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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. If I get 400/tank out of my car, $2200 a year, saying gas is 3.80 a gallon, and yes it fluctuates, but it's a decent estimate. Granted, I don't drive that much anymore (no school) but maintenance like, air filter, spark plugs, plug wires... those add up very quick. And 400 out of a tank is seriously pushing it, like, mostly highway

  2. 800* divided by 50** = 16 charges / month

    10c / kilowatt; 11 hour charge per 50 miles = $1.10 / charge

    16 charges / month = $17.60 a month;

    200 charges and uncharges per battery pack

    16 charges / month will last 12.5 months

    $1500 / year for batteries

    12.5 months of charging = $220

    $1720 / year to run

    * 800 miles driven a month

    ** 50 miles on one charge

    Based on a 'home made' electric car that was once a gas powered. Interesting huh?

  3. Uhm. It's in the rules, everyone else does it, granted they need updating because we're done with that system. If you'll reply back with some sort of kindness, I don't mind leaving it open, but implying you're going to completely defy my forum rules doesn't cut it.

  4. Let me quote Chris....

    Because a number of you started being dickheads and copypasta'd lame things like ORLY and YA RLY thousands of times... then quoted each other for no reason.

    It's the random post topic not random spam. Posts here are supposed at least make some sense, just being random in the fact it's not following any conversation and is completely out of context etc.

    That being said, anyone who makes more of these topics will be sent to the naughty corner for everyone to point and laugh at. At the very least they will also receive a formal warning, but the severity of your punishment will be at the moderator's discretion, so you may have a nice suspension to look forward to.

    I believe with TWO closings of the exact same topics (Making three soon) you should people should know how it goes.

  5. Yooooo!

    REALLY long time man. How've you been? Kinda lost touch after I lost the password to my old MSN. We've grown a bit, much different staff lineup now. And ya know we still have the occasional.. uh.. "off" members. Heh, but yeah, glad you stopped by (;

  6. I have played very little if any of the formal GTA series and generally have no great inclination for this genre
    If you've played any other GTA, you've played them all.... GTAIV has nothing good and brings nothing new to the table...

    I LOL'D . So you just told us you've barely played any others in the series and even don't have a strong liking for this type game (Sandbox I believe?) but it brings "nothing new to the table", yet apparently you don't play many of these type games? So how are you to know what's new and what isn't? I'm not being a bitch, just pointing out what I saw and questioning. I don't care that you don't like the game, it's just these two statements don't make a lot of sense to me.

    Or you can just go back to WoW, won't bother me.

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