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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. California? Your more likely to be murdered or mugged there than anywhere else in America.

    Lol, I can guarantee, you won't get murder or mugged in Cali. There Lots of things to do here.

    As everywhere, it depends on what part of town you're in. Here, in Winston or Charlotte (forgot which) MLK blvd is a really bad place to live or walk through. It's a high crime rate part of time, it and the surrounding bit. It's like the Bronx of NY on a smaller scale.

  2. hahaha, smores! It's like, graham crackers with a melted-ish marshmellow and chocolate between them. Really good if you can do them right. If you come across poptarts with a purple icing and blue lines on it, GET IT. Those are so good. If you don't like them, send the friggen rest to me. lol. I love them, but I can't find them anymore :/

  3. Boston, Massachusetts? :P I've got no idea about up North. Y'know the thunderstorms you were talkin about? I was talking to my friend who lives a county or two below Sarasota when those were happening. She said they're pretty sweet, too. :P You best get us some pics of the ocean or somethin' man!

  4. Check your graphics or something like that and see if you got the requirments

    If we didnt have the right Graphic's or Requirment's A Error Message will pop Up which it didnt. and Can that make it Crash..? I Think no.

    Not quite, I had minimum requirements, but I kept crashing due to drivers and the fact it just couldn't keep up.

  5. For a license plate? Sorta. But make sure the seller has good feedback otherwise you might receive a box of bubble wrap. But it's still fun to pinch those bubbles. :P

    LOL "But it's still fun to pinch those bubbles."

    99.2% of his feedback is positive, so I think I'm ok. It's almost 300 things of feedback. Only 3 of them were bad...not sure why.

    Sometimes you get idiots on eBay and they don't read the description of said item. So when they get it and it's not what they thought, said idiot blames seller no-matter what.

  6. W-W-wat da fuck? I am I seeing Thomas ghosts? :P

    Hey, nice to see you here, how are you?

    I am good. Having fun to be honest. I feel behind because it is currently 5:56 PM here in Florida. I have not had Jet Lag this year which is lucky. I have been to Walmart, Publix, K-Mart and Target so far. The Hershy Chocolate bars taste awesome unlike "The Plane Food".

    @ Gorilla - Yeah

    Todays High Temperature was around 78 Degrees Farenheit and todays low was about 60 Degrees Farenheit this morning. It has been raining today which I didn't mind as it was warm rain :P.

    I'm friggen jealous, seriously. Nice weather, no school or work. I wanna go to a place south of there, effin' Fort Myers :o How you liking it man?

  7. Alright ladies, lets tone it down a bit. I really don't think anyone is trying to bash anyone in here. Stating their beliefs doesn't exactly mean they're putting you down as wrong, they just don't believe in what you do. Which is perfectly fine, I let you believe in what you do, and you let me do the same.

    I suppose that's halfway what the theory of "simulation" is, between Gods and beings much more powerful than us (Which to me is around the same thing, in simple form.) Faith can only go so far in people who don't have it in the certain subject, that explains why someone who is bringing religion into play isn't getting but so far. I believe if I had to guess, that half the active forum users are Godless of some sort.

    I don't want any dissing of any sort going on in this part of the forum, or any parts for that matter. It's interesting to read the reasoning behind everyone, the religious and non. It's just difficult to discuss on the same level of whether it's possible or not to happen, because both are very different.

    I know Gerard has strong opinions about religion, but if you believe in it, no doubt, then I don't think it should really bother you. Anyone that's posted in this topic, or just a lurker - maybe even a random guest. I'm not going to slap anyone on the wrists and tell them to stop, unless they're repeatedly shoving down your throat.

    If people question why you do what you do - explain to them why, let them see why you believe what you believe. Not just some opinion and no reasoning to back it up, that's silly. I want this to be good discussion about a (imo) pretty interesting subject, I've never heard of it before. It's a place for the more mature people to have discussion about big things. If you can't handle it, just leave.

    NOTE: This was just a rant, going off some of what's been said, and some was what came to mind. I'm not pointing out on anyone (Except for Gerard, cos he's a hoebag) I just needed to get some things clear.

    .. Continue (;

  8. Dude, if you drive through NC, you better stop in Wilkes county, the foodlion on highway 16. Take me to effin Sarasota, I'm not there to stay, I'd just KILL to go to Ft. Myers.

    *I will NOT kill you

    haha. damn. Have a good trip though man, tons of beautiful girls down there.


    Calm down, seriously. If it was smaller, it could look like one, but when you compare it to the objects around it, nah. Looks like a mini van, maybe a Honda Odyssey.

    As for them being in New York, newer ones, yes.

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