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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. And sometimes I see men actually holding hand :o

    I think the dad of that 8 year old is bi. I could tell. Why would he otherwise kiss him and hold him like that.

    Seriously dude. How can you look at a person and know his orientation?

    And in the news: Gay couples, should they be alloud to adopt a child (I think I've actually said this before. But there was a show about it today)?

    BTW. Do girls tend to be bi-sexual sooner then men? I mean, they always hug/kiss/touch eachother. Even tits and ass.

    Maybe that's just to way they threat each other. But it looks pretty lesbian like to me.

    It's just normal. Girls are more apt to showing emotional signals (hugs, kisses etc) than their guy conterparts. Obviously there will be exceptions, I've never kissed (Like lips, douchebag) or hugged a guy that wasn't close family. As far as manboobs go though.. :lol:

  2. If you downloaded the Steam version, just replace it with a 1.0 .exe.

    There are differences between the Steam .exe and the 2.0 exe, notably that the Steam .exe changes the game to not require a CD in the drive to run.

    I did my D2D's like that, works fine.

  3. I love talking to people about why they act and think the way they do and everyone shits bricks when I talk about it because they agree 100%.

    Or more like, shit bricks cause they're like "OMG WTF WEIRD?"

    I'm dead serious. I think it's just around here more than anything, though.

  4. Okay, I've got it. Apparently it was a loose connection to the HDD itself. I don't get the screen or the blinking _ anymore. Thank you TFY's mother for suggesting that. All is good, now I just need to work up enough balls to redo the gfx card and make sure the connect's are RIGHT.

  5. Okay, I'm just going to post this conversation of me and Conner, it's the fastest way and I really need help.

    Sky says:

    so when you start up the comp, right? it goes to the black screen where it shows sytem information etc

    Sky says:

    right after that

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    I get a black screen with a _ blinking on it

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    and usually I can press F76 and F7 fast and bring it up

    Sky says:

    but now it's not

    Sky says:

    it's always said

    Sky says:

    "Insert boot disk" or something

    Sky says:

    in a longer form

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    and I would guess that's my window's install disk

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:

    Well, I don't know the solution, but I think it wants you to reinstall...

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    would that delete everything

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:

    Well, yea really...

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:

    Tried pressing any keys?

    Sky says:


    Sky says:

    same message

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    see, what I did

    Sky says:

    I put in my gfx card

    Sky says:

    didn't pull up

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    put the disk in

    Sky says:

    (probably not a good idea, I did it once and it actually worked)

    Sky says:

    it asked me if I wanted to do something

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    and I said no, in fear of deletion of somethign..

    Sky says:

    and I quit out of that

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:

    Can you remember what it said?

    Sky says:

    and after that it just shat out on me

    Sky says:

    no ):

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    Sky says:

    my p2 with 64mb of ram runs better than this pos.

    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:


    ..>..Connor..<..Loves..>..Rachel..<. - A fucking lot! says:

    So has this started happening since you put the gfx card in?

    Sky says:


    Sky says:


    The disk being windows installation disk, which probably wasn't the best idea. Is there a way to enter safe mode etc?

  6. The topics are fairly similar, yes, but yours quit showing up under NEW POSTS & you realistically can't expect everyone

    to remember EVERY topic they saw once months previously. No one posted in your topic since June & didn't bother digging

    through ALL the previous topics to see if anyone had a Scarface topic, just the first 4-5 pages to see if there's anything


    If it's that big of a deal then go ahead & merge them, it doesn't really matter to me either way.

    I don't have the ability to merge them...


    I haven't played it in a few weeks, the mission where you have to protect the business manager (The one that wants to stand in the middle of everything and get killed) really has me bummed.

  7. G'luck guys, not sure if i've already said this or not.

    I'll probably end up speaking to you all on MSN at some point. So, until then, keep on scriptin' :P

    Do you mean stripping, or scripting? I KNOW HOW YOU ARE MLL!

    I'd say once goals get straightened out for what you're getting done, things will be a breeze.

  8. I have nothing against him leaving gangs like 10 times, it is his choice after all but this might be his final stop because he's part of the initial planning so he gets it the way he wants it to be, but any who, have fun and myself and the SFM will meet you on MTA-SA if Dazza is willing to participate.

    Then I'll go all lone-wolf and run you all over with my mower.

    But yeah, good luck with the gang!

  9. One: They were decently organized to begin with.

    Two: REM is one of the only people scripting the gangwar mod for the forums. I think that grabbing up four active members from the get-go and doing this is a little pay-back.

    I DID bend the rules. I don't see why there is so much questioning about it, most of you have your own private forums anyway, with the exception of GTAdon's, which has like I think two members?

  10. I think one of the coolest ways to have it set up would be by hideouts. Say like, Ocean Docks, Mad Dogg's mansion, 4 Dragons Casino. Just for ease of example, we'll use three gangs and one hideout. Gang picks a set of vehicles (I would set limits, nothing too over the top. Like all patriots or something) Possibly a heli, and a boat outback depending on location.

    Basically, you can choose to chase after gangs and what-not. Maybe communicate and make a meeting point at an abandon location in the desert. Or maybe. It'd be like, SFM chases after The Bayside Mafia, and is running all over them. Maybe there would be the need for a retreat, gang wars ending only when all members are dead.

    Just to base it on pure tacticals, maybe have a set number of "lives" or have usable healthpacks and an extra armor. IMO gangwars should be based for on tactics and being smart than kills and randomly attacking eachother with no real set plan.

  11. Ok, Here are some:

    ~Colour Coding (We need to find out which gang wants what)~

    ~Gang Skins (Again we need to find out which gang wants what)~

    ~Gang Location (Same as Above, I will give some of the SFM Statistics below)~

    ~Stunt Area~

    ~Fun Activities (Such as Races, Katana Fighting, Fist Fights etc)~

    ~A offshore Island for DM~

    ~Another offshore Island for RP~

    ~No Hydras nor Hunters~

    ~Slower Vehicles more Common in Parking Areas~

    ~More Trees in Countryside (Hide & seek :lol: Joke)~

    ~Random Objects in streets (Like you said (Rockstarrem) Bins, Barrels, Explosive Barrels, Portable Toilets etc)

    My Opinions

    ~An Extra Bridge~

    ~The sight at Doherty built~

    ~The Pilgrim Built~

    ~More Hills~

    Subuzi Family Mafia Voting Results Thus Far

    San Fierro - 4 Votes


    Red - 3 Votes

    Green - 1 Vote (I'm Alone)

    Location in the Chosen city

    Woozies Gambling (In Chinatown) - 2 Votes

    Pleasure Domes - 4 Votes


    Sentinel - 1 Vote

    Infernus (Black) - 1 Vote

    Sabre (Red (1 Vote)) - 2 Votes

    Admiral - 1 Vote (Yet again I'm Alone)

    I don't think we're doing the gang stuff right yet, or don't think we should. We'll organize that out later, or they will. Heh. Just to avoid arguements over it and who gets to choose first etc.

    I do like the ideas going on, though. Will you be able to shoot out of the helis? Oh, and FOUR PASSENGER helicopters, if you could. Like, the Maverick, obviously. Would that just just kick ass, flying to a gang's safehouse and blow them away. :D

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