yeah, I'd try the game unmodded first. If it still doesn't save, it eliminates one possibility at least.

  5. LOL, that was a good one.

    The first time I tried I just thought my internet was fucking up so I double clicked to get the link and nothing, so I figured that was the joke and read the post...LOL.

    Did you come up with this yourself or were you tricked with this as well?

    Honestly I was tricked with it myself :P I got it from another forum

  6. When it comes to reliability it must be Europe. :yup:

    Anything can be reliable, though. With correct maintenance and not beating the living hell out of your car, anything will last you a long time. Unless its just something horrible... like that Chevy with the rear engine, I forgot what its called >.>

  7. It's pretty natural for me now. Drove for nearly 2 years (one with someone and nearly one by myself) Though I know I wouldn't know what to do in some cases, I feel pretty confident in it. And no, I don't mean playing FATF doing ricer flybys..

  8. Realized it was supposed to be a serious topic, sorry. Keep all the noob bullshit out, or I'll kick you out. Bagman.. it's like, a small time robber I believe?

    What does processed food mean?

  9. meh... too personal, and no comic value...

    although knowing how mature some members of the forum are, i am sure that would quickly change...

    That sentence made me laugh pretty hard..

    I've changed a few times... but honestly, everyone knows me by Sky, so Sky it shall be.

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