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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Highschool is awesome but gay at the same time.

    Depends on each country though I guess.

    Oh and stay at school until you're fully finished, even if you hate it. Leaving early screws things up.

    Not always. My friend really hated the environment at my highschool. Wasn't liked by many people (he likes to write/draw.. not the most widely accepted thing) so he dropped out, got his G.E.D. and is a year ahead of me :/ Then Drew got homeschooled and is two years ahead of me ;_;

    I want the experience of it all, though. It's my last year, I'm going to enjoy it

  2. OGTAM secretly smoked marijuana everyday and gave his principals some and passed with a 4.2 gpa :awesome: I hoep u r haz sarkastic detektor =)

    Meh, I went to the dentist. The two that cleaned my teeth were morons and I feel like they raped my mouth with a giant cock toothbrush. Stupid bitches, I'm switching.

    I start my last year of highschool next monday. Looking forward to it, then I'm not. Still debating which song I should wake up my neighborly nigras with. They're always bitching about noise :awesome:

  3. 2agq7t2.jpg

    I was talking and she decided to take a pic, so I look a tad odd :P Unsized, so it might be somewhat big. That's the best picture that would show at a better angle, even though it doesn't look that great in the pic.

    For some reason my teeth look fucked up, but they aren't (just like my thumb isn't crippled) xD

  4. I straighten my hair daily, though it's been thinned cuz my hair gets THICK. and curly, haha. Just a little lighting (the room is really nice for pics) and my face isn't THAT perfect :lol:

    And.. I would go more with scene. Everyone looks at me like I'm foriegn, I swear

  5. Nice to see ya' back, visit any nice skateparks?

    Nah, I didn't bring my board, nor do I skate anymore. I went to my first decent arcade place that I remember of, though. Even if there were a million little kids running around. So fun and addicting :lol:

  6. It looks better like that, really. Than the original I mean. I just noticed my thumb when I got home, those pictures are from Tuesday I believe. Mallory was taking pictures.. I'll be making good use of my tripod, though. Self-portraits (Same word as drawing for pics right? ¯\(°_o)/¯) and I've been wanting to use my cam anyway. Last week till school starts =(

    and LOL I didn't even notice xD I liked the shirt. The band is pretty decent too, but yeah. Epic :awesome:

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