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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. thougth about it and i guess gays are just turned on by men cock go ahead and suck what you want with pleasure ,just use a condom also you made a good point gerrad and if i was fucked by a hot man there is 10% chance i will be turned on and gay the other 85% is i will be disgusted and tramatized for the rest of my life.You can do what you want and do what ever turns you on.

    The blunt ways you put things, how about you just never come in this topic again if you can't say it in a decent way.

  2. It's a fucking dual core, 5000+

    Chris82 has one, and, he knows what he's talking about to say the least.

    My geeky nerd friend also has a 4800+, nad that runs vista 'like a dream'.. or so i am told.

    Besides, it's ordered now, along with the RAM....

    (Ordering a few bits at a time)

    I've got the lower 4200+ It's ownage. You've gotta switch off one of the cores to play some games..

  3. God fucking - you know better than this. First off, THERE IS NO WARZONE. Personally, I don't give a shit about you "owning" him. I think it's pretty damn rude to treat a new member like that. Why're you going to go off and brag about this? It's stupid.

    Sure the guy needs some guidance, but you don't flame him to do it.

    Guyz, don't use this place as the warzone.

    Agreed 100%

    This is what happens when the warzone is removed, topics such as this get moved into other forums like this. TFY was there any need in this?

    Yeah, it was meant to be preventive with known loopholes, we hoped that people would actually know not to. Agreed with bold, also.

    Allicanced with a global moderater?

    What you mean rockstarerrem? So just because your in his gang dosn't mean shit.

    I'm the only admin in a gang, and this is true. I'd ban one of mine as quick as I would someone I didn't know.

    What. He sent me a flame PM so I sent one back.

    And you didn't have to fucking post it here.

    Forum fun and games ISN'T the place to put shit that relates to flaming or as you'd say "owning" a member. Red Devil hit it right on, "The warzone was removed so new members wont be flamed as soon as they make a few mistakes but it seems it still happens. "

  4. I downloaded two viruses from this site, one was in the pizzadox plus 27 trainer, the other one was from the crazy trainer by crazy virus, I ran my antivirus software and quaritined these two file saying they had viruses, this is the only place that I have downloaded from in a month and run my antivirus once a month so beware of the trainers

    It's because of the whole keylogging deal. Trainers use it so it knows what you're demanding.

  5. Meh, i meant the dump valves you get in turbochargers... Thinking about ti, i probably wasn't that clear.

    Makes a sweet noise when you change down a gear. Something to do with anti - lag.... Urban, get your ass online now... :P

    Blow-off valve. It's to keep compression surge down, it's like anti-boost spike. Which is when the boost.. spikes up from running level to up higher. Which could lead to really bad things.

    Hope the V8's actually roar now. and I4's are just.. themselves. :lol:

  6. Dump valves. That would be effin' awesome....

    Blow off valve? Wastegate? Or an actual downpipe(dump pipe).. which is just part of an exhaust.. in place of a catalytic conv.

    Gah, confusing. xD I think with the extents they're going through, noises will be realistic.

  7. Can I help it if I kick so much ass?

    Damn you people, I've lost Hottest Member AGAIN. I won that shit first year. So really I'm the ORIGINAL Hottest Member of TGTAP, so all you other bitches can do whatever the hell you want.

    We're obviously twins. Calm down, self, you bitch. xD

  8. Specs:

    Compaq Presario

    AMD Sempron Processor


    984 MHz

    448 MB Of RAM

    ATI Radeon Xpress 200

    I think that's about it.

    # 1GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon Processor

    # 256 MB of RAM

    # 8 speed DVD-ROM Drive

    # 3.6 GB of free Hard Disk space for a minimal install

    # 64 MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce3" or better)

    I don't know about the graphics, it's onboard. Go to run and put "Dxdiag" (no quotes) Click on display and tell me what the "total approx memory" is. CPU could be holding you back a bit too. Maybe you could overclock it... but I wouldn't know if that's safe, or even how to do it.

    This is the que for someone who actually KNOWS about computers :lol:

  9. Yeah,it meets the minimum requirements. Nope, just San Andreas.

    Give us your specs. I had a similar problem, it was just at the part where it had all the copyrights on it etc. Fixed it with a new graphics card. I thought I'd pass min requirements with a 64mb onboard card, but yeah.

  10. I really want to get a Mexican Fender Strat., I just don't know if I should. I mean, I could probably find a used American Strat. for only $300-$400 more, so it really might be a waste if I get into it. But if I end up dropping it, then I just wasted about $600 (at lowest) - $900 on a guitar I won't be playing.


    If you're going to spend $900, get something 'different.' Strats seem like Civics in the guitar world. But I guess that's because they're good to start with etc. I've never really PLAYED stuff, but I've held a ton of guitars. Paul Reed Smith (PRS) guitars are insanely awesome. Obviously many types of them, but just a generalization.

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