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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. W.I.P


    Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Earthbound

    Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC): WRX22B1998

    Most Knowledgeable (GTASA): Urban Outlaw

    Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS): TNF

    Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS): Rashon

    Most Knowledgeable (GTAIV): Chris

    Best Stunter (Vice City): Godfather

    Best Stunter (San Andreas): Wheelman101


    Most Respected Member: Tec 9

    Most Respected Mod/Super Mod: Spaz

    Most Helpful Member: Earfbound

    Most Improved Member: Hm.. Scotteh

    Most Intelligent Member: Gerard. =D

    Best New Member: GBA

    Funniest Member: MishoM

    Most Original Username:Dirty ol' bastard, haha

    Biggest Geek: Righty (don't worry its not a bad thing =P)

    Most Random Member: Spaz

    Best Personality:Gerard

    Graphics, Creativity, Skills etc.

    Best Avatar:

    Best Signature:

    Best Graphics maker:

    Best Animator:

    Best Writing/Story (creativity forum):

    Best Quality Posts: Gerard

    Best Written English: Chris

    Best "About Me" page:

    Best Debater: Spaz


    Member of the Year:Erf

    Topic of the Year:

    Lolz (fun stuff)

    Person Least Likely to Get Laid:

    Best Breasts:Guilty.By.Ass(ociation) =)


    Spaz N Lightbulb: And Bear nominated you for best breasts

    Spaz N Lightbulb: You do have nice breasts

  2. I wouldn't bother with thinking of breaking them up, things happen, I know you're better than a lot of guys out there, kind of like me. You aren't there for the poon or anything, you're there to be you. Just hang out with her and see where it goes, but with this advice. Be prepared for a fight or hatred from the BF.. sometimes.

  3. Basically, get a name for your clan, first. Then make a topic for recruitment and tell where ya'll play (Even better if you have your own server) and just general information about the leaders (you and your friend) and the goal of the clan. Beating other ones, or just for fun.

    Just ask me if you need help with anything.

  4. Find guys hot, as much as girls, kissed a guy for a dare on thursday, wasn't that bad.

    Meh, a few chavs called me gay, but it's not true, I feel around 4-7 pairs of tits a day. :P

    (without getting slapped either :P)

    Go up and be like "Girl ya got nice titties can I take a peek" Either your confidence will turn them on or you'll get slapped. Its kinda like Russian roulette, haha

    I'm still straight. Sure, been a little curious, but never enough to try.

  5. Yeah, I have Half-Life 2 for the original Xbox, its pretty fun. I'm not sure if I want to commit on Midnight Club LA because its new, and $60. I like sandbox style gameplay, I've got GTA4; Saints row 2 just came out. So I'm not sure of any other decent ones =(

  6. So is Mass Effect like a FPS? I've played some on the first Gears of War, and it wasn't my favorite. Is there anything out that's similiar to Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit outside the States) I love stuff like that. The story was truely indulging, even though it was short.

  7. Haha, I love Saints Row. I want to get the second one so bad. It was a good break to take from GTA games, but I think that's where I'll always be stuck to. Loyal fanbase eh? :lol:

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