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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. To you the bible is wrong...so why would you care if it was to be looked at literally or metaphorically?

    Was it not part of the discussion? It doesn't really matter belief or not.. it's the fact of being looked at. It's faintly ontopic, I mean. The whole Hadron Collider is about finding about our origin.

    Anyways, the thing MIGHT not even work. Like the people in that lab in Greenwich or something trying to get to absolute 0. They say once they reach it, everything it touching will freeze. Which is pretty crazy... I don't think they'll reach their goal. But that's science.

  2. Except that the drugs would have a much bigger boost on the economy.

    The war on illegal firearms kind of ties in with the war on drugs. It's the bigger gangs that usually get ahold and do them. Honestly it's like something GTA type. Not so fictiony, of course, but yeah. Cocaine is deprived from Coca... man made substances are added to it to make cocaine.

    I have an uncle in his 50's who has smoked weed most of his life. Talking to him is like talking to a bag of rocks.

    I know what you mean there. There's kids that're younger than me you can barely talk to. They're all slow talking. "heyyyy mayyn. wanna smoke sum weeeeeed?" it's ridiculous. Yes I've smoked before, no I haven't in a good while.. and don't plan on it. I had two blunts my first time and I had decent side effects. Next day at work was horrible, I couldn't remember anything. I've came out of that now, but yeah. I'm sure if you smoke TONS then you won't for a long time.

    edit: Cannabis was originally used for healing, though. Drug abuse ftl.

  3. It would disprove a part of it, to a point. I mean. The Bible says God created Earth in 6 days (rested on the 7th). It's possible I suppose that he could have DONE the whole Big Bang Theory, but then that's where the evolutionists and christians separate.

    If someone lies once, what stops them from lieing again? As in, if one thing is wrong (Bible) then what stops everything from being actual fact from fiction?

    Ofcourse all my thinking is theoretical and I don't really care for the topic, I'm just kinda bored and figured I'd throw something in. Although I'd like to know (genuinely) why it wouldn't prove religion (We're talking from Christianity... all of them are different) wrong.

  4. Happy birthday my main nigra ¯\(°_o)/¯


  5. Get her a bunch of overpriced clothes from Abercrombie. She'll really love you for that. It really works, I've tried.

    ITT tilly's girlfriends are all 14.

    Hm. Consult mama. Honestly, I have no idea what I would get a girl that is my daughter. I'd be like. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Good luck, though.

  6. Haha, yeah. I'm sure it's pretty quick. Honestly, the only thing that looks aerodynamic on it is the low rise roof. Front just.. doesn't look like it'd flow that well at all.

  7. Cheap but messy solution is a low model Lynksys router and a long CAT 5 cable to run from the router (where the computer is, modem to router) and run the long CAT5 to the xbox. But.. yeah, in a smaller home it's no problem.

  8. I don't really get anything with them except at work. No one thinks I know what I'm talking about until I show them and they're like "Oh." Idiots. Though, the road my school is on, it's more of a private residential. And as L-Ric stated, the racism through there is insane. I won't mention any, but I've had guns pointed at me for "speeding" when I was going the speed limit? Stupid fuck.

    It feels like a majority of 'older' people judge younger ones by the majority they've seen, assuming we're all the same.

  9. I voted Jimi Hendrix because he invented a lot of what we (still) hear today. Stevie Ray Vaughn was one of the few that

    can accurately play like Jimi & did proper covers of several + was talented enough to stand on his own merit. Hard choice.

    FACT: The day "Strawberry Fields" by the Beatles was released (approx 2 PM) Jimi learned & put his own touches on by

    that night, when he performed it at the Batcave for the Beatles, Clapton & others. But Jimi Hendrix couldn't tune his own

    guitar, he constantly got Eric Clapton to tune it for him.

    Both bits courtesy of an interview w/ Eric Clapton, circa late '80s.

    Where's Satriani though? Unless you're not going off the technical ability?
    Dude, Vai isn't there.

    I noticed that too, they just would have made the choice harder. Same for Eric Johnston & Yngwie Malmsteem.

    Eric Clapton, that's who I meant. Thank god someone else knows who him and Yngwie are :P It's a definite tie between the two for me. But Stevie Ray Vai is pretty intense.

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