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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. What's your name on there? I'm prelusion. Got a bracket car, really. It runs 15.2XX's and that's all I intend till I get enough cash for another used car.

  2. is there a charger in the game to buy? ive skimmed through it and well, cant tell for shiat if it does, so does it have a charger? 1969 Dodge charger Rt?

    Nah, it doesn't. Mostly newer cars, really. I'd say 97+. You start with an Integra GSR though. Takes awhile to move up unless you buy points and memberships and such. Something to pass the time, really.

    Though, I think the best way is to start with Lopez13's ratios and have the $1000 race tires (nitto555r) If you race brackets and are really good at R/T's then you'll rack up money really quick.

  3. So are you talking about the "Nitto Legends" or the original Nitto 1320 Challenge?

    The first one I got sorta far in, had totally done up civic, but couldnt be stuffed playing for hours to get a skyline or a viper...underground 2 was sort of more fun...

    Nitto Legends I played for a bit when I first noticed it came out, maybe 1 month of playing around 1 or 2 hours a week...got sick of that too since it was beta when I was playing...is it out of beta now? It looked much better than the original I remember though, but there werent many modifications

    I played the original for a little bit, it was really hard for me so I just quit. Legends is still in beta, and seems to be doing well. I think there's more now, I really wouldn't know. I found out about it a few days ago. It's definitely difficult to move up without buying a membership or anything, which I'm not doing. I just do it for fun. Have a mid-13 second GSR right now. Looks stock, but obviously isn't. Have everything balanced out to where I don't have any engine damage after many, many runs. Still looking to improve it with small add-ons, or even taking something off.

  4. I've been playing lately, it was in someone's sig and I remembered it from way back when it looked really shitty. lol. So, I was wondering who's sig that is and if anyone else plays?

    Fun game, it's Drag racing if you don't know who Nitto is or what 1320 kind of represents.


  5. So finally I come to this topic.

    Ok, as good as I am just with guys, I suck with girls.

    I've tried treating them like guys and that does NOT help. Well, slightly actually. But still.

    Somehow the girls see me as some very harsh person.. Mainly because I'm not a socialist, but a conservative/liberal and don't hide it.

    Other then that, I never know what the hell to talk about when I finally do talk with some girl (that I don't hate). Talking about games/computers/politics ect. didn't really work.

    So yeah, as you can see I pretty much suck.. So.. uh.. advise?

    You said you tried treating them like guys, you're trying too hard. Just chill and talk, man. I'm not gonna say you can HAVE anyone you want, because you really can't.

  6. OMG the pics. are almost done but my friend is comin over and then w're are going to the mall. The pictures better hurry the fuck up. OMG lol..

    me pic..

    But yeah, that's me on the right lol. That picture was tooken when we went to disneyland, probably like a month or so ago..my hair usually looks better lol but ehh, whatever. I hope I win ^_^

    Dude, wtf, you're blue! I mean, there was that blue old man. But damn, you hairy!

  7. Well, one thing I didn't really understand is when people said there was rigged bombs. Apparently it crumbled at the top, but no one wants to believe that'd happen, because it's "impossible." I'd imagine when it struck, there was a huge vibration and such. So unless you've actually seen a plane hit a building (of that scale), yeah.

    But on the other side of the fence, why do we have those firefighters and policemen saying it was an inside job? Wouldn't they be the first to know, seeing they were the ones that had to rescue?

  8. i receive a new computer as a christmas present...this is my new specs

    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz processor

    Kingston 1024MB DDR667x2 RAMs

    CPU Speed:2.404GHz x4 (because it a quad core processor)

    Sound Card:Creative Sound Blaster

    Display Adapters(VGA Card):NVidia Geforce DDR3 8800GTX 1024MB (overclocked edition)

    Network adapter:D-Link DFE-528TX PCI

    Monitor:Samsung 22" widescreen

    Mother:NForce SLI 680I Ultra

    HDD:SeaGate 500GB SATA2 7200RPM 16MB buffering rate

    DVD-RW Driver 16x16

    You figure something like that would come with two gigs of RAM. I'm running on an AMD Athon 64bit 4200+ (2.2 ghz, dual core) and it pretty much rapes. Looks pretty decent though, both of you. But boo for Intel :P

  9. Haha, wow. How'd he do that? It kills me to pay off that shit now. I mean, I've got mulitmillions of dollars, but who wants to pay half a million to get gangs off of you?

    And I've got a real problem. Nacho's tanker was hell for me. I used infinite health for that. So, I'm at south beach. You know the cocky guy who thinks he can take everyone? Owns the restaurant, I can't remember the name. But you have to defend him from a SHIT LOAD of gang members, and no, he can't take cover, he has to HELP you. It'd be so much easy if he'd just HIDE. What's a good tactic for passing this mission?

  10. It doesn't. What's there to scratch it, and even why? No clue where Ice made that up from.

    if theres a scratch, the scratch is made by the owner of the cd


    or the PS2 scratched it while running

    Especially if you get pissed and move it around, oh does that fuck things up. As for Max Payne's problem, eh. I'd say it was the actual DVD drive than anything, if it's having that much trouble. Not that he's here anymore or anything, heh.

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