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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Dude... no one bullies you here. They just bitch at you when you say the things you hope will MAKE them not bully you, so yeah. Here, you're safe. And if ANYONE has anything else to say about it, take it to PM. I'm tired of seeing this mess.

    Things you don't know about me? I go through hoes like shoes. :lol:

    edit: I think I said the same thing as someone else. Oops. READ BEFORE YOU POST.

  2. Thanks for the um.. uneeded post after bump? :/ I came across it and thought it was fine, so yeah. I haven't played VCS yet, my PS2 has basically taken a dump. I might pick another one up and get it, it looks fun. <3 Vice City

  3. Good choice.

    If you're not gonna post anything helpful or worthwhile, then don't post at all.

    ON-TOPIC, the MGS4 bundle is $500, which is a good deal considering you get MGS4, an 80GB hard drive, and a Dualshock. Unfortunately, it's not coming out until June 12.

    Uhh...suck it.

    I guess you wouldn't be willing to say that to me eh? Anyway. Do contribute to the topic if you're going to post at all. I mean, pushing PS3 with no reason behind your argument is just silly. I know I deleted said posts, but my point still stands.

  4. R* might get away w/ kids if they were the subject of a hostage rescue mission. Be a good guy, save the kid sort of


    Maybe like a "Save the kid, get the mom" type deal? Heh. It'd be just a dumb move to do it, I really doubt it'll ever happen. We don't need angry parents revolting against gaming. It'll get enough bad media to begin with, we don't need kids in there to make it worse.

  5. Do you not know what rules are? Take it to PM children. A supermod just told you NOT to talk about it here. If anyone wants to keep the conversation going, I don't mind handing out warnings or suspensions, anything. Most of you have been here awhile, should know MUCH better.

    But yeah, children in GTA would cause Rockstar a TON of lawsuits. And it's just, morally wrong. For those who.. have morals, anyway.

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